Part 13

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"Ready to go, Gemma?" Leah asked me. I looked down at her petite, fourteen year old figure and nodded politely.

Leah was a spitting image of her mother and her brother. They all had dark hair, big blue eyes and the same face structure, though Wyatt's was more sharp.

"Where are you two going anyways?" Leah asked sweetly. I knew I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, heck Mrs. Evans didn't even know where we were headed, but Leah just asked so sweetly and-

My line of thought was cut off by a hand touching my shoulder gently, almost as if to refrain me from telling Leah and I am certain that was the reason because when I turned around Wyatt stood not even an inch away from me and shook his head slightly.

"Leah, we are just going on a road trip with some friends." Wyatt spoke quietly.

"Oh....are you sure? Because I have the sneaking suspicion that you two are going to spend some alone time together," My eyes went wide and I whipped around to face Leah before Wyatt saw the blush on my cheeks. Leah smirked at me and then winked.

From behind me I heard Wyatt chuckle. "Yah Leah, you totally got us. Please don't tell mom."

I could hear the smirk in Wyatt's voice but I still didn't say anything. What would I say? Oh no Leah you've got it all wrong your brother and I are actually running from creepy men, oh and they might be after you too but no need to worry? I don't think so.

Leah's smirk deepend and she looked at me, "I won't. Just use protection. I am not ready to become Aunty Leah just yet."

"Oh lord," I exclaimed in embarrassment and ran out of the kitchen.

I heard Wyatt's hearty laugh from behind me but he still called after me. "Gemma wait!"

I ran into the hallway, but stopped running as Wyatt called after me. I had been embarrassed and had embarrassed myself enough. However, until Wyatt came up from behind me, I was staring at a wall full of pictures, trying to keep my cool so that the heavy blush on my cheeks would disipate.

"Hey," Wyatt spoke from behind me. I could feel him getting closer and he finally ended up with his body against mine's and his head on my shoulder from behind. He placed his arms so they were leaning against the wall. In short, I had no escape. "You're so innocent." Wyatt chuckled.

The fact that his face was almost nuzzled in my neck made my hormones go wild and I had delayed responses. "Am not..." I responded after a few minutes.

"Are to." Wyatt whispered into my ear.

I inhaled sharply, but stay put because like I said before, I had no escape. "Wyatt, Gemma, there you are-oh..."

Wyatt stepped away from me slowly and I straightened myself out as much as I could, I think my flushed face said otherwise though. "Good morning, Mrs. Evans." I greeted.

Mrs. Evans smirked at Wyatt and I but then placed her hands on her hips. "Good morning, love but honey? we are way past the last name basis. Please call me Carla."

I smiled and nodded. "So are you two ready to go?" Carla asked.

I looked up at Wyatt and he nodded. He, unlike me, looked completely unfazed by the events that had just taken place. Maybe it was a guy thing? I had no clue. As much as my mind bothered me with questions, I decided to stay quiet. Maybe it was better that way.

"Alright then you better be on your way. You two have a long drive ahead of you." Carla approached us slowly and in the most sophisticated manner she could but engulfed both of us in a massive bear hug. Oh this family was full of surprises.

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