The last Nutcracker and The Trip to Come

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Abby's Pov:
I walk out not even checking to see that she's doing what she's supposed to. I slam the door being so angry and decide to go to check on my ali bear. I can hear the crying from the second i get in front of the door. I decide to pull out my phone and text gianna before even going inside "G I gotta go home. Ill see you at the show tonight. If you have any problems with maddie or the other kids feel free to call. " i text her I walk into the room and see alison holding her stomach and crying so i pick her up without a word rubbing her back for a second then take her to the car.  I buckle her into the seat and drive home luckily its close "are we going home? " she manages to get out "yes baby" i try to say gently. I get to the house and pull in the drive way with her still holding her stomach when i open her door. I pick her up and take her in the house no questions asked. I set her down on the couch. "baby im gonna be right back okay? " i tell her turning on the tv. I go into the bathroom and run her a nice warm bath for her to relax in and hopefully help with her constapation. I go back to her once the tub is filled and see shes still clinching her stomach watching Wizards of Waverly Place. " Come on baby. I want you to try something. " i motion her towards the bathroom and she comes in, she takes her pants off and sits down on the toliet and tries but i can tell she's struggling. I help her take her clothes off "can you sit in the bath for alittle for me?" i ask politely she nods and she gets in the bath and sits down "would you like me to stay with you or go?" i ask "stay" she says i sit down on the floor near the tub and start to play around with her. Taking bubbles out of the tub and putting them on to her hair. she laughs and this seems to relax her alittle as she doesn't have her hand on her stomach. "Is this helping you? " i ask she nods I let her sit in the bath a while before i help her out. i pick her up and bring her to my bedroom and play canoli with her. It's a little game where i rap her in a big towel and then put her on the bed powder her and lotion her and i say holy canoli and she laughs. After i get her dressed she smiles after and then wraps her arms around me and her legs like a little kola "I don't wanna go by moms house " she whines and squeezes me tight. Just then i get a phone call its g "Abby can you please get here maddie is not working out " g says "what do you mean she's not working out?" i ask "I don't know her heart not in it. Her attitude is passive but you can tell something is just off " g explains and i get confused "ill be there soon. just keep her dancing" i say hanging up " do we have to go back to the show?" ali bear asks i nod "can you try to go to the bathroom before we leave " i ask she nods and gets up and heads over to the bathroom. With all the water ive been giving her and the bath hopefully this issue will be resolved. I wait a alittle while what feels like fifteen twenty minutes and i see her come out "were you able to go? " i ask she shakes her head " it really really hurt " she whines i nod "okay. so im gonna ask you what you wanna do because its your body. Do you want me to go get something to help? or you want to wait it out? but if i give you something that helps i can't promise it will stop after the first. " i ask she looks and i can see her thinking for a second. " I want the help" she says in what sounds like agonizing pain. i sigh "can you wait till we get home? " i ask she shakes her head "okay but if you don't wait im gonna have to put a pull up on you or your gonna have to take care of yourself because i can't help you and manage a show. " i explain "ive been taking care of myself for a long time ill be okay. " she says sassy i roll my eyes. i call the doctor to have them send the prescription and i do her hair so we can leave. we get back in the car and pick up the laxatives and gatorade. We head to the theatre and i show her where the dressing room bathroom is and i put the pull up on her "if you can't make it to the bathroom just use the pull up" i tell her. she nods i still don't think she understands what she is asking for but she has to learn. so i shake up the bottle with a small amount and hand it over "you need to drink this. " i hand it to her as she holds her stomach she nods "ill be back in a little while to check on you. " i tell her she nods i kiss her head and she sits in the comfy chair looking miserable hand on her stomach. I go over to the stage and watching the run through of the show. The show is fantastic but I see maddie going through the motions and something isnt right shes not acting right. I wait for the natural pause in the show where she comes off the stage. And motion her to me instead of the curtains, she looks mad at me. " What's wrong maddie ? " i ask her feeling like this is becoming something constant. "nothing!" she says with the biggest attitude i look at her and take a deep breath then start to walk away when she breaksdown in tears. I soften even though im mad at the attitude i just got. I sigh and take her hand over to the front doors and take her out to where the ticketbooth is. "what is going on with you lately ?" i say gently  she cried really hard as i stand there waiting after a few minutes she wipes her own tears and breaths "im fine " she says and walks back into the theatre i sigh. I decide to go check on ali instead of going to pull a confession out of maddie. i go back to the dressing room and see ali laying there the bottle half empty hand still clenching her stomach and her face still screaming shes in pain. i sigh "still?" i ask reluctantly she nods i decide to pour more out of the package and into the bottle i shake it and hand it to her "here try this. " i say she takes it nodding. i feel bad but go back to sitting in audience watching maddie. I just need to get throught tonight with these kids intact. I feel like there both falling apart. Maddie's part ends and she comes off stage and comes down and buries herself in my chest. "maddie girl what's wrong?" i ask her quietly but then she hears her music for her next part and she flies back up to the stage for her next number. I sigh and watch her preform once again i can tell something is off with her and it's driving crazy she won't tell me what it is. I watch for a while and towards the end of the show i go back to the dressing room to check on ali. When i get there the room is empty so i go into the bathroom to see if shes okay. I see her little feet in the stall " babygirl are you okay? " i ask and i hear her break down in tears. I get worried and open the door to the stall. I see the suffering in her eyes and i automatically know what I have to do. " i wanna go home " she says balling her eyes out in a pleading tone i sigh
-Thursday at school-
Maddie's pov:
All week Ms. Abby has been asking me why I look so sad Ive been doing the best I can with dance and people even said my preformance as clara was incredibly. im faking it well for everyone else But Ms. abby knows better. She knows that something is incredibly wrong. Ive been really clingy lately to her but not saying a word. I feel my foot cross the threshold of the school and its like my body has a kneejerk reaction my heart starts pounding I can feel it in my ears. Hopefully Ali will be here today I haven't seen her much this week besides at the show on sunday that she sat in the audience for. After that her and ms. abby didn't even stay to say hi. I see ali running towards me as i head off to breakfast we talk and catch up. Turns out she's been sick up until today. I decided before going to class i have to use the bathroom. "Ali can you come to the bathroom with me?" i ask her anxiously "sure but i don't have to go so why would you want me to?" she asks innocently "well there are these girls, they are bigger and mean sometimes they try to hurt me. I usually will wait to go potty because of them but if your there well be fine! " i explain she nods and we go into the bathroom. I do what i need and think to myself im home free they aren't here! When just then two older girls walk in looking angry " I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME BACK INTO THIS BATHROOM! " the one with pink streaks in her hair says Picking me up off the ground then throwing me into the mirror. "im- im- sorry " i say in a small voice just then i see alison getting angry she kicks the girl hard in the knee and immediately knows she made a huge mistake. The girl picks up alison and tries to start throwing her too but before she can alison punches her in the face hard enough for her to draw blood to her nose. Alison falls on the floor, the other one comes over to me putting her fist in my eye i lose vision for a second "THATS FOR TOUCHING MY SISTER! " she says before helping the older one up before we run out of there bloting into class. Alison and I run into our seats and Alison is panting while im panicking i dont want her to get introuble. What if they tell on her. We sit in class and ali and i try and enjoy our day we both know ms. abby is coming to pick us up early for our trip today and were very excited. My eye begins to stop hurting around lunch and i decide this is good because now i dont have to tell anyone what happened. I go to lunch and sit with ali. We see the two girls while on the lunch line. Pink streaks has a tissue to her nose and the other one comes up and throws alison against the wall. She then goes to put her hand around her neck alison sinks her teeth right into her hand. The girl screams and ali and I get out there fast enough for us not to get caught. Luckily we get through lunch with no problem and then we get back to our classroom. We starts to do math when the teacher gets a phone call. I get nervous and ali looks at me nervous too. "Alison and Maddie get your stuff packed and head to the office your leaving" the teacher finally says we both sigh audibly in relief. Alison and I pack up quickly then hold hands on the way to the office. We see Ms. Abby standing there looking ready to go. As we get closer the look on her face changes " Maddie what happened to your eye?" she says baffled I see my reflection in the office window and my eye looks purple and black. " Mad?" she says gently alison shakes her head begging me not to say anything. "Um I bumped my eye on the seat on the bus. " i tell her "oh boy. thats pretty bad baby can i see it? " she says gently i get closer to her and she looks "does it hurt?" she asks "alittle " i lie it's extremely painful "Alright let's go. I don't wanna miss our flight." she says dismissing it for now. Hopefully were all the way in New York next time she asks.

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