The aftermath of the snow

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Abby's pov:
I pick up the phone "hey ab hows maddie and ken ? " melissa says "well maddie has a high fever, she's nauseous, has a headache and is coughing pretty bad. and kenz is good i gave her a shower because she made a mess now shes with g watching a movie." i say "oh boy. Maddie sounds very sick. Are her cheeks bright red?" she asks "yeah very much so" i tell her "yeah thats how you know she's really fighting something " she tells me "yeah she's definitely down. I think she definitely needs to see a doctor " i tell her "well right now im in ohio with my boss. she took me home last night when triple a basically said we had to wait for the snow to stop and the car to thaw. She is going to take me back and try and help me now." she explains "well do you want me to take mads? " i ask her "you really think its that bad?" she asks "melissa she was sitting by the toliet crying because she was so nauseous but couldnt vomit ." i explain "yeah. ill call and see if there are appointments. " she says "okay. did you get the email about the meeting tomorrow? " i ask "yeah we all have to go. do you think its gonna be bad? " she asks "no i got the school superintendent coming to sit in. we are covered. but call for maddie i really think she needs to see someone especially with nutcracker dress rehearsal coming. " i tell her "okay let me see what i can do ill call now. " she says and i hang up. "babe what do you want to ea-" i turn around and shes laying against the wall asleep. i decide not to fight she is probably still is exhausted from the surgery yesterday. i pick her up and put her back in her bed. and get a text from melissa "they can see maddie 12 if you can make it there." shes says "alright ill take her "i say glancing at the clock that says 11:30. i go into my room and see her still laying there " babe i need you get dressed." i tell mad
maddie's pov:
"Why" i respond with my scratchy throat and horse voice "oh boy. " ms abby says hearing it for the first time "im taking you to the doctor because your sick as a dog and we don't need you getting worse before nutcracker. " she explains i nod "what clothes am i gonna wear? " i ask she goes over into Alison's room and comes back handing me a grey swear suit "here " she says "ill wash it when your done " she insists i start to get undressed but im so achy. i go to put on my shirt even though i feel like i have a bunch of black and blues on me. and then my pants which hurts alittle more "ouch" i say in agony "whats wrong baby? " ms abby says " my body feels like i have bruises on it" i whine "oh so your incredibly achy" she concludes i nod "are you still nauseous " she asks i nod "do you think your gonna be okay in the car?" she asks i shrug "alright come on sweet heart. " she says helping throw my boots on  . " can i fix your hair please? " she asks as i start to feel freezing again i nod. she quickly brushes my hair then gives me one french braid as i shiver and shake from how cold i am "done. are you okay?" she asks "im freezing " i tell her my body visably shaking. she goes to the dresser and grabs the thermometer and scans my forehead. "alright let's just go" she says "is it bad? " i ask " 103.7 which is pretty high" she says i nod and walk to the car in the garage with her. once i get in i lay back and feel incredibly nauseous and my stomach starts to hurt. She beings to drive " im sorry you feel so sick sweetie" she says as i cough pretty hard. i can feel the nausea building when all of a sudden the car stops and we finally get there. "ms abby..." i tried to get her attention feeling such a wave of nausea " yes sweetheart " she asks coming to the back to let me out of the car and takes a look at me "oh boy. " she says before i can even say anything i feel the wave get stronger. And then the inevitable happens. i lean out the door of the car and vomit all over the parking lot floor. ms abby opens the door wider and rubs my back "its okay baby. are you finished? " she asks as the wave lessens and i vomit once more and then the wave goes away completely. i nod as she gives me wipes to wipe my mouth. i cry and she picks me up holds me bring me inside as i lay on her shoulder.
Abby's pov:
I carried maddie inside the doctors office being careful to rub her back and try and make her feel better as she cries. "hi, name and doctor?"  the receptionist asks "Madison Ziegler with Dr. Wemble for 12 o'clock " i say " what's the purpose for the visit?" she asks "it's a sick visit" i say "okay have a seat she'll be right out to take you back" she says i sit with maddie in the chair "do you wanna play with the barbies ?" i suggest she has stopped crying but she shakes her head and continues to lay on my chest poor kid is really out of it. Just then i forget i left the house without telling gianna i text her quickly " Hey, i took maddie to the doctor alison is sleeping in her room. ill be back soon " i send just then i get a text from melissa " hey hows my pretty girl
doing? " "she threw up in the parking lot twice before we came in now shes just laying on my chest looking miserable " i send back she sends a frowning face emoji. "Madison! " the nurse calls i stand up and take her in. i try to put her down but she whines "you need to sit on your chair " i say she whines "who are you whining at! " i say sternly and she starts whining again. i know shes really sick when she's disobeying me because all i have to do is look at maddie for her to listen. i give up i sit her on my lap and she still lays against my chest. The nurse is very nice and works around her checking her throat and her temp " 104" the nurse says "you are a sick little girl! " she says maddie starts falling asleep "hey " i shake her hard. her eyes fluttered open and she gags. shit i think. she blots up and dry heaves "im
sorry." i say to her she lays back on my chest. the doctor walks in "hi! whats seems to be the matter ?" he asks "hi, she started with bad cough, then a headache, really achy, vomiting, nausea and a really high fever, shes also really run down incase you can't tell" i explain "okay." he says examining her "were gonna do a flu test and RSV" he says to the nurse. then walks out, the nurse comes back with the swabs " alright let me tickle your nose " the nurse says and maddie cries oh boy. "maddie you wanna be clara? " i ask. she nods " so clara can't dance if shes throwing up" i try to explain she nods she gets her nose swabbed first and then throat swabbed "good girl! " the nurse says she lays back on my chest " well know in about ten minutes " she says leaving the room maddie just lays there on me. she coughs then closes her eyes then coughs again " you did good princess " i say the doctor comes in a few minutes later " okay. so were sending you home with two prescriptions. a nausea medication and high dose of theraflu She was positive for RSV but her flu test line was slightly there the theraflu will take care of both. I would keep her away from everyone for the next 72 hours and if she does have to go near anyone she should wear a mask. " he says " okay but what about people who have been around her?" i ask "well they have already been exposed then whats done is done. " he says "so what your essentially saying is she has both the flu and RSV ?" i try to double check "yes. Your honestly really lucky she hasn't had trouble breathing because usually RSV causes alot of trouble breathing and alot of wheezing that would require breathing treatments " he says i nod "alright heres the prescription and your free to go " he says i get up with maddie and position her to carry her back to the car. This time handing her a plastic bag just in case. but she lays on the seat tiredly. As i get a phone call "Abby you need to come home Alison is crying and cant catch her breath she seems like shes having a panic attack" g tells me frantically "0kay! im coming " i tell her and hang up driving home quickly and carefully considering there is still alot of ice and snow on the ground. i get there and see maddie in the back seat sleeping. i pick her up and quickly set her down on the couch before running up stairs to alison. "Hey hey im here " i go into alison's bedroom.
Alison's Pov:
I woke up from my sleep and started to cry and felt like my chest was tight and i couldn't catch my breath. Gianna quickly came running in when she heard and asked if i was okay but i couldn't speak i was trying to hard to breathe. She called Auntie and thats when i realized she wasn't here and that made it even harder to breathe and just continued to grasp for air as gianna tried to calm me down till auntie got here. "hey baby girl" she says gently. i feel her place her hand on my back and try and soothe me but i continue to try and grasp for air "hey hey hey its okay auntie's here "she tries suddenly my body gets alittle calmer but i still cry grapsing for air alittle less. she brings me into a hug and uses her arms to hold me against her chest. i immediately feels soothed and start being able breathe alittle more normal. All my worry melts away and next thing i know im calm like magic. I guess all i needed was my auntie to protect me from all that scary stuff. "its okay. " she hugs me tight "im right here." she says and i sigh and hug her back "thats my good girl " she says in a soothing voice. i lay against her listening to her heart beating for a while. "baby you wanna tell me what happened? " she asks. i look at her "i woke up crying and feeling worried and then you weren't here so i got even more worried" i say she nods "it's okay. im here now. " she hugs me tight again "do you wanna go play? " she asks i nod and get up and go over to my barbie dolls "im gonna go finish taking care of maddie okay? " i nod and she leaves
Abby's pov:
if this is how today is going im so not excited for tomorrow. i remember about the filming today and send a group text "we can not film tonight. the roads are really bad and im not opening the studio" i send the text and then proceed to text melissa "maddie has rsv and the flu. shes sleeping now" i send. "ill come get them as soon as possible. " she texts back

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