Right Before....

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-12 hours later-
Abby's Pov:
I wake ali and check her fever before bundling her up. I help her with her snow boots. i see still her cheeks are red and no matter how much she sleeps she looks groggy and sick. I help her up and take her to the car. We drive to court for the emergency hearing. "My tummy hurts! " she says in tears in the car and i hear that nervous gurgling sound. " Baby you don't have to be nervous this is a good thing for us. This might mean you don't have to leave me for christmas " i explain she whines as the tears fall down her face and i hear the sound again. "it's gonna be okay im gonna protect you" i tell her i get to the court house and we park. I help her out after a big snow storm last night there is snow everywhere. i take her hand and we go inside. I go straight to the court room and help her out of her snow stuff. "i really have to go to the bathroom "she says i sigh "baby can it wait ?" i ask she shakes her head. I hear the judge walk in and i stand up from my seat. We both know what to do. She gets quiet and he walks by and we both sit. "Auntie please take me. " she says and i hear the sound again. Anna comes in and then kristen and of course Mr. Tella. i sigh i hear the sound get very loud. "Please! " she says begging i sigh. i stand up and grab her hand. "Abby. you can't leave this court room" anna says sternly "Ms. Miller what is the problem? " the judge says "Umm Good Morning Judge. Her body is just really stressed by this situation... um she has to go to the bathroom " i explain "no problem the security guard can take her" he says she goes with him with tears in her eyes "We are here to revise our plans to allow K.Miller to have Alison Miller for christmas. Abby please state your request and why " the judge says " Your Honor I am proposing no visit with Kristen on christmas. Alison has been physically stressed out including high fevers and extreme stomach pain since she found out about this visit. " i state "Ms. Miller I did recieve the paper work from the doctor. But to go from five hour visit to nothing at all. I do not feel is fair to K.Miller " the judge says " Your Honor I was asked to adopt Alison by the court a few days ago and after the holidays I have the appointment to sign the papers. So what is the point of having this visit if it causes her so much anxiety that she is getting 104 degrees fevers. " i state " I understand that Ms. Miller but this is not terminating K. Miller's rights yet so unfortunately i must give her something. Im proposing two hours unsupervised visit due to alison's medical destress over this situation "he says i sigh "yes your honor " i agree sadly "do you think this is reasonable Ms. Miller?" he asks "Your honor can it happen to be an hour" i propose he checks the paper work one more time "Yes Ms. Miller with the evidence here I believe that can work. One hour unsupervised visitation of Alison and Kristen. " he says ready to smack his gavel. "YOUR HONOR THIS IS NOT FAIR! " kristen screams "Ms. Miller your daughter is physically affected by seeing you! " the judge points out i dont really pay attention with what happens next im worried about alison. "Kristen you will take the hour of unsupervised visitation and be happy with it! " he says smacking his gavel down "court is adjourned!" he says i wait for ali as the court clears. "you are gonna regret this abby! " kristen says screaming at me i sigh but walk out to see the security guard standing in front of the bathroom door. "she's still in there? " i ask he nods i go past him into the bathroom to hear crying. "Ali girl? " i say she sniffles and i open the stall. "Are you okay? " i ask her cheeks are bright red and she's drenched in sweat "omg goodness my baby. " i say going to grab her. "i finally went potty "she says i nod "i see " i say flushing the toliet and helping her pull her pants up. i take the sweater off her and allow her to be in her undershirt because im afraid she's gonna over heat "i have good news! " i tell her as i try to cool her down "You only have to leave me on christmas for an hour!" i say she smiles alittle "really! " she says kinda excited i nod "yes " i confirm "Can we go home? im tired " she asks i nod i grab her and her sweater "no im hot! " she says i don't fight her. I take her out side in the freezing cold in her undershirt and sweats but she doesn't say a thing "You aren't cold? " i ask she shakes her head "oh boy. " i say more then worried i get her in the car. Her face is still very flushed. I help her put her seatbelt on and then start driving home. It begins to snow yet again. We get home and i help ali out of the car and wake her from her nap. "Baby do you wanna do something? " i ask her she shakes her head "I wanna nap "she says sluggish "do you wanna lay in my bed?" i offer she shakes her head walking up the stairs to her bedroom. i go to walk up behind her when i get a phone call "Hey Abby What's up with you? " melissa says "nothing just got home with ali" i say "oh okay. Is it possible maddie and kenzie could come for alittle while while i do some christmas shopping?" she asks "Well alison is probably going to be sleeping but i have no problem as long as maddie is fine with just being with me. " i say " Yeah she's okay with that. She might actually take a nap herself and kenz looks ready for one too. " she says "okay well you can drop them off whenever ill be here " i say "Yeah ill come now. They will be there in about fifteen minutes. " she says "okay" i say before hanging up. I go up stairs and see alison laying there. No blanket shivering "Alicat" i say i grab the tylenol from her bathroom. i pour the the medicine in the cup. I grab the thermometer and check her. i see the thermometer reads 103 i take it twice. "You sure you don't wanna come lay with me? Maddie is coming for alittle bit " i ask she shakes her head. I hand her the cup and she drinks it and turns over. i feel disheartened because before the new york trip alison would have done anything to lay down with me. i turn to leave the room "mo-Auntie " she corrects herself which hurts "yes baby" i answer "Can you turn out my light?" she asks i get discouraged and walk out of the room. I miss what she was like before that trip. i go downstairs when i hear the bell ring. I see maddie, the baby bag and kenzie standing at the door. i pick up kenz and maddie walks in "Hey kiddo" i say "Hi " she says hugging me i look at kenzie "You look so tired baby " i say as i watch her eyes heavy i grab her bag from maddie and find the bottle while kenz lays on me. I grab the bottle out of the baby bag and warm it. i hold her rubbing her back. Maddie doesn't say anything. she sits at the table on her ipad "So how's my maddie? " i ask "Good. " she replies i grab the bottle from the microwave and hold the bottle to her lips. she doesn't even want it. She turns and lays on my chest and begins to go to sleep. I go over to the rocking chair in the living room and rock on it as her eyes close. "Do you wanna do something? " i ask maddie she shakes her head. I see kenz is asleep in just a few minutes and i put her down in a bed. "Kenzie was tired huh? " i say still trying to make conversation with maddie "Yeah mommy took us to the jump place this morning " she admits "oh. " i say she nods "So you have my attention are you sure there's nothing you wanna do? " i ask "lay down" she says "okay there's a bed upstairs " i say "no with you" she says "me?" i say surprised she nods. We go upstairs and lay down. she gets so close and lays on me. It feels so nice to finally feel alittle love again. I miss alison doing this so much "When i wake up can we make christmas cookies? " she asks i smile "great idea" she starts to dooze off as we watch Sonny With a Chance. I dooze off too.
-2 Hours later-
I wake up and see maddie is starting to wake up to. I get out of bed to check on alison careful not to wake maddie. I see alison laying in her bed still asleep. I grab the thermometer from her bed side table and put the thermometer in her ear. I wait to see her fever is dissipating at only 100 now. Im happy to see the tylenol working. Christmas eve is tomorrow and I do not want to see her sick. I go over to kenzie and then check next on her. She is wide awake playing with a toy she left here last time she came. "Hey Bright eyes " i say smiling i pick her up and she lays on my shoulder. "Did you have a nice nap" i ask she nods vigorously "What do you wanna do?" i ask "Frwozen!" she says excited i laugh i set her down and put frozen on. " Yay!" she says clapping i sit with her for a minute then see maddie walk in and sit down. "Nice nap? " i ask she nods leaning back into my arm and watching frozen. "Can we bake cookies! " she asks i nod i get up and pick up kenz. We head down to the kitchen and while were cutting the cookies alison comes wandering in. "What are you guys doing? " she asks "Making christmas cookies! for santa!" maddie says excited "Can I help! " she asks maddie nods alison comes in and begins to cut cookies. Seeing these two together makes me happy. Little did i know....
-One day before-
Abby's Pov:
Christmas eve always tends to be a pretty great day. This is year is a little different. I wanted to spend christmas eve with ali at melissa's house. But alison was just too sick. She spent the entire morning sleeping with a high fever. The afternoon she milled around on the couch for alittle while but still wasn't her self. But now it's evening and every Christmas Eve I try to go to church and enjoy a mass. My life is very busy but I try to make time to appreciate god everyday but especially at christmas time. This year im more appreciative then ever because i have finally found what makes my life whole. Alison. So I decided to buy Alison a dress and hopefully this christmas eve she can go with me. I walk into her bedroom and see her laying there. I put my hand on her head and she seems to be cooled down. I sigh in relief. "Baby girl I have a surprise for you. " i tell her she sits up and smiles i take my hand out from behind my back and show her the white shirt and bright red suspenders dress with a big bow on it and a velvet poofy skirt. She jumps up and hugs me "do you like it!" i ask she smiles "Its so pretty! " she says excited i smile she begins to take off her clothes eager to put it on. i smile and help her. "can you fix my hair?!" she says after running to the mirror to look at herself. I brush her hair and put it in a half up half down with the matching red bow. I help her put on her tights and the little red shoes to finish the outfit "Spin me! " she says playfully i spin her around in a circle with her skirt twirling and her golden blonde curls bouncing. She feels like the ali I had before new york and I am enjoying every second. i pick her up and begin her spinning around "I love it! " she smiles looking at her self after i let her down "Thank you! " she says "So baby would you like to go to church with me? " i ask "Church? What's that? " she asks confused "Church is god's house. people sing and tell stories. " i explain "Ohhh you mean the place mom goes for food sometimes. " she says "Yeah i guess so " i say "so you wanna go " i add "yes! " she says excited "Perfect. Do you wanna go see maddie for alittle while before ? " i ask "no i wanna spend time with you" she tells me before hugging me tight "You wanna go get dinner at friendly's? " i ask she nods "me and you? " she asks i nod smiling i go get dressed up and take her to friendly's. we laugh in the car and enjoy some Hannah montana and Frozen singing our hearts out. We eat at friendlys and have ice cream. After we go to church and ali holds me tight the whole time. "I like church! "she says as were leaving. I smile I see the christmas tree in the front of church "Can i have you take a picture for me in your adorable outfit " i ask she runs up to it nodding. I watch her run and smile. She's mine forever. I take her pictures and she comes back to hold my hand. I get her in the car and i drive home. Once I turn back around she's sleeping. I pick her up to put her in her bed. I walk inside undress her and put on her new christmas pjs. i turn to leave the room but she opens her eyes and jumps out of her bed "No! " she says "what's wrong " i say worried "I wanna sleep with you" she says sweetly "oh." i say caught off gaurd by this "if it's okay" she adds quick i nod "of course baby" i say i pick her up and carry her to my room. I put her in my bed get changed and get in bed as she lays on me. I smile I rub her head "I lowve you" she says in her sweet little voice. "I love you too my baby" i say kisses her head before she shuts her eyes. I smile my christmas wish has come true my alison came back. If i would have known what I knew now I would have held her alittle tighter that night. Little did I know what would happen next.

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