A New Ali?

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Abby's Pov:
She allows them to give her the treatment and she sounds alittle better. im allowed to take her home once her lungs clear up alittle. "Come on" i tell her she puts her arms up and i carry her out of the hospital to the car. It's dark and we get back to the house and its cold. I open the back door to see her crying and shaking. "Baby? " i say confused "I dont wanna go in there " she says freaked out "Why? " i ask gently "I dont" she repeats crying and shaking i feel bad i sit next to her in the backseat. She comes to me and i hold her while she shakes. "Babes what can i do to help you? " i ask she wails in my arms as her body shakes. I cant determine why she is so freaked out right now. I hold her until she cries herself to sleep. I pick her up and take her inside. I think about where she might wanna lay but i decide my bedroom might be the safest route since i can get to her the quickest if something happens. I put her in my bed gently. I take off the old ripped and smelly tights and her green dress super gentle i throw them in the trash and slowly change her into clean pjs and a pull up. i tuck her in and change hoping for the best night possible. I lay next to her and drift off.
Abby's Pov:
i jerk awake when i hear loud crying. i look and check the left side of the bed but ali isnt there. i get up and check the bathroom and she's not there either. I look under the bed and I see alison in a sweat shaking and crying hysterical. "LEAVE ME ALONE " she yells as i peer under the bed i step away and go to the kitchen. I grab some water for her. I come back to her still extremely upset. I put the water on the side of the bed and she takes it after alittle while. I can hear her stop freaking out. she comes out from under the bed and looks at me with tearful eyes. "You wanna talk? " i ask she nods "Did you have a nightmare " i ask she nods vigorously "what was it about baby" i ask she comes and cuddles up to me she wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight and cries in my arms. i rub her back. She cries for a long time. She cries and cries until she looks at me scared. "I will protect you " i say she looks at me like she doesn't believe me and god it hurts. i give her the glass of water once again and encourage her to drink. she looks at the glass and finally sips it. Then she puts it down and lays back on my chest. I feel terrible whatever happened it changed her and i feel so small knowing i wasn't there to protect her and her innocence. I can't believe I have to send her to school tomorrow. I hold her and then she finally falls asleep again. These episodes happen all night long until 4 am when she makes her self sick and vomits all over the floor from her body being so upset. I sigh but it does calm her down a bit. Her body relaxs as she gets up and comes to my arms again. "Do you feel better? " i ask she nods and climbs into bed. It's so weird to me how this instantly relaxs her. she turns over and goes to bed as i clean the floor thankfully its wood. Then i get in bed next to her and lay down. she cuddles into me. I drift off to sleep
Abby's Pov:
I hear my alarm go off and i groan. Three hours of sleep really isnt enough. I look over at ali finally peacefully sleeping and i contemplate not sending her to school. But then i remember that the judge said she can't miss anymore school because if they hold her back in kindergarten i will lose custody of her. Anna said the only way she can stay home is if i send her to school and she gets a call home to be picked up. i sigh as i go over to her. I decided it may be best to pick out her clothes first. i go to her room and pick clothes. I pick out tights and a simple grey dress with long sleeve. I bring it to my room and shake her gently. She whines but then opens her eyes. "Baby Um you have to go to school today"i say gently "no " she says before putting the covers back on "Baby you have to or else you will not be able to be with me" i explain "But " she says starting to cry i sigh "I know " i say starting to undress her"NO " she screams moving away from me "Wha-What's wrong " i ask she cries pointing to the outfit "You don't like it" i ask "Not Uh! " she says upset i nod "Come with me" i say she comes to her room and sees her american girl doll sitting on the bed she smiles running towards it. She goes to the bed and puts it in her arms i smile atleast this is normal. I go to the closet and pick out a skirt and a polo i show her "is this okay? " i asks she nods i help her change while she holds her doll she has soaked her pull up which is alittle concerning but i ignore it. I sit her up and brush her hair and put it in pigtails. "Are you ready" i ask pointing to her bookbag she drops the doll and hugs me tight she shakes her head "im sorry i have to do this but you can come to dance later" i try to say making the best of a bad situation. she looks up at me with tears i know she knows. She gets up and grabs her bag. I go to the closet and get her new red coat with the black buttons and help her into it. she smiles i kiss her head. I give her the new black uggs i got her for christmas with the bows on the back and she smiles alittle more. I help her into them. We get in the car and drive to school. We get there and go in the front door this time to first check in with the office since Alison hasnt been in here in two weeks. She holds my side tight. "Good morning abby and Alison "the receptionist says "Morning Ms. Swan " i say ali holds me tighter buring her head in my side "You have an appointment with Dr. Anderson " Ms. Swan says "Yeah" i nod Alison holds me and begins to whimper "Shell see you now" Ms. Swan says i go to walk forward as shes holding me super tight "Mommy I dont feel good" ali says looking up at me i put my hand on her head shes cool. "Baby come on you gotta make it through school. I told you i can't keep you if you don't start going to school" i tell her she nods sad we walk into Dr. Andersons office. "Hello Alison and Abby" Dr. Anderson says "Please take a seat" she adds "Hi " i say reaching out my hand I sit and alison sits on top of me. "Nice to see you " i say shaking her hand "Were happy to have you back alison " Dr.Anderson says she comes and hides in my shirt again "So how is she doing? " Dr anderson starts "Um with all do respect I do not wanna talk about her in front of her. Can we get her to class first? " i ask she nods "Come on Alison" Dr. Anderson says Alison cries as Dr. Anderson takes her hand. I stand up to hug her. she hugs me and looks up at me and it nearly kills me. I feel terrible for having to do this to her. "Bye baby ill be here at 3 to get you " i tell her she looks at me "I love you" i add "i love you too" she says extremely sad.
Alison's Pov:
My stomach tosses and turns as principal Anderson holds my hand down to my class. I Look to see my class down the hall and my teacher. "Hi alison" my teacher says with a warm smile "Your class has missed you" she says "I have missed you" she adds i nod slightly im scared my heart is pounding. I dont wanna leave aunties side ever again. I go and sit as Principal Anderson lets go of my hand. I see maddie's desk and look around. I don't see anyone at it or maddie even in the room. Maddie is probably just in the bathroom I think to myself. I sit at my desk and feel awful waiting for maddie to come back. "Class let's take out our math books and flip to page 12 that's page 1 2" she says i go in my desk and grab it out. I flip to the page and wanna cry. I haven't even learned to write my numbers and now i have to add them together. I feel scared and alittle sad. I look out the door and watch for maddie she can help me.
Abby's Pov:
"Abby can i see the custody papers please " Dr. Anderson says I reach into my purse and hand them to her "So how is she doing " she asks "She really anxious all the time. Seems to be having panic attacks alot" i say "Really? " she says in disbelief "Yeah the only time she really comes down is when she vomits " i add "my god she's so young to be so stressed " she says "Yeah so please watch her and try to keep her calm" i advise "We will abby don't worry " she says i get up and i leave going down to the studio.
Alison's Pov:
After a while i raise my hand "Yes Alison" my teacher says "Um where's maddie " i ask innocently "Oh honey maddie isnt here today " she says sweetly suddenly i feel even more scared. I look down and begin to cry silently as my math book gets covered in tears. I feel myself really having to use the bathroom. Im so scared that i just can't hold it. Im so embarrassed I look around and finally decide to raise my hand after what feels like a while. "Okay Class were gonna move into play time " she instructs everyone moves from their desks. But im soaked and asshamed "Alison why don't you play with Nora she has always been your friend " the teacher comes over she immediately knows when she looks at my face something is wrong "Alison are you okay?" she asks i shake my head ready to cry again "is it math? " she asks i shake my head i point down "Oh honey " she says she walks across the room quickly to grab a nurses pass "Here honey " she says handing me the pass "Go get changed" she requests i nod crying. I want maddie. I go down to the nurse and get changed. I spend most of the day sad. At lunch i sit with the girls but they are kinda mean. My pants the nurse put on me are tight and uncomfortable. I once again feel the urge to pee at lunch time but fail to get to the bathroom.  I pee myself for the second time. I dont tell anyone. I sit till the teacher comes to pick us up from lunch. "Ali girl again? " she says as i stand up i stand there feeling sorry. she hands me another nurse pass and I go get changed again.

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