Part 33--Not Over Yet--

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(A/N: HEY!!!! Shoutout to  @sunshineskiss for making the cover I added above. I'll be making it the official cover of my story very soon. Alrighty everyone, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) A lot of people have been asking me if the book is almost done....Yes it will be done very soon, just hang tight :) Enjoy and stay wonderful <3 Also a thanks to @GoingToEdom0501 for helping me out with posting the banner I mentioned :) I'm still working on that. WARNING;UNEDITED)

"They're here." Brian poked his head through the door and I made an effort to look at him, but failed and plopped my head back onto the pillow. 

"Ughh." I groaned. 

Brian chuckled and nodded. "'Ugh' is right. Now who shall I send in first?" 

I didn't think about this and just waved my hand at him. "Send whoever, let's get -er done" 

"Yes ma'am." Brian nodded swiftly and closed the door behind him. Before I even had time to breathe my mother burst through the door, dried tears on her face and red in the eyes. 

"Oh my god, darling." She ran to my bed and engulfed me in a hug. I didn't resist and relaxed into her embrace, closing my eyes. She smelt like vanilla and her scent took me back to when I was a child and she used to hug me all the time. "I was so scared," she babbled. "I know we apologized and tried to get back into our mother daughter roles but I can't help feeling like this is my fault-" 

"Mom-" I sighed. 

"I just thought I lost you, god forbid if something had happened. We were just getting started and I thought-I thought I lost you," She hiccuped on her words.


"I just, I should have been there, I shouldn't have done what I did. I was such a tramp. Oh my god, what I put you through. I'm so sorry." She hugged me tighter. "I really thought you were gone. I'm so so sorry Gemma, I'm so sorry." She whispered and I felt tears falling on my hospital robe. 

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her close. "I'm still here mom, don't worry. It wasn't your fault." 

"It was," She sobbed, "I wasn't a mother to you-" 

"Mom." I pulled her back and looked her in the eye to get my point across. "We went over this. I forgive you, but you have to understand that living in the past and thinking that all of...well whatever this is, was your fault because it wasn't and it isn't." 

"I-" She started to argue. 

"Nope." I cut her off. "That's enough of that." 

Instead of arguing again, she shocked me by smiling sadly. "You're a very mature young lady, ya know that?" 

I smiled back and nodded. "Thank you." 

"Pleasure." She touched my forehead to her's and we just closed our eyes and appreciated each other's presence for a while. 

"Now," She said, pulling back. "Why don't you tell me where this son of a gun Wyatt is so that I can scream at him for breaking my daughter's heart."


"'re telling me...Wyatt is Carlos' son. He was a part of a druggie gang. He used to get beat up. You helped fix him up. Now he's okay. He still has people after him. Those people went after you because they thought you knew something about him because you were helping him. You and him went to hideaway with your father. The gang found you. You ran away again. Wyatt left you. You came back here. The gang found you again. Held you hostage. Wyatt and his tramp rescued you. He got you to the hospital and now he's gone again? Oh and you're in love with him." My mom blinked a few times and nodded to herself to convince herself of what I had just spent the last hour telling her. 

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