Protecting her / Hospital Trip

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Abby's Pov:
it pains me to see her like this. Ive seen lot if kids in this state but with Ali it hurts. Normally i would expect a kid to tough it out and go on about my day as normal as possible but with Ali I don't want her to suffer here while I work. I want her in bed comfortable so she can rest and get better. I decide then and there that this would be the time i put my foot down. My attention turns back to her finally finished she lays her body back on to me and i hold her. She falls asleep pretty quickly from all the lost energy and nutrition. I pick her up and lay her in the bed thats in my back office while I go look for Jim the head producer to have a conversation. I find him setting up for the afternoon "Abby" He says "i heard your niece is back. are we going  to be putting her on the show? " he asks "yeah i mean hopefully eventually. but thats not what im here to talk to you about. Im leaving. I have a serious matter to attend to we will have to film pyramid tomorrow. " i say confidently and set in my decision "you can't " he says "and why not? " i start to get angry " You signed a contract that said you would produce a certain number of episodes of Dance Moms. This was legally binding and without you the episode will not be able to be produced. " he says sternly "yes it will. Gianna will teach the girls the first part of the group. This is not a discussion im telling you. " i say angrily " Well one day is fine but if you're not here tomorrow were going to have issues " he says even more angrily "don't threaten me !" i say leaving the room i walk into studio B where gianna is with jane having a 5 and under class "Jane im gonna borrow Gianna really quick " i say Gianna comes out of the class "Yes abby?" she says concerned "Im leaving for the day. She's really really sick and needs to be taken care of and I do not want her laying back there feeling this bad. " i explain "okay. but what about the girls and the competition this weekend. " she seems shocked being i never miss or leave work early since the Abby Lee Dance competition is my life but Alison is more important to me now. I was given her maybe only temporarily for now but shes my main priority now " you need to teach it. The group is going to lyrical since thats your strong suit. And Maddie is gonna have a solo and Paige is going to have one to. But ill deal with that tomorrow. " i say and she nods "if the kids ask why im not hear or the moms just bring them somewhere seperate I don't want Ali to be included in the show's narrative its not right. Lie if the camera is on. " she nods " I hope ali feels better and its just like maddie twenty four hours and back to normal" she says "me too." i say sincerely "thanks G. Call if you need anything" i say leaving the room. I walk to the back to grab Ali's stuff and she her laying there awake . "where are we going?" she says concerned "i thought you had to work? " she questions "were going home my love. i need to take care of you and get you better." i assure "but what about work? Aren't you gonna hate me because i made you leave early?" this statement shocks me and gives me a real idea of how my sister treated this baby girl. The flinching, and the constant her getting upset when i got angry was an indication but this gave me my conformation and I was dumbfounded. "Baby girl... i would never been mad at you for something like that. Your sick its not your fault you dont feel well. i wanna take you home so you can feel better." she nods kinda shocked "i love you and so i wanna take care of you. " she gets up and walks over and hugs me i hug her and take her home
-24 hours later-
i hear my phone ringing i pick it up. " when are you coming to the studio? " gianna says "well i dont know if i am. alison cant keep anything down. she's extremely weak and not herself at all. im getting really worried because all she does is sleep " i tell her while i have ali laying on my chest. she threw up all over her bed so now shes in mine" oh really? what about pyramid and nutcracker auditions? "she says "well you can teach the kids the combination for the audition as for pyramid im gonna try and come and do it and leave." i instruct "okay but who do you want me to teach the clara parts too?" "i want maddie to learn it chloe, paige can learn it too. thats it brooke is most likely gonna be the sugar plum queen so i want her to learn that. " i explain "if theres any fights about that they can call me!" i say sternly "okay ill do that and finish the group with them then." she says "okay g thank you." i tell her i hang up and watch alis eyes flutter and her lean over the bed to vomit it scares me that shes so weak that she cant move "baby girl i think we might need to go get you checked out " i say as gently as possible as i hear the phone ring its melissa i answer " hey melissa whats up" i ask "maddie is crying she wants to see ali and shes upset your not here. whats going on why arent you here? " she says " well ali is sick as a dog and she can barley move her body enough to vomit so im home taking care of her " i tell her " oh boy thats really bad. can you talk to mads please? " i hear her crying in the background "yeah" i tell her "hey mads ali is really sick but as soon as she feels better im gonna be back okay? " i say she says speak i just get a "mmhmm" melissa gets back on the phone "i think she needs to go to the hospital shes so weak and wont eat and is so badly dehydrated she can barely move im extremely worried. " i tell her "yeah i would it sounds bad" she assures " yeah im gonna do that right now " i tell her and hang up "alibear were going to get you checked " i tell her "no please " she starts to cry"al you can barley lift your head and i think the only way your gonna feel better is if we do this" i tell her she doesnt say anything in the meantime i go to touch her forehead shes burning i run to get the thermometer and put it under her tongue quick 104 fever. oh shit i think to myself "yeah ali we need to go now." i tell her going to her room to get clothes to put on her. i put a pink sweatsuit on her quick and then pick her up and bring her to the car driving to the hospital quick.
ali's pov:
we get to the hospital and im so so scared auntie lays in the bed with me and i feel stiff and scared "Alison ? " the nurse says " i need to do a few things " she gives me a gown with minnie mouse on it i have to change into and a pull up "i dont wanna wear a pull up im potty trained. " i tell her "well honey since you can barley move right now this is the best idea " she tells me i start to cry as auntie dresses me in both "baby lets get you better and then we wont have to go through this anymore " she says rubbing my back after dressing me im no help im so weak "i also need to give you an iv" the nurse says pulling out a needle i start hysterically crying i hate needles mom used to give me them when i was bad "you might need to hold her down" the nurse tells auntie "well im not doing that i cant" she says "and why not ?" she argues "because shes been through to much already" she says as i cry hysterically so hard i make myself gag but nothing comes out i just dry heave because my belly is that empty. auntie rubs her back" why are you so scared baby?" she asks "momma used to give me needles when i was bad " i say hysterically her face drops and i instantly feel bad "she what?!?" shes shocked i nod. "well babe im so so sorry but this isnt that kind of needle this is to make you feel much better " she assures i trust her because shes my auntie i nod and stop the nurse comes over with a gaint needle im really scared "ready?" she says im instantly crying but still when she puts ut in a scream because it hurts "all done. im gonna flush it out then try and give you some food through here and some medicine " she says i nod stopping the crying i start to fall asleep as all the things go through my iv but im woken by my stomach hurting and nothing wanting to stay in my body. my pullup gets dirty and i dry heave really hard and then i fall asleep as someone changes me.
abby's pov:
seeing ali go down hill is scary the fact that she is still throwing up and having the runs with the iv is even scarier. the doctor comes in as she falls asleep " the fact that she cant even keep down whats going through her iv is extremely concerning. were gonna do a cat scan and image her stomach we no longer think this can be a virus" the doctor says i nod the nurse comes in "were gonna take her to the imaging room now and were gonna have to have her drink this" she says handing me a bottle full of liquid "you want me to wake her? " i ask she nods "we need to do this as soon as possible because this could be serious " i understand i shake her rapidly "babe you need to wake up we need you to drink this because without it something serious could happen to you. " i tell her she nods and starts chugging the bottle down i can tell by her face she hates it as soon as shes done the nurse brings us to imaging as shes falling asleep they do her imaging and we wait an hour. the doctor comes in "we want to do a colonoscopy on her also to comfirm our findings" i nod they come in for me to sign the papers and the nurse comes in again" im gonna put a laxative through her iv" i widen my eyes " are you crazy? she's suffering enough!" i tell her "well we have to make sure her stomach is empty in order to do the test" she explains i nod reluctantly she wakes up "what's happening? " she says "they are going to give you something to make your stomach empty " i tell her she nods and asks for a movie we watch together. the nurse walks in two hours later "she hasnt gone? " she asks i shake my head "she has to be holding it " she says "theres no way that stuff is very powerful she should be ready for the test by now " she tells me " ali? do you have to poop?" i ask she shakes her head "babe you cant hold it we need to do this test to make sure your okay" she looks down"but it hurts " she says "but baby we need know whats wrong with her stomach " i explain she nods and turns away from me. i know whats going on but i dont question it. "thank you " i say about an hour of nonstop emptying the nurse comes back for a final time "shes ready " she tells me and we bring her to the surgery room to get the procedure. i wait alone for hours scared to death but then she comes back awake and she seems okay "hi baby are you okay? " i ask she nods laying there looking still tired . the doctor comes rushing in" abby she has a parasite. the problem is its active which means it's feeding on her stomach and everything that comes into it its sending back up. she also has ibs or irritable bowel syndrome so that does not help the situation. what we need to do is were going to try and paralyze the parasite since we cant remove it because of where it is right now. " he explains "okay what about the ibs whats that." i question "it will make it hard for her to go and give her bad stomach pain when she cant. as well as when she goes it can be diarrhea." he explains "is there away to get rid of it " i ask "no theres not even medicine for it but thats not the part we're worried about its the parasite that is chewing on her intestines and forcing everything out. we need to try and make it inactivate or else shes gonna need emergency surgery but that will be dangerous considering where its at" he says i look at him wide eyes as she lays on me sleeping. They begin putting a strong medication through her iv so strong she just continues to sleep. A couple hours later she wakes up and the color in her face looks better, her fever is gone and she has an appetite "auntie im hungry" she tells me as per doctors orders we try jello first she is able to keep it down as well as solid food. im elated she feels better sure her stomach is sore from the vomiting but other then that shes okay. the doctor comes in before discharge to talk to us. " okay so you guys are good to go. however be careful because if she starts vomiting or diarrhea again your gonna need to bring her back because it will mostly be the parasite active again " he explains "we will check on it regularly because hopefully it will move somewhere where we can go in and scoop it out. be careful with what she eats that can trigger an active parasite too simple foods. " he instructs and hands me her discharge papers.

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