Here we go again

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Ali's Pov:
I open my eyes after a long night of playing with maddie im in my own bed for the first time in a little while. I see my auntie over my bed " morning baby! do you think we can go to school today? " she says i smile "yeah i wanna go ! " i tell her knowing going means more playing with maddie and spending time with her. she smiles "okay" she says and she goes to my closet and picks out a  white jumper dress out of my closet with blue tights and a blue sweater and helps me get dressed she does my hair in two pigtails and looks at me "do you wanna eat breakfast at school or here? " she questions "at school" i say and then she picks out black combat boots and i put them on and we head to the car to go to school . "baby if you dont feel well while you are in school just tell your teacher and i will come and pick you up okay? " she tells me "okay " i say and then we get there she walks me through the doors and then gives me a big kiss "remember what i said my love dont be afraid " she says i hug her tight and then walk into my classroom "ali wanna go to breakfast with me" maddie asks me excited i nod i take off my coat and she shows me the cafeteria its so big i grab the pancakes and sausage that maddie also grabs and we sit. i take two bites and im full a lady with a pink shirt comes up to me and maddie "hey! you cant throw that out you need to eat! " she says to me i quickly take another two bites but feel sick to my stomach. She stands there and watches me "come on you need to finish all of it. " she demands maddie sits there watching. i take another two bites and another two then look at maddie with a sick look on my face "You can stop ali " she says "no she cant she needs to finish her food " the mean lady says i cry but i continue to scraf the food down my throat as quickly as possible "NO SHE DOESN'T " maddie yells "leave her alone! " she continues as i eat and eat till its all gone and i feel really really bad "young lady what is your name your getting written up " the lady says maddie grabs my hand and looks at me "RUN" she says and we do out of the cafeteria and then we walk back to our room. when we get there i sit at my desk and my stomach begins to hurt but the day is starting the teacher is beginning her lesson.  somethings not right forcing myself was not the best idea but i had to. as she talks for a few minutes i raising my hand desperately needing to use the bathroom now " yes alison do you have a question" my teachers says "no may i use the bathroom?" i say politely "not right now alison were doing math" she says dismissing me i sit for a few more minutes and raise my hand again. she ignores me and i continue to hold my hand up with my body feeling worse and worse and me getting more and more queasy " i said not right now al- " i feel my body take over and the vomit come up my throat. i try to hold back but before she can say my name i vomit everywhere all over my desk and all over me and then i cry and continue to vomit. when im done i stand there as my teacher is in pure disbelief that just happened " oh god alison honey. Maddie take her to the- " she begins as she gets called over the loud speaker " ms lorrie i need madison to the principal immediately!" the ladys voice says "okay well im having an incident right now. i need a janitor with a mop and a bucket to my classroom but ill send her " ms lorrie says back "Maddie drop alison off at the nurse when you go " maddie nods she grabs my coat and my bookbag for me and i walk there with her and there i am in the nurses office once again "ms lorre told me you threw up " ms hotch says as i walk through the door i nod and sit
Maddie's pov:
i walk down to the principal's office to see the principal waiting for me "Ms ziegler your in trouble you screamed at an adult ! " he says "she was making my- " i start " i dont care you need to apologize " he says "i will not apologize because what she did was wrong and she needed to be stopped! ali- " i say "i do not wanna hear it you either apologize or we will suspend you from school" he interrupts again " last chance to apologize madison " he demands I stay quiet "madison ill have someone bring your stuff your going home your suspended " he says "but- " i try to explain once again what just happened "no buts go sit at the chairs outside my office " i nod knowing im not gonna get to tell my side and go and sit in the chairs outside. after about ten minutes of sitting there i see ms abby walking down the hallway "maddie what are you doing outside the principal's office ?"she questions "well something happened this morning and now im getting introuble." i tell her "and what was thats? " she asks "well ali and i went to breakfast this morning and she picked up a tray of sausage and pancakes. " she nods "and then we sat down and we started to eat and ali had two bites and went to throw it away but one of the teachers came up and told ali she needed to keep eating and ali did but i could tell it was making her sick and she tried to throw it away again and she kept telling her she needed to finish so then i yelled at the teacher and told ali she didnt need to and then ali  and i ran when she asked for my name. " i explain. "so the reason ali threw up all over her and her desk is because someone tried to force her to finish " she concludes i nod "and you tried to stop it and now your in trouble? " she questions i nod again "suspended." i add "SUSPENDED?!" she yells  i nod again "no were not doing that. " she says "let me go get ali from the nurse ill be right back. stay here im gonna call mommy" she assures me i nod
Abby's pov:
I am so pissed why is anyone forcing my baby to eat. Its hard enough to get her to have a couple of bites of something because shes so afraid of getting sick now ita gonna be near impossible to get her to eat anything. i walk down to the nurses office and see ms hotch but no alison "hi im here for alison miller" i said confused " hi abby shes in the bathroom she cant stop throwing up. it started after i got off the phone with you. " she says and now im even more pissed. i walk to the the back and knock on the door "alibear can i come in?" i say i hear her momentarily stop and the door unlock. i walk in to her crying and kneeling over the toliet. i kneel by her and rub her back she turns to give me a side hug "im sorry" she says "baby its not your fault its okay" i rub her back "can you get up ? " i ask her she nods " i think so. my tummy feels empty. "she says i nod and help her up slowly and feel her kneel back down but only dry heave "its okay" i say as she stands again and leans against me "i love you " i tell her "i love you too " she says with her body quivering against me "i brought clothes do you wanna change?" i ask her "i wanna take a bath its in my hair to" she says i nod "okay so why didnt you make it to the toliet? " i ask "because my teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. i asked twice. " she says innocently "you what? " i ask getting angry "i asked to go once and she said no alison were doing math and then a few minutes later my stomach started to feel worse and then i raised my hand and as she was telling me no my body just. " she explains with her body quivering "im really cold " she says shivering. i get really angry but help her with her jacket. I see my phone ringing its melissa.

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