emergency in the snow

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Abby's pov: " i need you " i tell her "ill come get you but you need to watch maddie and mackenzie because alison needs to go to the hospital " i tell her "okay ill be ready." she says "thank you gianna." i get alison dressed in warm clothes and then i get myself dressed. i look at my maddie laying there in bed and i feel terrible for leaving her not feeling well but i have no choice. "okay ali ill be right back. " im gonna go get gianna " i tell her and she starts to cry
upset "okay fine lets hurry" i say not in the mood to debate with her i pick her up and put her in her seat and speed to gianna's in the blizzard. Thankfully Gianna's house is only 7 mins away. Even in the car its like alison isnt there its like its just the body of a little girl its very scary. I bring gianna quickly to the house and start my own route to the hospital as i slip and slide down the roads. I finally get here there and lift her into the wheel chair where she still isnt herself and wont even talk to me. "Hi Abby and Ali " the charge nurse says as we have been down this road before "hi, i think the parasite might be active in Alison's stomach again. She wont stop throwing up or having the runs like last time. Shes even weaker this time she doesnt have the strength to lift her own body and doesnt even wanna speak. she cant even hold water down." i say "alright well lets get her in a gown and a pull up and see what's going on" she says handing me a hostipal gown with princesses on it and a pull up. I dress Ali but she cries as i dress her i know she hates wearing a pull up. Moments later i see the doctor we saw just two weeks ago Dr. Bruell "Sad to see that you both are back so soon. Were gonna do imaging but can you give me a run down on how this started. " he asked "well she was actually feeling good this morning for the first time in two weeks so i decided school would be a good option. shes not very good at eating right now as shes going through alot with m-o-m and so i dont push her to eat but i told her she could get breakfast at school. well she did but someone forced her to finish and after that she just started throwing up non stop again." i explain "okay I see what was the food? "  he questions "um... i do not know i wasnt there... " i say looking over at alison "baby can you try and tell us" i ask ali she looks up and i start naming things "sausage and eggs?" i say she shakes her head "sausage and pancakes?" i say she nods "ohhh that makes sense. Remember how i told you certain foods would bring the parasite back to active status? " he says i nod "well sausage is processed. processed food is probably the worse thing she can eat with that inside her." he explains "her being in this state again and even worse isnt really too big of a surprise. Let's get an iv in her shes most likely gonna need us to paralyze the parasite once again. " he orders to the nurse and walks out. The nurse grabs alisons arm and wipes it with alcohol and she starts to cry and scream. I try to make her feel better by holding her hand as she puts the iv in her arm but it doesnt work they finally get it in after a few tries due to her poor little veins from dehydration. They start giving her medication through the iv and she screams i can tell her stomach is in serve pain but we have to get this taken care of. I rub her head and try to help her fall asleep. "its alright baby were gonna get you better like the last time. " i try and encourage "dont you wanna be able to dance clara? " i ask her she stops crying to nod for a sec "thats my girl. but clara needs to be healthy! " i encourage finally she falls asleep and they decide to take her in for xrays we wait about twenty minutes to see Dr. B "yeah the parasite is back and chewing her intestines once again we are  gonna have to do a quick surgery well use the same holes and hopefully not have to cut any new incisions. " he explains "with what shes on now we should be able to get the surgery done without putting her under anymore. We need to do this quick before something gets damaged. Its right along side her spinal cord which is why she wont communicate and cant hold her weight up by herself. " he says that statement scares me i know from my dance education that if god forbid this parsite gets to her spinal cord she wont be able to do anything "okay so whens the surgery?" i ask "well its an emergency surgery so were going to prep her in 10 minutes and then the surgery will happen in the next half an hour and ill be preforming it. " he says "okay" i say he hands me all the paperwork for the surgery and i sign it as fast as i can. after i sit there and watch poor little alison as frail as ever laying there. i get a phone call from gianna "hey ab hows ali? " g asks "shes going into emergency surgery. how are the girls " i ask "kenzie is laying on my chest and maddie is still in the same spot you left her." she reports "well im glad there okay. i think well probably be home in a couple hours. " i say " okay" she says "keep them safe for me " i say "of course i will" she says and then she hangs up and then i see the nurse come to take alison to surgery. As i wait for her i think about maddie and how i really need to start spending time with her again because she melted my heart when she cuddled with me today. Im interrupted by my mother calling i answer reluctantly " hi mom. " i say " abby thanksgiving is in three days and i expect you to bring alison here. " she says "Mom i dont think im gonna be able to come just like i told my sister when she called me yesterday. " i try and be gentle first " and why the fuck not. shes my only grandchild and your not even letting me see her !" she yells "Well shes in surgery right now mom! " i finally yell "shes in what " she yells i instantly regret what i just said "yeah shes in the hospital having her second surgery of the fucking month because she has something wrong with her stomach. she got sick in school i picked her up and then she threw up nonstop all day long and couldnt keep anything down so i took her here and nows shes in surgery to make a long story short. " i explain "well you need to bring her  abigail ! " she says and hangs up before i get a chance to say something back. i sigh. About an hour and a half later the doctor comes out Dr. B  has on a long white coat and his surgery outfit. "hi abby. the surgery went fantastic we were able to remove the parasite from her body! shes coming into recovery now and she seems to be waking up fine shes just asking for you. " he exclaims and then we walk down a long hallway we turn a corner and see the sign kids recovery and he opens the door "mommy! " ali says excited to see me i rush over and hug her "my baby! im so happy your okay! " i say smiling big "mommy they want me to eat! " she says "i dont wanna! " she continues i turn to Dr. B "this is a daily occurrence Dr. B she's literally petrified to eat. " i tell him "well thats not good. but with all the vomiting and diarrhea you really cant blame her for feeling so scared to eat. have you tried safe foods with her? " he suggests "whats that? " i ask " you choose three food she likes but she cant get sick off and when she doesnt wanna eat you push those foods " he says " ive never tried that. " i said " thats gonna be your best bet " he says "she doesnt like the way food looks i put her food in a cup the other night because it was soup and she had no problem." i explain "well maybe its the looks then. i would try out the safe food thing if not then come back to me. ill give you my office number. also make sure you kinda keep her on a bland diet for the next couple days. you dont
wanna run the risk of her vomiting because it will seriously hurt. " he advises "other then that since the storm is really bad im gonna discharge you guys so you dont get stuck here. " he says handing me the papers. i help her put her clothes on and shes super clingy. I walk to the car with her and take her home very slowly. we get home and pick her up at out of the car sleeping. I take her to bed and go over to mine to see maddie laying there watching infomercials on tv. "baby why are you watching this " i laugh shes laying there looking out of it. i hear her cough "oh boy " i say looking at her walking over to the bed. i lay down next to her and she instantly snuggles up to me. and i feel her body is hot " you wanna get into some pjs? " i ask her "can i have one of you big tshirts?!? " she asks i nod going into my drawer and picking out a hot pink abby lee tshirt and she takes it "are we having a sleep over?!? " she smiles i look at the time 2 am and look back at her i nod "its 2 am " i hand her some shorts "here put these on" i tell her she listens. as im about to walk out of the room she looks at me "can you pwease cuddle with me? i missed you! " she begs i nod and decide to just listen. i lay down with her and try and fall asleep and rub her head to soothe her to sleep.

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