Courthouses and Talks of Dance Conventions

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Abby's Pov:
" We need you to be at court at 9 am with Alison. " Anna says "what do you mean?" i say "They want to talk about Christmas visitation because Kristen wants the whole day with Alison. And it's not looking good because they are treating it as if you are just the foster parent. " she explains "what does that mean? " i ask getting mad "They think not having her for christmas will not matter to you because your not her parent." she says "Of course i want her for christmas!" i say alittle fustrated "Well so i guess we can talk to the judge. " anna says "you guess? what if something happens to her did you talk about the beatings?" i ask "The judge said there's no proof that it was kristen and that you're lucky that he didn't accuse you because your around her more. He says since the goal is reunification we need to give Kristen as much time as possible with alison. " Anna says this and my heart breaks alittle I don't want her reunifying maybe it really is time to get a lawyer. I didn't think at the beginning i would ever want to keep alison. i mean i love her to death but being her auntie has always been my role. But after the last month of having her with me it's like i want her with me all the time. I wanna protect her and love her. I can't do that if she goes back to kristen. "Ill see you tomorrow abby. " Anna says hanging up as I spend this time zoning out and thinking and then i hear the phone go dead and remember melissa sitting at the table. "What happened? " she asks "Well I have to be at court at 9 am with Alison. " i tell her " So G is gonna clean the show alone?" She asks I nod "yep." The girls come rushing back down and decide they want to eat Ali has two slices and maddie as well. " Wow im proud of you. " i tell alison her eating makes me feel alittle less stress on my shoulders about tomorrow. After the kids eat melissa decides its getting late and rehearsal is at seven am so she takes maddie and a already sleep kenzie to the car after they say there good byes. I take alison up to bed "can we talk really quick? " i ask her she nods "babe tomorrow we have to go to court again. " i say gently she nods "okay. " she says i give her a big old kiss on the forehead and turn to leave her room "i love you! " i say wholeheartedly " I love you too" she says I walk out of her room and go lay down researching lawyers and trying to figure out who would best to represent me while i fall asleep. After what feels like a couple hours I feel a tiny body make its way into my bed i jolt awake. I see alison trying to get comfortable in my bed. " can't sleep? " she nods I pat my chest and she lays on it. I hear her stomach making its normal nervous noises. I rub her back and hope that the beat of my heart and the soothing of her back will get her to sleep. She finally starts to relax after an hour of me doing this and gently drifts off to sleep. two  hours later I awake up feeling the bed being wet. Fuck. I think to myself I didn't put her in a pull up. I open my eyes lift the sheets and see her still asleep and drenched her her own pee. I sigh. I try my best to just pull her pants off and clean her and get her over to my side without waking her. Then i strip her side of the bed luckily its not on the matress and im able to clean it up quickly. I pick her up and attempt to change the sheets. When I hear a groan, her eyes flutter open and i hear her stomach make a gurgling noise. "put me down" she says urgently as im not paying attention trying to change the sheets. "Mommy! I need to go potty " she says again with more urgency. me still not paying attention to her finishing the sheets finally turning my attention to her as shes holding her stomach and crying. Then i realized what she's been saying "oh my gosh. im sorry baby " i immediately let her down and she goes running to the bathroom. I finish making the bed clean and fresh. "Momma! " she calls crying from the bathroom i immediately go rushing in " it hurts " she says crying I try and comfort her as she hysterically cries hold her stomach. And then i realize why "did you go to the bathroom?" i ask she shakes her head "i can't" she cries harder oh boy. This is the ibs the doctor was talking about i pick her up and try and calm her down holding her. "baby it's okay. you gotta relax. you getting so worried about everything is what's causing your tummy to hurt so bad. " i try to explain to her but she just cries. I bring her back to my bedroom in my arms and just allow her to cry on my shoulder while i rub back. This is gonna be interesting. I think to myself. Finally she stops crying and falls asleep I put a pull up on her and lay her back down in her spot. I look at my phone. It's 8am. I sigh i decide to call the doctor and see if there's anything i can do to help her. " Hi abby what can i do for you today?" he warmly says "hi doctor ali's ibs is acting up but instead of the constant trips to the bathroom. she's in pain because she can't. She's been crying in severe pain for the last two hours. is there anything i can do?" i ask explaining everything " oh boy im so sorry to hear that. There isn't really much you can do besides miralax but that going to give to opposite affect and she'll be miserable. so i wouldn't do that until you're ready to deal with that. is this pertaining to stress?" he asks " yeah. the court system is putting us through hell." i explain " oh my god so sorry to hear that. well if you need anything or a prescription for miralax kids feel free to call back and ill be more than willing. " he tells me "Thanks doctor " i say and then we hang up. i go  shower and put on my court clothes. For Alison I pick out two outfits. A while blouse and a purple skirt with tights and a grey sweatsuit. I decide to let her choose whatever she wants depending on how she is feeling when i wake her. Although watching her lay there peacefully i decide not to wake her and throw the grey sweatsuit on her checking the pull up. Then picking her up and carrying her to the car asleep. I drive to the court house and park right in front and go to back to gently wake her but she isn't cooperative and i decide to carry her inside asleep. I see Anna when i get into the room and sit down " Abby why is she sleeping? " she asks "She had a really rough night with her ibs. " i explain "Well you need to wake her because the judge isnt gonna like that she's asleep. " she says as the judge walks in. I shake her again, "baby- " i try and see kristen walk passed me. " Why is my daughter asleep? " she says rudely I ignore her. "Alison!!! " i shake her as she finally comes to, opening her eyes and rubbing them. She looks around then lays back on me. "baby you gotta sit in your own chair. " i explain I put her down and she lays against me looking up at me in pain. We all stand for the judge and then sit " We are gathered her today for the rights of Alison Miller. Kristen her mother would like to spend christmas with her daughter unsupervised and eventually be reunified. " he says "Abby lee Miller has been holding custody of her for over a month now. Kristen has asked for reunification however, I have seen her record. I would at this time like to ask Abby lee Miller if she will be opting to go through the longer process to keep Alison indefinitely?" he continues alison pokes me i look at her face looking in agony and i begin to rub her belly "Ms miller? " he says "Um yes your honor I am interested in doing so." i say "Okay well then that effects the decision of who will be taking her for the holiday. Since Ms. Miller is planning on going through the process of trying to adopt Alison. I am going to asign christmas morning to her and Christmas evening to kristen. At this time no sleepover is mandatory that will be soley Alison and Abby's choice. The evening will be begin at 4 pm and end at 9 pm. Any objections?" he says " Your honor I'd like to point out that alison has extensive medical conditions and i would like to opt for 2 hours vistation instead seeing that she doesn't feel comfortable with Kristen to begin with." i say " Okay. I would like to propose once more 5 pm to 9pm then." he says i sigh still rubbing baby girls stomach. "Your honor! This is my kid i should get the whole day! That is not her mom ! im sober! " kristen yells I hear alison's stomach make a noise "Kristen Miller I am here to do what's best for the child. I do see where you are coming from but with that being said this is unsupervised and longer then you have gotten recently so with that being said I think you should take what I gave you. " he says "Your honor I would like to ask the courts permission for alison to travel with me away this upcoming weekend begining on thursday afternoon untill sunday evening. " i ask "do you have an itinerary of the trip? " he asks i nod handing over all the necessary documents. He reads them as the court room is quiet. " Okay Abby. I am going to grant you court permission for being so deliberately diligent with all of this. " he says stamping the request form. i nod "thank you your honor" i say smiling "if thats all. court is adjourned " he smacks the gavel down. Alison leans into me " I wanna go home " she whines "YOUR GONNA FIGHT FOR HER! YOULL NEVER WIN AND WHEN I DO YOULL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN" Kristen screams particularly in my face. ignore her being ali's already state of panick and i dont want it to get worse. Ali changes her position and now buries her head in my chest. I rub her back trying to give her some reassurance." YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GIVE HER BACK!" she continues in my head i think yeah and you were supposed to change and be a better mother. "THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS THIS IS MY CHILD. " she gets even louder and angry "Kristen... if you want to keep your four hours on christmas I would highly suggest walking away. We will win the battle walk away. " her lawyer reassures her and she starts to walk away i feel alison digging her nails in me so anxious. i rub her back and kiss the top of her head. "babe its okay. she's gone "i whisper she loosens her grip alittle i continue this till she is alittle more relaxed. i pick her up in my arms and take her to the car when we get there i see the tears rolling down her face. "baby what's wrong " i ask "my stomach " she cries "baby you gotta relax. " i say im faced with a hard choice. do i take her to dress rehearsals and run throughs or do i take her home. At this point there isn't much i can do to help her so I decide to take her to run throughs she cries all the way there and i feel horrible for not being able to help. I get to the venue and the kids are silently doing the dance while Gianna counts angrily. It takes Gianna alot to get angry so im shocked when this is the atmosphere that i walk into. And i do not see maddie anywhere. I take alison to the back and i go to have a chat with gianna "who pissed your cereal this morning ? " i ask her as the kids are switching clothes " The kids were not taking this rehearsal seriously! They were all playing around. Talking and being very disrespectful! i told them so many times to stop. So they are drilling everything the whole way through no music." she says ferociously "okay. well id like to see 100 push ups after that you should be only asking once. they are old enough to be disciplined and know better! Where's maddie she's not doing this?" i ask "Oh no she was the worst of them all. I benched her. " she tells me im shocked "what did she do! " i ask eagerly " Well to begin with she came waltzing in here with the most disgusting attitude. She didn't wanna follow corrections and she wanted to argue with me about everything little thing  i was telling her to do. so i told her to go sit in the dressing room and she was finished. " she tells me and i get so angry " she did all that?!? " im shocked "well yeah you're "sweet " girl is really only sweet to you!" she say angrily " ill deal with it!" i say to her as i walk to the ladies dressing room and wait for all the kids to come out as maddie is sitting there fully dressed in her sweats with no remorse on her ipad. This makes me angrier. Once everybody leaves i walk all the way to the back of the dressing room where she is sitting and she notices im there, she frantically puts her ipad away and starts to begin to look like shes getting ready. "CUT THE CRAP" i yell she sits down and starts to cry "NO TEARS YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF YOU WANNA GIVE MY STAFF ATTITUDE BECAUSE IM NOT HERE TO SPOON FEED YOU! HOW DO YOU THINK THAT'S GONNA GO OVER IN THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD MADISON! " I scream she stays quiet "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION HOW DO YOU THINK THATS GONNA GO OVER IN THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD! " i yell again "not... good" she says timidly "WELL THEN WHY DO YOU THINK FOR ANY SECOND YOU COULD GIVE MS. GIANNA WHO BY THE WAY CARES ABOUT YOU AS MUCH AS I DO A BRATTY ATTITUDE! " i scream she continues to cry her eyes out. "MADISON IF ALISON WAS ABLE TO PLAY CLARA TONIGHT I WOULD PULL YOU! BUT IM NOT PUTTING HER THROUGH THAT BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID ACTIONS. YOU NEED TO GET UP GET CHANGED AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. IF YOU DONT GOD SO HELP ME YOU WILL NOT BE GOING TO THE DANCE CONVENTION NEXT WEEK SO ACT RIGHT! AND NEXT TIME THERE IS A STAFF MEMBER HERE WHO ISN'T ME IF YOU ACT LIKE THIS I WILL BENCH YOU FROM THE COMPETITION TEAM UNTIL I SAY SO DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" i yell she nods "DO YOU UNDERSTAND? " i ask again "Yes... i understand " she says in almost mouse like voice "GO GET READY!" i demand and she nods and rushes around to get dressed

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