Chapter 9

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My father once told me that if you keep in your anger or sadness for too long then your body becomes frustrated and breaks. How does it break? Through tears.

This got me to thinking that if I just never got upset I wouldn't cry and seem weak. I was always one to stay strong, so why not now? I was angry but not much because what my mother did yesterday was just a slight step up from her regular childish behaviour, so why did it upset me so?

I would have eventually dug deep enough inside me to figure out the answer, but I didn't have the energy to. Light peered through the blinds and onto my eyelids. I groaned in sleepiness and sunk deeper into the bed sheets. They smelt strongly of axe, lemon and mint and I inhaled it as if it were a drug.

"I need to buy different laundry detergents," I muttered groggily. My eyes slowly fluttered open, taking their time to adjust to the light and I rolled onto my back. I had a headache and my eyes were hurting, but I tried not to pay too much attention to it until I realized why.

I grimaced as the events from last night popped in my head and suddenly I became aware of the fact that I wasn't in my bedroom, I was in Wyatt's.

Before panicking I decided to confirm those facts, so I slowly got up from the queen sized bed and tip toed on the hardwood floors towards the door.

Clearly I wasn't in my bedroom setting. The bedroom that I was in didn't look the least bit familiar. The dark floors contrasted with the mahogany furniture and white bed sheets and curtains. The room was three times the size of mine and I stood there in awe. It was beautiful.

As I examined the room, my eyes landed on something and suddenly all my suspicions were confirmed. There on the bedside table was a frame containing a picture of a familiar dark haired boy, an older but similar looking man and two women who held resemblance to young Wyatt.

I didn't have much time to react after that because the door to what I guess was the washroom opened and Wyatt stepped out. Okay, let me rephrase that. Wyatt stepped out in just a towel covering his lower half and water droplets dripping from his dark hair.

His eyes looked up and met mine's and a smile formed on his pink lips. "Well good afternoon."

Don't look at the abs! Don't look at the abs!

" Good afternoon." My voice cracked as I responded.

Wyatt probably noticed my nervousness because he smirked and walked into the room. "You okay? You look a little shaky."

I nodded frantically but didn't have a chance to respond because Wyatt continued to speak. "Then again, I do expect you to be shaky after last night." His smirk deepened.

Panic rose through me. "W-what do you mean? What happened last night?" I voiced my hesitation.

"It's a shame you don't remember it...I sure will." Wyatt winked and walked over to his wardrobe to grab some clothes.

"Wyatt!" I scolded. "What in the god damn hell happened?" My hand voluntarily slapped his arm hard and with that Wyatt broke out into chuckles.

"Oh Gemma, you should've seen your face. You looked terrified!" Wyatt voice was barely audible over the laughter.

"Not funny!" I screeched. My heart beat calmed down and I exhaled the breath I didn't know I had been holding.

Wyatt held in his laughter from there on out but started grinning like an idiot. "Oh come on, I'm sure a one night stand with me wouldn't be that terrible of an experience for you."

At that my stomach did a flip which, along with his comment, I ignored completely. "So do tell me what happened, please?" I asked politely.

I vaguely remembered being angry with my mother and then breaking out into tears, but I couldn't think past that because my head was hurting way too much.

Wyatt's smile fell a little but not completely. "You...uh....Well, your mom was giving you a hard time and you were much stressed. So, I tried comforting you but you broke out into tears. You were crying a lot and by the time you stopped you were too exhausted to even sleep. So I brought you here, to my house. You fell asleep right after that. Nothing happened that you should be concerned about." Wyatt finished, giving me a quick once over and averting his gaze.

Oh but that's where you're wrong, Wyatt. I should be concerned. I broke down, I became weak and that to in front of the strongest and most dominating person in this town. You. "What about my mom?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I had sent her to the car last night.

Wyatt's face fell a slight bit more. "Well I parked your car in my driveway last night, but're mom wasn't there."

I closed my eyes and sighed. That woman drove me nuts, but she was my mother. So I would find her. "Oh," was all I managed to get out.

When I opened my eyes, Wyatt had slipped on a pair of dark jeans and a navy t-shirt that hugged his upper half in the most flattering ways. "Hey, don't worry. We'll find her."

"We?" I asked, processing what he had said.

"I'm sure you can use some help." Wyatt smile suggestively.

I sighed and smiled. "Thanks but no thanks. She's my problem and as much as I would love the help, I promised I wouldn't get involved in your business, so I would appreciate it very much if you didn't get involved in mine." As rude as this sounded I wished it was anything but that. I really did appreciate Wyatt's offer and hoped he took my words in the best way.

Wyatt grimaced but then smiled. "Alright."

I forced a smile in return, but inside I broke a little. I wanted to cry again and I needed someone there for me, right now the only person who was was Wyatt. I knew that sounded silly because I had only officially met him a week and a half ago and even then there had been no introductions. "I should, um, go. I have to get to work. "I fibbed

Wyatt nodded understandingly and I turned on my heel and walked towards the door.

I was almost out when Wyatt spoke. "Gemma ?"

"Hmm?" I answered, stopping in my tracks.

"Sometimes you don't cry because you're weak, you cry because you've been strong for too long." His voice was soft and it made my heart rate pick up, only because he had answered the question that I had been wondering since before I woke up.

I didn't respond because I was processing, instead I walked right through the door and navigated my way out of the house. I couldn't deny that Wyatt's words hadn't made me feel better. They had and for that I was thankful.

I realized then that I had forgot to thank Wyatt. He had done a lot for someone who he had just met, especially considering his reputation. I felt horrible and a part of me wanted to turn around and go say thank you and apologize for barging out and I was going to as well, when my phone buzzed in my pant pocket.

I scrambled for my phone and opened the message.

Wyatt The Hottie: My #, just in case ;)

I smiled at the text, but my smile became into a chuckle when I realized Wyatt had changed my name to Pumpkin and I responded to him.

Pumpkin: Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it.

I didn't have to wait long for a reply. I had only unlocked my car and slipped inside when my phone buzzed again.

Wyatt The Hottie: I owed you one, Pumpkin.

I smiled and shook my head. Turning on my ignition, I sent Wyatt a quick response and drove out of his driveway. I decided against going to look for my mother, I had no idea where she could be so I wouldn't know where to start. Instead, I drove myself home, lost in my thoughts.

As much as I tried I couldn't shake off the events from last night or this morning. Wyatt was truly something else and for someone who had an image as a bad boy, he certainly wasn't one.

There was truly more to him that met the eye.


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