Part 32--Unspoken Words--

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(A/N: Hello all, I hope all of you are having a great day. is chapter 32, hope you guys enjoy. I would like to give a shout out to @seaweed_girl for the amazing quote banner that she made for NTBB. I'm having trouble uploading it so I can share it with you all. It is a picture document but when I try to upload it, it asks for a link. Any suggestions on how to go about this?.Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

"Brian, Goddamit!" I cursed again, as he dabbed disinfectant on my bullet wound.

"Well excuse me for wanting to fix you up before you bleed out." He snapped.

"I will not bleed out, idiot." I scowled. My mood hadn't gotten much better and neither had Brian's. When Wyatt walked into the hospital with me under his arm, my blood shot eyes, my shoulder bleeding and my head dried with blood, Brian was about to cut someone. I'm pretty sure he would have too, if it weren't for a very damaged me.

"Gemma, don't test me right now." Brian growled. He was the most angry I had ever seen him and Brian was a seemingly calm and mellow person.

"What is it with you?" I stared at him with disbelief and anger. Could he not see I was upset and hurt?

"What is it with me?" Brian scoffed. "Are you seriously asking me that, Gemma?"

"Yes I am," I gritted through my teeth. "You can't just be mad with me, nothing was my fault-"

"I know that, but I can't help be concerned." Brian started off yelling, but then he noticed my hurt and softened his expression and tone. "Look Gemma, I know you love Wyatt , and that nothing that just happened today or any other time before was your fault, because it wasn't, but as a best friend I can't help but feel all your pain with you and it just makes me mad and upset that you had to go through everything you did. "

I sighed and smiled slightly. "I know that and I appreciate your concern." Neither of us said anything after that. Brian bandaged me up, with minimal pain, and within no time I lay on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling while Brian went to fetch me dinner, or breakfast, I wasn't sure at this point.

Wasn't it ironic? The nurse herself was being nursed, she was bruised and battered and at one point she used to fix up the people, specifically the Wyatt's of the world, who were broken. I stared at the ceiling of my hospital room, until I heard a knock on the door and Brian entered.

"Here we are," He said walking in with a smile. "Food for the lovely, but slightly broken lady." Brian chuckled as he placed the food on the patient's platform and helped me straighten up to eat.

"Thank you, good sir." I nodded and smiled. I started to open up my sealed bowl of soup, when I noticed Brian had zoned out.

"Bri? You okay?" I asked, concerned.

He snapped out of his gaze as soon as he heard his name and smiled. "Uh yah, just thinking."

"About..." I encouraged, curiously.

"Isn't it funny how just two, three months back we were sitting in this very hospital and we were two very different people." Brian spoke, sitting on the side of my bed and helping me open up my sealed dinner/breakfast.

I smiled sadly. "Yah, life's an unusual thing, don't ya think?"

Brian nodded and we sat in silence as I ate. A million thoughts wandered through my mind. Most of them were about Wyatt and the rest of the space in my mind was occupied by the thoughts of Mom, Dad, Rosaline, Grayson and Jake. "You're mom doesn't know yet, neither does the rest of your family." Brian spoke quietly.

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