Plan Ride and Welcome to New York

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Ali's Pov:
We get to the airport and I hold Auntie's hand tight. Ive never been to an airport before or New York City. Auntie says we will do lots of fun things, that's why she wants to go early. The dance convention is tomorrow and apparently it's really boring and long but Auntie is gonna let us play with our Ipads and hang out in the little lounge they have. Auntie gets our bags put into place and then we get onto the plane. Auntie sits at the window seat, me in the middle and maddie on the end. Maddie looks nervous but i can tell its not about the flight it's about all the stuff that happened at school. Auntie hands me my ipad i got just this week. I don't do much on it besides color and play some games. Maddie plays something called roblox on her ipad but Auntie says im too young. Auntie grabs my hand when the person comes over the loud speaker. "We are going to be taking off shortly please listen to the safety announcement. " the lady says we all turn our attention to the flight attendant and then she says it's time for take off. When she says this it feels like my heart falls into my stomach. I start to sweat and feel nauseous. "You okay baby? Your as white as my shoes." she says concerned i shake my head my heart pulsating. she pulls the arm rest up and pulls me in close to her. Feeling her hold me soothes me and i start to feel okay again. she rubs my back "it's okay baby first flights are scary but they are super fun! you are gonna be fine. It's a short one too. Maddie loved her first one! right mad? " she says " yeah i did don't worry ali" maddie replies back now grabbing my hand "you'll be fine. " she says reassuring me i nod feeling better and calmer as the plane starts to take off I watch a video on my ipad but the flight makes me sleepy and I can barely hold my eyes open. I put up the arm rests again and lay against Aunties stomach drifting off so quickly to sleep.
Maddie's pov:
We finally  hear the sound of the pilot over the loudspeaker "Please prepare for landing" he says politely. Alison is laying against Ms. Abby sleeping and I can feel the jealousy hitting me like a truck. I wish that was me and Ms. Abby, but suddenly i'm too excited to care about that. I wonder where we're going to spend time in New York. My team and I have been to so many dance competitions here and have done so many cool things. But ive never been to New York right before christmas and I'm so excited. Gianna has been telling all week that it's so different then the regular city! "Maddie girl you have to stand first!" Ms. Abby says and i feel the plane stop. I stand up and shuffle into the asle as Ms. Abby shakes Alison awake. We all walk to get our suitcases and to the nice town car. We get in and Ali is acting so mushy. She's laying against Ms. Abby and holding her hand. And i get feel the jealousy heating up inside of me. We get into the city and it's snowing. But then I see all these beautiful decorations and lots of cool lights. Like New York decided to dress itself up for christmas. Next thing I know we are stepping out of the car into the Plaza Hotel. I go to grab Ms. Abby's hand but she stops me "Grab Alison's hand I need to grab my suitcase with this one" she says i feel alittle hurt but I grab Alison's hand instead. We go inside and up to the counter and then we get our keys to go into the room. We all get in the elevator and go up really high. Then we get out find our room number and open the door it's just one big bed. I guess were all sleeping together I think to myself. But then I see Ms. Abby put down her bag and open two doors to what looks like a room that connects."This is where you guys will be staying! " she says excitedly When she opens it we see a bright pink room with a bunk bed and a zebra carpet. This looks like the Elosie suit I watched videos about on youtube! Remembering the video i run to the closet and open it up to find dress up tutus and clothes and some toys for ali and I to play with. And just like the video I see a play area with a teaset and tea party cart will all kinds of stuff on it. I beam with excitement and immediately run up the ladder to feel how my bed is. I see a pink sleep mask and a goodie bag on the pillow. With a pink robe, candy , elosie book, doll , some fun bracelets and more i get so excited and sit there a minute when i look over the room i see a vanity with pasteries and pink champagne and glasses on it and another closed door. i run down to see what's behind it but ali beats me to it and shows me the bathroom with the gold bathtub and lots of kinds of bubble baths and bath bombs. "do you guys like it?" Ms. Abby asks i go to run up to her and give her a giant hug but Alison once again beats me this time i get mad. I give her a gentle hug after but i feel hurt amd go back to sitting on my bed. "can we play?" ali says " we need to get you two dinner because tomorrow is an early morning so you girls can have two options! We can have room service and stay here and play or we can go out for dinner somewhere cool!" Ms. abby tells us "I wanna go out!" i say "I wanna stay in! " alison says "Okay i think were gonna stay in then because it's snowing" Ms. Abby says I get angry and sigh. "okay what do you two want?" she asks "chicken quesadillas!" alison says "and you mad? " she says I think to myself oh now you wanna pay attention to me i think getting angrier. "Nothing " i say glummy "i wanna go to bed im tired " i say with little energy or care " okay sweetie come here first" ms. abby says i climb down the ladder and walk over to her. she puts her hand on my head "go head go to sleep. " she says I go over to my suitcase and grab some pjs out and head to bathroom. I get changed and come out to see a text from mom on my ipad. "I miss you" it reads i almost cry i turn to face the wall and let all the tears come streaming down my face. I start to fall asleep but it's like something in my heart starts to break and I start balling. I lay there my arms and legs curled up.
Abby's Pov:
I text melissa to tell her maddie is okay but I explain the black eye situation. Then I see alison come out of her room. "Mommy Maddie is crying really badly " she says to me "It's okay darling " I say "Ali baby can you get Pjs and then come back in here please." i ask she nods and comes right back in. I help her to get her water set and put her in the shower. "you good to do this alone? " i ask "yes " she says i walk out of the bathroom and into their suite to talk to maddie alone. "Angel? " i say as i walk in hearing the crying and how much whatever is hurting her seems to be hurting. She doesn't turn " Angel? " i say gently this time walking up the the bed and reaching into the top bunk. She's silent and I sigh. I go over to the ladder and start to step up it. i sit at the edge of the bed seeing her face with tears streaming down. "Maddie.. baby" i say she closes her eyes and pretends to be sleeping I sigh "Maddie I know your not sleeping and ill be here to talk to you when you are ready. " i say losing my patience alittle. I come down the ladder and leave her room. I help alison out of the shower and she gets herself dressed. Our food comes and we eat dinner alison eats alittle and we watch a movie and i start to think maddie probably fell asleep. "Im gonna go sleep. " Alison says getting up from my bed and going into her bedroom. I follow her to tuck her in. She drifts right off to sleep with absolutely no trouble. I go over to the top bunk and see maddie still crying while watching her tablet. I sigh if I don't deal with this now she's gonna be cranky tomorrow. I go over to the ladder and I pull her by her feet. I pick her up and take her over to my room shutting the door. I decide its best for me to test her. I put her down in my bed as she pretends to sleep. I get on the other side of her and I lay down. I know that if she isn't mad at me she will come and snuggle up to me. I wait a few minutes and she doesn't come up to snuggle me. I decided to try and tickle her instead she begins to laugh. She looks over at me with the rudest look and then runs back to her room turning the light off. I sigh and give up and decide its time for me to go to bed.
-3:00 am-
i get woken by extremely loud crying I sigh and get up and go to the girls suite. Alison is still sleeping soundly and maddie is sitting her in her bed in a full breakdown. I hear her grasping for air and get concerned. It sounds like a small panic attack so I pick her up off the top once again and take her to my room. This time sitting her on the front of the bed. "What the hell is going on! " i say losing my patience "I miss my mommy" she comes out with in tears "Maddie
baby you've done this with me atleast twenty times you don't actually expect me to believe that's the reason. Now im gonna give you one more chance before I decide to let you figure this out yourself. I am trying my hardest to help you maddie but I can not help someone who doesn't tell me what's going on. " i explain " I-I there's these girls in school and they are being really really mean to me. " she finally comes out and i know she's telling the truth "they keep hurting me, they gave me this black eye and the told me to cut myself with a knife or they would hurt me and i did and they threw me against a mirror and " she starts breaking down even more hysterically as i listen to all of this. " I DONT WANNA GO BACK" she says intensely upset i sit next to her and pull her in " And  i wanna spend time with you too you said we would and you lied!!! you've been so mean giving her everything! "she says screaming in my arms i sigh fuck I did it again. " Look... im sorry. I love you a lot and you know that. But the trip just started and we can spend time through the whole trip. But you gotta tell me about these bullies baby... what are there names i gotta tell the school " i say "NO YOU CANT THEYLL HURT ME AND ALI" she says hysterically scared. I decided it's best to calm her down and work on the answer to this question in the morning. i squeeze her "its okay. just lay down with me" i say trying to calm her. she listens laying down next to me I rub her head and play with her hair till she's back to sleep. i sigh i feel terrible, this is why she's been so overly loving and cuddly and emotional lately and why she wasn't excited about being clara and i didn't even catch it. I should have caught it! i could have protected her sooner! i spend the rest of the night beating myself over this.

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