Big Bad Bully

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Abby's Pov:
"Okay Ali Bear I'd really like you to try and eat something. We have to get on a bus extremely soon and i can't have you hungry " i tell her "No food" shes adamant about this "Al how about atleast something tiny " i reason with her "Anything you want. Do you want friendlys I can order that for you and pick it up! " i suggest "No food " she says not changing her mind "where are we going? " she asks "We have a competition in connecticut " i tell her "Maddie gonna be there " she asks concerned "Yess honey she is on the team " i say she goes slient "Alison please eat something " i tell her "There are goldfish do you want those " i ask concerned she nods i smile giving her the bag as i drive home to let her grab her stuff. She takes a hand full and then puts the bag on the seat. I sigh. Eventually she grabs her ipad changes her school clothes and gets into comfy pjs as we will be driving most of the night. We should get there about 10 and all the girls will be nice and tired. We arrive at the bus and everyone has boarded and is waiting for us. "Ali you can go sit with the girls baby " i tell her she nods taking her ipad i go to take the front seat and put my feet up.
Alison's Pov:
I go to find a seat in the back and i see one next to maddie and go running towards it. I see her move her laptop and ipad onto the seat. "There's no room here " she says "But you could just move your stuff" i tell her "Yeah but my laptop and ipad need a place too " she says nastily At this point everyone else is sitting next to each other and maddies seat would be the only free one "Um o-okay" i say hesitantly i turn around and I hear maddie mumble under her breath "Thats what you get for stealing my abby " she says in a petty tone i sigh i go down through the asle quickly feeling my face hot and tears well up in my eyes. "Sweetheart Where are you going? " Auntie asks as i feel the tears calm down instantly not wanting her to see me cry. "Um I just missed you I wanted to sit with you " i lie "Honey maddie probably wants to sit with you " she says i look down "Nope I wanna sit with you!" i turn on the pouty look and whiney voice mom taught me how to do that when grandma didnt wanna watch me so she could go out when i was two years old. works every time. "Okay baby come here " she says getting up so i could see out the window. I cuddle up next to her feeling really sad to be the only one sitting with an adult. I hear the girls giggling in the back of the bus so loudly. It makes me even more sad. I watch my ipad and auntie rubs my head. "Im happy your here with me again baby " she says sweetly she kisses the top of my head.
-6 hours later-
"Alright ladies we will be at the hotel in the few minutes " auntie says and i wake up after dosing off a bit the ipad starts hurting my eyes so i sit on aunties lap with my head on her shoulder. She rubs my back "Some of you ladies will be sharing rooms " she continues "But we have reservations! " jill says "Yes but unfortunately it is a big weekend and the hotel was not able to get us all our small rooms but did accommodate us by giving us the biggest rooms in the building " she explains "So Jill and kendall and melissa maddie and kenzie in one room , Then Kelly, brooke, paige and holly and nia in the other and the last room christi and chloe will be alone " she explains "What about you and alison" holly asks "Ali and I will be in our room " i explain "Thats fine " all the moms agree for once The bus stops and the girls begin to get loud again "Mom can we go swimming? " maddie asks "Maddie its 10 pm and you guys have a competition in the morning! " melissa says to her "Pleaseeeee just for a little bit " she begs Auntie goes to get the keys and check in as we unload. I over hear the girls say they are gonna go to the pool when maddies mom finally gives in. Auntie hands out the keys to the rooms "Pool closes at 11 pm " she says and suddenly everyone is rushing up stairs to get changed into their bathing suit. Auntie takes my hand and brings me to our room. "You can sleep on that bed or with me " she tells me i nod she gets a phone call from the phone in the room. "one second sweetie pie " she says to me i nod she takes the call and then puts it on hold "Nia was wondering if your gonna go swimming the girls are all down there " she asks me i shake my head and she tells the person on the phone no then hangs up. "Honey why don't you wanna go swimming " she asks confused "im just sleepy " i lie again "Okay sweetheart" she says believing me really i just dont want to deal with maddie.
Chloe's Pov:
Me and the rest of the girls rush down to the pool as fast as we can. Before i know it were all getting into the elevator with my mom and jill to go swimming. We all jump into the pool holding hands when i notice something "Wheres alison? " i say confused "Who cares " maddie snarls "She doesn't even dance with the group anyways! " she adds "Shes not even good " kendall adds "Well she was clara for maddie during the nutcracker! " nia sticks up for her "Yeah because i let her and because shes ms abbys niece! " maddie protests " She should be swimming with us! " i add "No she's a little baby! And im glad she's not here " maddie admits suddenly everyone is quiet. Maddie tends to lead around her so no one really argues with her. "Cartwheels contest!" kendall yells giggling all the girls begin getting out of the water to cartwheel in
-The next morning-
- 6 am -
Maddie's Pov:
Im so tired me and the girls stayed up so late after swimming dance mom jill ordered us pizza and we all went to chloe and christi's room to eat pizza and make video stars. Once it was midnight everyone went back to their rooms. I rub my eyes being so tired. But then I remember today is competition day and every competition day Ms. Abby and i get our special time to go to a restaurant and have lunch just the two of us. Finally some special time with Ms. Abby! I think to myself "Maddie! Up it's time to start leaving " mom says as she hands me my clothes "get dressed " she says i nod and do as im told
Alison's Pov:
I wake up with auntie next to me. she tickles me last night we went to sleep pretty much as soon as we got here. I feel so refreshed. i giggle so hard as she tickles my belly and my arm pits "Ali bear! Are you awake yet?" she asks i giggle hard "Good morning " she smiles at me "Time to get ready for competition baby " she says i nod she hands me clothes i take my clothes and pull up off and put on my abby lee clothes "So cute thats the new sweatsuit no one has worn it yet! " she says smiling at me as she brushes my hair and gives me a french braid. I hope maddie is nicer to me today i think as i look in the mirror and get ready to leave "Your so pretty my sweet girl" auntie says picking me up and squeezing me. I think shes happy im talking to her again. She lets me down grabs my hand and walks me through the hotel. Im actually kinda feeling hungry today. "Auntie im hungry " i say alittle whiny i worry that she wont feed me because of how i ask but immediately she brings me down to the buffet at the hotel. Ive never been to a buffet but its really cool. Auntie says I can choose whatever i want. I choose some eggs and french toast with strawberries on top and add powdered sugar. I go and sit down and eat most of my plate. This actually makes my tummy feel good instead of the opposite for once. "Wow good girl " auntie says i smile big as were leaving and im holding aunties hand we see maddie and the others catching up to us. Everyone begins to walk to the competition. Maddie is along side me and has a look on her face i just look down and dont say anything after seeing her face "Oh look the girl whose not even on the team wearing the team sweatsuit " she mumbles my face gets hot "Whats the matter alison can't push me in front of ms abby " she taunts and teases not loud enough for auntie to hear i keep my head down as my eyes start to water "Youre such a cry baby " she teases some more i feel sad not because she says those things because i realize maddie is mad at me. "im so- " i begin but before i can talk auntie looks at me "Baby when we get to the end of this hallway we will be at the dressing room. I have to go check into the competition. Do you wanna come with me or do you wanna stay with ms. g " she asks i see maddie listening immediately "I wanna come with you! " i say maddies face drops and i can tell she's angry "okay then well put our stuff down and ill take you " she says maddies face gets angrier we get to the room we put down our stuff and maddie walks up to auntie "What are we gonna get for our special lunch today! " she asks it sounds fake "What special lunch? " auntie asks confused "The one we always go on every competition day by ourselves!" she says "oh that... maddie i can't do that this competition I have too much to do and besides i have ali " she tells maddie auntie walks away putting the rest of her stuff down and looking at the props for the dance. Maddie turns to me with a stone cold look on her face "I. Hate. You." she says angrily then walks away. I feel the tears forming in my eyes again but then auntie quickly grabs my hand "let's go my little princess!" she says taking me with her out of the room. The entire competition i just sit in the corner on my ipad praying no one will notice me. Once the girls do the morning competition which is solos everyone comes back to change. "Can we please go swimming! we have a bunch of time" kendall asks whining to jill "Yeah that sounds fun! " paige seconds "Yeah i don't see why not " kelly says to them "Yay! " all the girls get excited but i stay in my corner "Ali! Come swimming with us " chloe says walking over to my corner "You did a great job in your solo chloe " i say having watched it and deflecting the invite "Thank you! " she grins "I practiced so much of that routine every night I wanted it to be perfect " she adds i smile chloe is really sweet always has been to me and everyone around her "seriously ali come swim " she insists i look around and suddenly auntie comes up before i can say anything "Chloe what is it" she asks "Ali was just telling me how she's gonna go swimming with us girls " she lies my stomach drops "Oh that would be great for her " auntie says excited for me i sigh quiet "See you in a few minutes chloe " auntie says taking me to our hotel room "I dont think i have a bathing suit " i tell auntie once we get there "oh dont be silly honey bunches " she says as she pulls a pink tie dye bikini out of her suitcase "I got you this cause i know the girls like to swim" she says beaming my stomach begins to grumble "Is your stomach okay al " she asks i shake my head thinking this is my way out of swimming "Why don't you try and use the bathroom honey" she offers i nod i go to the bathroom and afterwards my stomach feels alot better and i come out dressed "you look so cute baby! " auntie says excited "Hows your stomach hon" she asks i give her a thumbs up i really hate lying to her even if it means having to see the girls. "Good baby! " she smiles as we walk down to the elevator auntie gives me a towel.
-in the pool-
At first everything is going so well. Chloe comes into the pool right when i get there and we play mermaid for a while. I smile and think maybe this isnt so bad. Auntie goes back up to the competition to help out. i feel comfortable with christi and chloe since christi did save me from grandma when she tried to take me from auntie. Clara plays around in the baby pool while me and chlo play mermaids suddenly we hear foot steps and see paige, maddie, kendall and brooke come down to the pool. Suddenly i get scared but try not to show it and keep playing with chloe. Melissa watches kenz and clara in the baby pool with christi and the girls begin to get in the pool. At first maddie ignores me and plays with paige and kendall. But after a while of me and chlo playing she comes over. My plams get very sweaty and my heart beats faster as she comes towards me. "Kendall look at alisons little chicken legs! " she says meanly kendall laughs and begins to point at me and they both make chicken sounds at me. I look over at chloe who looks sad but doesn't say anything. i get out of the pool and wrap myself in my towel feeling sad. "Whats the matter chicken legs can't find your legs " she laughs and i feel my face get hot. I wanna hide but there's no where to hide. i hide my body in the towel and sit on the lounge chair. Maddie decides to come out of the pool and looks at me. she begins to pull my towel off and look at my legs "What no pull up today alison " she says to me and it makes my checks red "I don't wear those " i lie "Yeah your right sometimes you just pee the bed " she scoffs all the girls are listening to maddie as she says these things and kendall laughs "Thats enough maddie she doesnt " chloe says sticking up for me "Oh yeah she does me her and ms abby went to a new york convention and she peed her whole bed and she lied and didn't tell ms abby and so she stunk like pee pee the whole time! " she tells them my heart beats fast my stomach feels sick and i just wanna disappear "isnt that right pee pee baby! " she says teasing me "No i didnt" i argue "YES YOU DID PEE PEE BABY " she says to me again "Pee pee baby " kendall adds  "Yeah your a pee pee baby "maddie yells "Ew alison you must have smelled bad " paige chimes in i decide to get up and go to the bathroom running away from the teasing. suddenly i feel myself trip and fly in the air before laying on the pavement. i skin my knees pretty bad and hit my lip on the chair by the pool. "Pay back " maddie exclaims I begin to cry all the girls begin to stand around me laughing except for chloe who runs over to get her mom " mommy ali got hurt " i can faintly hear her say suddenly the laughing stops and i look up to see christi scooping me up off the floor onto the lounge chair "hey are you okay? " she asks i taste blood in my mouth and put my hand on my lip to see blood on my fingers "your okay it's just a cut on your lip " she explains beginning to wipe it up with a tissue but i cry at the looks of my fingers and because of what just happened. "Do you want me to call abby? " she asks i nod holding my knees "okay honey ill call her " she says. I sit there crying while the rest of the girls go back in the pool to swim and i wait for auntie holding my knees. Moments later i see my auntie and she scoops me into her arms "Princess are you okay? " she asks i shake my head "Let's get you upstairs " she says carrying me to the elevator. i bury my head in her shoulder she takes me up stairs and starts to clean me up "baby what happened? you weren't looking? " she inquires this is my chance to tell her about maddie. but im scared what will happen if i do. i hold my stomach feeling it gurgle "is that belly bothering you again? " she asks as she puts the bandages on my knees i nod alittle "It's okay baby " she says kissing the top of head and then helping me change into a more comfortable outfit "do you wanna come lay down maybe take a nap? you were up so early " she offers i nod "with you? " i ask innocently she hestiates "um yeah ill lay down for alittle bit with you babes but only for alittle bit " she says as we lay on the bed i rest my head on her chest and she plays with my hair "What happened honey? " she asks again i close my eyes and pretend to go to sleep

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