Part 19

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A/N: Hey lovelies, I just wanted to take this moment to say, thank you guys so much for the support that you have given <3 This is a long chapter just for you guys and it is kind of emotional so I hope you guys don't mind. Love you and enjoy <3 (EDITED)

Mom called. Again. This time on Wyatt's phone. The past two days hadn't been too bad. A few pranks with my brothers and Wyatt, a little bit of roaming and minimal contact with Rosaline and my father. On the contrary, when I woke up this morning, Wyatt told me that my mother had called him so that was bad news. Wyatt didn't pick up but that wasn't the point, she knew I was with Wyatt and maybe the other people did as well.

"I don't think its safe here anymore Gemma." Wyatt murmured. We both lay on the bed, I looked up at the ceiling and Wyatt was turned, half his face buried in the pillow, staring at me.

I turned my head to face him. "Wyatt it's only been two days. Yes my mother called, but your phone was off and you only saw the call when you turned it on. You haven't used your phone in days so they can't track any signal and we left very little of a trail. Do we have any reason, besides my mother's missed call, to feel like we aren't safe here?" I spoke quietly.

Wyatt took in my reasoning for a little bit and then smiled. "When did you become so logical?"

"I wouldn't call myself logical, really, but I'm just hoping for the best at this point." I propped myself on my elbows and looked around the room, for nothing in particular. My hair hung down and I shook out my waves.

Wyatt smiled and closed his eyes. I lay back down and looked at Wyatt. He was very very good looking and an attractive person in general. He had a personality that was edgy but cautious, he was caring but careless and he was sweet but mysterious it took me a lot of effort to keep myself from leaning into him and doing something that I may or may not regret. I couldn't admit my feelings for him, it was just easier for me not to do anything and pretend that I wasn't dying inside every time he wasn't around or the time when I saw his ex-girlfriend or when he was super close to me and I actually felt something. It was just easier to forget about everything, even though I knew that I wouldn't be able to.

"Gemma stoppp." Wyatt muttered under his breath and before I knew it his arms scooped me and my back was flat against his chest. His arms slowly wrapped around my stomach and his head nuzzled into my neck.

"Stop uh, what?" I breathed out. My heart beat quickened and my eyes closed. What was happening?


So I did. For what felt like an hour, Wyatt and I just lay there and said nothing. It felt nice, but I had to close my eyes as tight as I could to stop myself from thinking about Wyatt.

"Wyatt?" I asked, quietly.

"Hmm?" He responded into my neck.

"What are we doing?" I asked, hoping that I would get an answer that would satisfy my mind.

"Embracing the moment?" He chuckled.

I laughed at this and shook my head. "No I meant...never mind."

Wyatt didn't respond for a moment. "Remember when you asked me how I knew your name?" Wyatt asked randomly. I nodded slowly. "Well," He continued. "I know your name because you were in my senior year Biology class and you were the smartest and most sincerely beautiful girl to me in our entire graduating year."

My breath got caught in my throat and I started choking...on air. My coughs started out lightly, but became rapid.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt got up and placed a hand on my back. I sat up on the bed as well and tried to calm my breathing.

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