Chapter 10

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"I'm gonna die."

I looked up at the handsome man standing in front of me and chuckled. "You're such a drama queen."

"Am not. I am being completely realistic with my reaction. How many time does this happen, Gem? The Wyatt Evans did all that for you." Brian placed his hand on his hip for emphasis.

"Brian, I really don't think he is as quote on quote 'bad' as everyone makes him out to be. Maybe he was but not anymore. Yes it doesn't happen everyday but it's not like my life was anymore normal before." I voiced my thoughts.

"Gemma you've known him for two weeks. You can't just make a judgement about him so quickly, especially considering his reputation."

I knew Brian was right. Either I got to know him better or I just left everything alone. And frankly option two looked more promising. Not that I didn't warm up to Wyatt, I had but all this interacting and getting to know people (Especially the town's so called bad boy) wasn't for me.

It had been a good couple of days since the incident with my mother and Wyatt had happened. My mother had come to my home that night completely sober and telling me something about going to Europe. I had enough of her tactics so I gave her a firm talking to which, obviously, ended in a very colourful verbal argument.

She drove me insane and I truly wondered if we would ever be on good terms with one another. I had trailed off with my thought and Brian looked at me with a smirk.

"Who ya thinking about?" 

I chuckled at his behaviour and gave him the honest answer. "My mother."

Brian's smirk dissipated into thin air and was replaced with a comforting smile. "Gemma you need to set her in her place sooner or later."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I've tried Brian, but it never works. Some people just never learn I guess."

Brian nodded understandingly and we fell into a comfortable silence. "So anyways, what's new with you?" I asked.

Brian looked up and blushed. Yes you heard me folks, he blushed. "Er-nothing much."

I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "So you mean to tell me that the blush supporting your face right now is nothing?"

Brian scrambled to touch his cheeks and looked down. "Imayhavemetsomebredy."

I caught a few words but couldn't make out enough to scream for joy. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Brian huffed and stood up a slight bit. "Imayhavemetsomebody." He muttered again.

"Brian speak up please." I scolded.

"Fine! I may have met somebody."

I was overjoyed, I was ecstatic, I was content beyond belief. Brian had finally stepped up and met someone! I tried to show my cool about this but it didn't work out very well. "Oh....that's nice. WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME? AFTER THE WEDDING?"

Brian chuckled. "Oh don't be such a drama queen."

I mocked shock. "I shouldn't be a drama queen? Says the person who said he was going to die a few minutes back."

"Hey!" Brian whined. "My reaction was totally reasonable."

"Yah sure," I scoffed. "Anyways who is this mystery man?"

"His name is Caleb. He works at the law firm near by. I went to pick up my sister from there because of her internship and yah...He's nice guy, we talked." Brian ended, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Mmhmm," I stated sassily, "You left out the part where you became attracted to him."

"Yah yah," Brian muttered as a deeper blush painted his cheeks.

I didn't say anything after that. Brian was always very cautious and I didn't want to push. I wanted him to feel like he could speak to me about anything. Brian's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Gemma its 12am, you should clock out now."

I looked up to meet his bright eyes and nodded mutely. "See you tomorrow?"

Brian nodded and smiled, "You know it."

With that I stepped into the staff room to clock out, grabbed my purse and stepped out of the rear exit into the dark.

The parking lot was seemingly empty with the exception of a few cars which belonged to the nurses and doctors. The summer breeze nipped at my cheeks and I sighed. You know when you just feel happy with life? This feeling doesn't last for long but it is still present. That is how I felt at the moment. I felt like the summer breeze was going to carry me with it and I wouldn't have any baggage to hold on my shoulders. It was a nice feeling. It lasted four seconds flat because then came the moment that lead to a chain of events that would change my life forever. I heard a sound.

Now usually when I hear a sound while I am outside at 12am, I presume it is the wind. But this time I just knew it wasn't. The sound came from behind a car-whose owner I knew was inside of the hospital. It was of whispers.

A pit formed in my stomach and I had the feeling I was being watched. Trying not to show any sign of fear I continued walking towards my car.

Unlocking my car, I hurriedly slipped inside and turned my ignition on. Time to go fast and furious on this thing.

The feeling that I had of being followed? Yah that was accurate as pie. For the past half an hour I was being tailed by a black van. Why? Oh hell if I knew.

Now I have never been in a situation like this before, but I presumed the best thing to do would be to remain calm. However regardless of mature thoughts, I was doing anything but that.

"Dammit, Gemma!" I cursed at myself. I had been smart enough to not go home and have the stalker men follow me and had been driving the lonely streets of my town. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that forever.

"What am I gonna do now? Shit Gemma! Okay, okay calm down. There is probably a logical explaination for all of this.....Okay there probably isn't. I have never been involved with creepy men so why would....SHIT! Oh my god, these are the guys after Wyatt! But what do they want from me, goddammit?!" My thoughts were all over the place and it wasn't until a piercing sound and a jolt of pain that I understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Ahhhhhh!" My scream was both a sound of pain and fear. A bullet had been shot at me, it made a jagged whole in my back and front window and grazed my neck.

I felt the blood trickle down my neck as I drifted my car and turned into a narrow street. Not the best idea, my brain taunted me.

A whimper escaped my lips but I kept my cries of pain inside me. Taking one hand off the steering wheel, I dug my phone out of my bag and dialed the only number that I needed at the moment. As the rings went, I looked up into the rear view mirror only to find two bright headlights still behind me.

"He-" Wyatt's sleepy voice greeted me but he couldn't finish his greeting because I cut him off with my panicked voice.

"Wyatt goddamned Evans! I have two scary men trailing me. I don't know where to go or what to do. Wyatt I'm bleeding, they shot at me," My voice turned from panicked to desperate and but I couldn't continue my spiel because a few feet in front of my speeding car I saw a large tree and unfortunately for me I wasn't gripping the steering wheel at the moment. A scream escaped my lips as my car crashed into the tree and I jolted forward. Before I could have reaction time my world went black.


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