Christmas Part 2

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Abby's Pov:
I drive up to my mom's house once again. I arrive to see the sight of the red car gone. My heart goes into my throat. The thoughts come racing to my head. I try really hard not to think the worst. I  park and walk up to the door. I knock and ring the bell about six times when no one answers i begin to get nervous. I start looking for the key mom keeps under the mat for emergency. I grab it and open the door. I enter the living room the tv is on and my mom sitting on the couch "Where is she?" i demand "Gee it's nice to see you too" she says condescending "Where is Alison?!" i say getting angrier losing my temper. "She-Shes " mom says frazzled " YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE SHE IS! " i start yelling "She's-um " she finally says super frazzled i know what she is gonna say and it makes me sick to my stomach "she's gone" she finally utters i get such a feeling in my stomach "Where did they go!" i demand trying not to lose my cool "Kristen took her away " she says basically unphased "Your useless " my heart is beating through my ears my girl i think to myself going to the car. I call anna directly "Hey abby is everything okay it is christmas " i say "alison is gone " the words leaving my lips absolutely shatters my heart
-hours later-
Alison's pov:
Mom stopped at a motel on the side of the road and told me to get out. She opened the door and it was a small bed with ripped sheets and it smells really bad. I hate this place. "Shit Stain your staying here " she says before locking the door and taking off. I sigh there has to be something i can do to get back to mommy. I can't stay here with her i dont wanna be with her. I look around for a phone. All i find is moms little flip phone but it doesn't look like her normal phone. I look down at my outfit and begin to cry. I dont wanna be here. I finally realize how cold it is in the motel room and decide to try and find a blanket. All i think about is auntie and how much i wanna be with her. I lay on the bed with the ripped sheets covering myself with the comforter that reeks of cigarette smoke. i lay in it and cry untill it feels like my lungs might fall out.
Abby's Pov:
"Shes what? " anna says "Gone anna. " i explain "But she's supposed to be at your moms with kristen "she says "where is she! what happened? " she asks "Well i dropped her off as kristen dragged her in the house and the next thing i knew i came back and the house is empty the car is gone. " i explain "Oh my god okay ill call the cops and the court. Well find her abby don't worry!" she says so hopefully i drive all over pittsburgh looking for her and the red car and kristen but it's no use. She's no where to be found. After looking at every inch of pittsburgh as much as i dont want to see this night end i decide its time to go back home. I drive home and open the door. The house is quiet and tears begin to fall from my face. i go upstairs and look at her bed and hysterically crying with my face in the sheets. My girl.
-January 2nd-
Abby's pov:
It's been 8 days since ive seen alison. I haven't really been sleeping but at last i think it's finally time i go back to the studio. The girls have a competition in just two days that starts the next season. I don't want to go on but i can't lay here and wait for news of alison because it kills me everytime i have the slightest thought of alison. But it's hard not to think of her when everything reminds me of her. i get dressed and notice the red box on my dresser and tears come to my eyes. i open it and see the locket ali got me for christmas and i break down. I decide to put it on for good luck. I look in the mirror wiping my tears away wondering where my little girl is and hoping kristen isn't hurting her.
Alison's Pov:
Mom has made us move three times since christmas. Im still in my green dress and my tights although my tights become ripped everytime i have to take them on and off. Mom doesn't let me shower most days but when she does i take full advantage. Everything reeks of smoke including me no matter how much i try to get the scent out of my hair in my shower. "Tooonightttt my little shit stain is the day after new years " mom says clearly sluring her words "That means half off food that was left over from yesterday " she adds completely out of it "We are going out tonight " she says excitedly but very drunkenly flailing her arms up in the air. I sigh and continue to watch the tv with the lines through it. "Im gonna smoke " she says barley walking out the door. Then it dawns on me if were still in pittsburgh maybe auntie will be there and shell see me! i grin alittle for the first time in a while. I fold my hands and bow my head. I pray to god that i will see auntie soon.
Abby's pov:
i go into the studio and see gianna standing there with a concerned look on her face at the front desk "Abby you should hear this " gianna says concerned holding the phone. i put the phone to my ear and i am beside myself. The message that plays is alison's voice as she sobs "Mommy its me alison mom is taking me somewhere scary and far. Im in O-H-I-O right now. Please dont let her hurt me" is what she says before the phone hangs up. It's from 2 pm on christmas day. I put the phone down and go to my office and begin to sob. But then i think about it. If she was in ohio maybe she really isn't far. I decide to notify the police and have them trace the message. "Thank you Ms. Miller. Don't worry well find her " the police officer says upon leaving. As they are leaving i see maddie walk into the studio. She comes behind the desk to hug me and then is without a word going into the den. Soon after melissa walks in "Hey Ab" she says solemnly "hi" i say with a sigh. Melissa and i talked right after it happened. Telling maddie was probably the worst part. "How is she doing? " i ask melissa before she has a chance to ask about me "She's taking it really hard " melissa says in a very heartfelt tone of voice i nod "She's been crying alot " she adds "She doesn't understand " she finishes my eyes tear up i dont think anyone understands. i dont have anything to say once i wipe my tears and nod. Melissa walks into the back. I go into studio A and teach some of the routine for the competition this weekend. Lucky for us today is our dark day and no production will be here. As the day goes on I try and keep focused on my work "Alright girls go home and work on it! I wanna clean it for tomorrow " i dismiss the girls. All the girls run out besides maddie "Are-" i begin to say but she burst into hysterical tears before i can say anything " I miss her " she says as i hold her tightly these words break my heart. This time i try to stay strong because i need to show maddie someone is strong in this. i clear my throat instead of crying "It's okay Maddie were gonna find her baby" i say rubbing her back trying very hard to believe my own words "come on" i say walking her out of the room. I know the more time i spend comforting her the more im going to want to break down myself. "Go home and work on the dance mads " i say trying to keep it normal she wipes her tears and goes to collect herself. Once she leaves i decide to go back to the front desk to see if anything came through from the police. I see g walk up with her coat on "Abby- i know things have been hard... why don't you come get a drink with me " she says "im going to this bar in Ohio half off everything " she adds "No G im gonna go home " i say "Well if you need anything or anyone im here. " she says "Were gonna find her " she says walking out.
Gianna's Pov:
I drive over to hang out with a few friends at this dive bar in ohio. We know the drinks are cheap because its the day after new years. "Gigi Your here " my friend claire says drunkly i laugh "Let me catch up. " i say grabbing shot after shot throwing a few back before i see a woman with blonde hair walk in holding a small childs hand. I get annoyed at first who would bring a small
child into a dive like this. But all of a sudden a see a green dress with long sleeves and it hits me. Omg what if its ali. I run to the bar to grab my phone. i call abby running into the bathroom. She doesn't answer. I call her five times. She doesn't answer "Gianna what! " she says annoyed on the sixth ring "I think ali is here! " i say "Gianna your lying " she protests "Abby she was wearing a green straight dress with long sleeves right " i try and convince her "Yes! oh my ill be right there where are you? " she asks hastily "Sneaky petes " i say "Okay keep her there " she says hanging up i go back out and act natural i sit at the bar. I can kinda see ali at the table in the back. I can see her mother really well. i see her smoke her first cigarette. I notice alison get up and walk forward.
Alison's Pov:
This place is alittle scary but i really have to pee. So i get up and walk over when i see Gianna. My eyes light up. "Gianna!!!! " i say loudly "Who! " my mom yells. uh oh "No one mommy! " i say sweet. I begin to sweat. "You know someone here don't you you little piece of shit. " she says as she walks up to me. She yanks me by my hair and begins to run. She slams me into the car door. The pain shoots into my wrist. Ouch. "Get in you little bitch!" she yells loud i get scared and listen. i get in the car and she smacks me across the face several times "You stupid bitch now we can't even get food!" she says to me i feel like it's my fault we can't eat. I begin sobbing as she hightails it out of there.
Gianna's Pov:
I run after alison but there too fast. I see the red honda civic drive off. I write down the plate. Five minutes later i see abby drive up. "Where is she! Where's Princess! " she asks excitedly "She- She got introuble. Your sister knew she knew me because she screamed my name when she saw me and so she grabbed her by her hair and ran. " i tell her discouraged "Oh. " she says incredibly discouraged. "I did get the plate and the car is a red honda civic " i tell her. I send her the plate number and we call the cops. They arrive and take both our info and begin the search for her in ohio.
Alison's Pov:
"Your gonna have to change your name shit stain." mom says puffing away on her cigarette "Your new name is gonna be ceila "she says " And my new name is gonna be carol" she suggests "No one can know who you are shit stain. " she adds Soon we pass something that says C- A - N- T- O-N i try to remember this as it might be important if i can call the studio again. We stop at another scary place with the name "Motel 6" we go inside. "Ma'am We are booked for the evening " a man with a funny southern accent says "Oh please me and my child could only afford this!" mom begins to cry i don't believe her but every time she says this i get this weird feeling in my stomach that i do not like. "Oh maam maybe we have one room" he retracts his statement. He puts us in this little room that is the size of a shoe box. It's nothing like the elosie suite maddie and i were in in new york. I miss Maddie so much. "Shit stain your gonna do me a favor! " she says with a cigarette in her mouth blowing the smoke into my face. i cough as the smoke hurts my nose "Your so dramatic " she says puffing again " Your going to give me this needle" she says as she holds up a syringe handing it to me "No mommy please " i ask politely "Come on you little bitch do it!" she says i know ill get in big trouble if i don't so i grab it and try to put it in the place mom points but my hand is shaking too much and i miss she screams. i run. She catches me and slams me against the door. She punches me in the ribs several times while screaming "You stupid little bitch those were good drugs!" she tells me as she beats me i wanna cry but i can't because i know itll get worse. Instead i think of Auntie and wonder where she is.
-The next day-
Abby's Pov:
The alarm has gone off seven times and i refuse to get up. Today is production day. Dance Moms starts filming for season 2. And I do not want to go. There's no point. The best thing in my life has been taken away from me. I spent the night crying and hoping this was just a bad dream. But when i open my eyes my sweet girl is still not laying next to me with her messy hair. She is not asking me to rub her tummy. She is not laying in her bed or playing with toys in her room. There is absolutely no reason to function. I hear my phone ring it's gianna. "What! " i say not caring "Abby the producers are here to begin filming. The kids are all lined up for pyramid where are you" gianna asks sweetly "No im not coming " i slam the phone down after hanging up.

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