Part 16

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"So I have this all planned out." I looked over at Wyatt and listened. "Yesterday we drove for three hours, we still have nine left. We'll drive for five today and finish our journey tomorrow." Wyatt explained as he lightly gripped the steering wheel with one hand.

"Why don't we just drive for nine hours straight?" I asked, curious as to why his plan wasn't just straightforward.

Wyatt looked at me and smirked. "There are many things you don't know, little one. Just trust me."

I narrowed my eyes at Wyatt and hoped that maybe my glare would break him, it didn't. "Then tell me what I need to know." I spoke.

"I already have."

"You haven't told me much though. Just the basic things.

Wyatt's eyes were fixed on the road but he still smirked. "Exactly. I would have told you, if you needed to know anything."

I huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms. I wanted to know, afterall it was my life that Wyatt was protecting. Couldn't I have any more information? I felt Wyatt look at me and grimace. I wonder what went through his head when he looked at me. Probably nothing, though.

"Hey want to play a game?" He asked out of the blue.

"What kind of game?" I asked, arms still crossed and looking out the window.

"It's called truth. Basically like truth or dare but without the dare option. The only difference is that you have to answer the question no matter what. You down?" Wyatt raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

I contemplated this. I wanted to get to know Wyatt a little better and if that meant telling him about me then I guess I could. "Yah sure."

"Cool," Wyatt nodded. "I'll go first. Um, how many boyfriends have you had?"

I smiled but scoffed. He knew the answer to that question so why was he asking me that? "None. I've been a single pringle all my life."

Wyatt laughed and shook his head. "Single pringle eh?"

I nodded and felt a embarrassed blush creep onto my cheeks. I was 24 and I had never dated anyone, heck even my first kiss was a month ago and that too with Wyatt and only because he wanted me to shut up. "Anyways," I changed the topic quickly. "Have you ever been in a serious relationship?"

Wyatt pondered on this but responded, nevertheless. "No. All my relationships were short and not so sweet. I was a player and looked for one thing and one thing only."
Wyatt didn't need to tell me what that one thing was, I remembered. Girls would cry in the school bathroom stalls after spending an intimate night with Wyatt and then it would be over. He was that type of guy, I didn't think that was the case now, but then again I couldn't judge.

"My turn. Uh...favourite movie?"

I smiled and looked over to him. "Tangled."

Wyatt didn't hold back, in fact he burst out laughing. "Tell me you're joking."

I shook my head and grimaced self-consciously. "No, what's wrong with tangled?"

Wyatt's laughter died down and he smirked. "Nothing, it's just....a kid movie."

I gaped at him. He did not just say that. "How could you say that? Just because it's animated doesn't mean it's only for children. Have you even seen it?" I asked, defensively.

"No, but-"

"Well that's just it, you haven't seen it so you can't judge. I am going to make you watch it, you know." I was being serious, but for some reason the stale expression on my face meant nothing to Wyatt because he burst out laughing again. "I'm serious, Wyatt." I ended.

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