Thanksgiving Part 2

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Abby's pov:
I can't believe what i am actually seeing. i lift her dress up to get the vomit off her to find her back to be a red purple all over and her ribs to look even more purple then the rest of her back. i feel like someone had knocked the air out of me. She balls her eyes out. i feel terrible how did this happen? why did this happen! she wasnt like this this morning when she got dressed. "Ali what happened?" i ask gently sitting her up to examine the rest of her. i pull down her pants to see the red patches on her butt and i see the huge bump on the back of her head. im ready to lose it but i stay calm looking for answers. "princess i need to know. " i say sternly she cries and shakes her head "alison nothing is going to happen if you tell me ill be right here "i try to covince her but she doesn't budge "baby does it hurt when you breathe?" i asked concerned and begin to check her ribs gently to make sure they are all in tact and all though they are inflamed they are definitely intact. I begin to just start going i n to dance teacher mode and giving a full body check like i would if one of my dancers got hurt " i can't believe shes this hurt." melissa says i nod now checking her neck, her shoulders and her spine. Which all seem okay and i move up to her head. i feel the bump "ouch" she cries that im concerned about. i sigh. i grab my flashlight out of my pocket "follow this with your eyes as best as you possible can" i instruct her i first go in a straight line and see her eyes bounce but its just a little. Then i look at her pupils and there definitely inlarged. I'm still praying for no concussion because if she has one she needs to go get checked out and i cant take her to do that without her telling me who did this to her because if not ill be charged for abuse. "are you dizzy? "  i ask "alittle" she responds "does your head hurt? " i question she nods i sigh fuck. "alison baby. Auntie can get in alot of trouble if she takes you to the doctor and you wont tell me who did this to you." i try to reason with her "do you think she has a concussion?" melissa asks i nod "why would you get introuble? " alison asks innocently "because auntie spends the most time with you so people would think auntie did this to you. " i try to explain gently "how would you do this to me when it was momma " she says in an automatic way but then covering her mouth. "when did momma have the time! " i say losing my cool alittle "when i went to the bathroom. " she starts to cry "she picked me up by my shirt and brought me to grandma's room and slammed me on the floor lifted my dress and used her hand to slap my back and my butt but then she found grandma's baseball bat and i just laid there and didn't fight her. " she says in tears i hug her softly "oh my god. a baseball bat? seriously alibear? " i say in disbelief  she nods now hysterically crying "the puke is in her hair too abby" melissa points out. "ali bear you need a shower " i say getting her dress off her. "thats gonna hurt" melissa says i nod. I give ali a quick shower with barley hot warm but she still screams then i brush her wet hair and help her get into the same sweats i let maddie wear, melissa happen to wash them. when she bolts up and wraps her arms around me. "im sorry " she says "baby don't be sorry you didn't do anything wrong" i say "but we do i have to go. " i add she nods i take her hand and take her out to the car after saying goodbye to melissa and  maddie looking extremely sad. i drive over to the police station. i sigh "baby you need to tell them everything you told me. " i say carrying her into the police station. "ma'am how may i help you" the officer at the desk says "this is my niece, i have legal custody over her and paperwork to prove that. today the judge granted a visitation with my sister who brutally beat her and caused her a possible concussion i want to file a report. " i say "okay ma'am since this is a child case were going to need to bring in the child detective and the unit pediatrician to exam her. is that okay with you? " the officer asks "thats fine. " i say "how old is she? " the officer asks "she is 5 and a half. " i say "okay take a seat well get this taken care of as soon as possible.
Alison's Pov:
Auntie brought me to this weird buliding with blue walls and a mental chairs and we cant even go through the door. it looks like a doctor's office kinda.  I sit next to her with my aching body and try extremely hard not to cry about how much it hurts. my head is still pounding it got worse after i vomited so i lay my head on auntie and hope this is over soon so i could go to sleep. after what feels like forever a man in a white coat and blue pants comes out. "And your alison i have to guess" he says in a friendly tone. i nod "okay honey can you step in the back with me? " he asks gently " auntie come on. " i say as we walk to the back. he comes over and checks me " can you please remove your clothes." he says i shake my head i feel weird i don't want to remove my clothes with a boy around. "baby its okay. " auntie says i shake my head vigorously. "is there anyway there is a women who can help with this? "she asks "well yes gail. ill see if i can get her. i dont wanna upset alison." the doctor says he walks out of the room. A women comes in alittle while later. "hey honey i am gonna need to get undressed for me. " she says i nod and auntie helps me. she looks at the back and my ribs and taks pictures "okay honey you can put the back on." she says and i do extremely quick. "her ribs are very bruised im surprised nothing is broken. " she says she then has me follow a light with my eyes but i can't do it. im so bad at it. she does this three times and each time i fail. "she 100% has a concussion " she says
-2 hours later-
Abby's pov:
after they question her alot and take a bunch
more pictures they write up the report and go on with the rest of what needs to done. i take her back to melissa's to hopefully make it for dessert. i take her out of the car and go inside. melissa pulls me into the other room to talk to me while the kids are playing. "mad-" she starts before i break down in tears. It's like everything inside of me just snaps and i start to cry. "abby?" she says disheartened i try to suck all the sadness back in but i can't the tears just keep flowing and i know exactly why. "is this about alison" she asks gently i nod " it's just not fair i love her so much and i can't believe she has to suffer like this" i cry hard "This is exactly what being a parent feels like" she says "i just wanna protect her and i can't no matter how hard i try she keeps getting hurt or sick and suffering and i just feel awful. i just wanna take her pain. " i finish wiping my tears melissa comes over to hug me. i hug her back "thanks" i sniffle "i really needed that." i add. just then the door opens up and i see maddie in the doorway. she comes in without a word and gives me one of the biggest hug i have ever gotten. i hug her back. she just stays with her arms wrapped around me for a long time. i let her . then after a while i put my hands under her arms and start to tickle her. she laughs and screams i smile "hey hey! " she says i stop and she comes up for another hug "such a sweet girl" i tell her "where's alicat and kenz?" i ask her "they are playing in kenzie's room " she says "are you ready for nutcracker this week? " i ask she nods vigorously "me too." i tell her. "don't forget melissa full dress rehearsal tomorrow!" i tell her she nods i get up and go check on ali who has fallen asleep on mackenzie's carpet with her. Melissa picks up kenz and puts her in her crib. i pick ali up and bring her to the car and take her home to bed.

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