Getting Back to it

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Abby's pov:
As im at the studio with gianna planning this weeks routine. I see melissa walk in with kenz for her mini class and maddie. "Hey Melissa Why is maddie here? " i ask confused "Her arm got infected so I had to take her to the Doctor to get the stitches fixed. " she explains Maddie comes up and gives me a hug "Where's Ali?!?" she says excited "Als in school babe" i reply "Oh. " she says i nod now im worried because Maddie isnt even there to help alison through her first day back I wanna call and see how she's doing but I have to get this group squared away for tonight. I contiune to choreograph as I worry about alison.
Alison's pov:
After I get changed for the second time I go into the classroom. Someone waiting at the door. Her hair is brown and short like my moms. She seems to be the same size and I smell cigarette smoke I can tell. I walk extremely fast to my desk not looking at her face getting extremely scared. I begin to breathe heavy and start to bawl my eyes out at my desk. I knew I should have stayed home now mom is gonna get me. And shes gonna take me and hurt me because I told on her. I cant go with her! I dont want to. My head thinks all of this over and over as I wail and my teacher comes over to under my desk. "Alison Alison What's wrong? " she asks frantically as I breathe heavy "Ali can you take a deep breath" she says sweetly I try but I can't I dont wanna leave with that women I wanna go home to my real mommy. I dont wanna see moms boyfriend. I dont wanna get duck taped to the wall again. Im really really scared. I cant focus on what my teacher is saying as all these thoughts come through my head. She lifts the desk up and im on the floor crying. "Alison Take my hand " she says putting her hand out I refuse what if she brings me over to mom. "Alison Your gonna make yourself sick baby" she says still gentle I cry so hard i feel like i can't breathe I start thinking all the scary thoughts over and over and forget my teacher is standing there the next thing I know principal anderson is on the floor holding her hands out to give me. I look up at her "Alison come on " she says I get scared to tell her no so I take her hands and stand up. My heart feels like its beating fast as I cry "Come on ali" she says taking me out of the room when i realize the women is gone. my heart begins to stop racing and my crying ends. I am calm by the time we get to Dr. Andersons office. "Oh good your calm. " she says gentle "What happened Alison? " she asks I think I better not tell her as maybe then she'll tell mom to come back. Maybe she has forgotten I have to leave with her. After a few minutes of questioning she looks at me "Okay Alison that's alright. Are you calm? " she asks i nod "Would you like to go back? " she asks i nod I sit at my desk for the rest of the school day looking at the door to make sure mom doesn't come to get me. "Okay You guys can pack up dont forget your going home folder and your backpack. As always parent pick up goes first. " my teacher says i smile slightly and get my stuff together to go home. "Alison Your gonna be parent pick up sweetie " she says coming to the desk to hand me the purple card. i nod and stand up all packed up. "I hope you have a better day tomorrow sweetie i know today was hard " she says i line up first at the door and wait. "Okay You guys can go see you tomorrow " the teacher says i run through the hallways down to the door. I am so happy to be done for the day. I run to see the black car and Auntie sitting in the front. I go and open the door. I get into the car and begin to cry. Im Safe. "Alison? Whats wrong baby? " auntie immediately says as i break down in tears. We stop and park on the side outside the school and i climb into her lap and cry into her shoulder.
Abby's Pov:
It scares me how much shes been crying. I just wanna help her but it's so hard because she never wants to tell me what's going on. I hold her tight and still give it my best effort to ask. "Alison baby? Whats going on? " i ask she cries and looks up at me i rub her back "Angel I want to help you" i say gentle "No more school! " she says beginning to be in hysterics again i rub her back "why ali you used to love school" i mention "NO MORE SCHOOL NO MORE! " she says screaming at the top of her lungs repeating it over and over i see the fustration in her face and how she seems so angry "okay ali calm down baby" i say gently "NO MORE " her face gets angry and she pulls away from me I look over at her beginning to punch the seat she begins to rage and im taken back "woah! " i say still trying to stay calm "NO MORE!" she demands louder and louder "ALISON! " i yell back and she stops dead in her tracks and begins to cry harder and the harder she cries the scary it gets she begins to have a coughing fit "Alibear calm down your gonna get sick" i warn but it continues untill she gags twice and i open the car door as she projectiles all over the side walk and i rub her back. Once she's done she lays in my arms her body shaking crying "Babe your safe" i tell her  i repeat myself over and over and eventually her body calms down "Look I don't wanna yell at you but you can't get mad and start trying her break things. Its not nice al" i explain she nods "Im safe now " she says back in a small voice "Right Alison you are " i say as i hold her im so happy to finally hear her say this. Then i look down at her clothes and i notice she's not in her uniform "Ali where are your clothes " i say confused she looks at me gulity "in my backpack " she says with puppy eyes "what happened? " i ask "I went pee pee on myself twice " she says in a quiet voice "Twice? " i say suprised "how come? " i ask "i got scared" she says still feeling guilty "Why were you scared " i ask she shrugs i leave it alone because I don't want her to start crying again. "okay baby Thank you for being honest with me " i say "You aren't mad at me" she says suprised "Why would I be? " i say she shrugs "accidents happen my love " i say "oh" she seems relieved "Can you get in your seat for me " i ask she nods going back to her seat and buckling herself "Good girl " i say she smiles "Were gonna go to the studio but you don't have to dance if you dont want to " i inform she nods I drive over to the studio and we go inside. "Would you like clothes to dance in? " i ask her as she holds my hand she nods "okay " i say i take her into the store and grab a leo and pink tights. i bring her back to a dressing stall and help her change. I fix her hair and look at her "You wanna try the ballet class? " i ask her "With you? " she says excited "No babe I have to film with the competition kids " i say "oh" her face sinks "Youll be with james hes really sweet " i tell her she looks nervous "You wanna go meet him atleast " i ask she holds onto my leg "Alibear I have to go to competition rehearsal so you have to either go meet james or go hang out in my office " i say she looks up at me with her puppy eyes "Ali please " i say "You wanna go meet james " i ask she nods slowly with her still puppy eyes "okay " i say i grab her hand and walk her into B "Hey abby!" james says energetic as always "Ali James James ali " i say walking up to him "Hi Ali nice to meet you" he says "She is gonna be in your class this evening " i say "Abby I thought we weren't adding anymore kids as the class is at full " he says "Well this one is an expectation " i say he nods "Okay" he says "sit on the floor kiddo " alison goes and begins to warm up on a spot on the floor "is she any good? This is a pretty advanced class " he whispers "her talent will speak for it self but uh if she starts to freak out or anything just have gianna come and get me " i warn he nods i walk out of the room trusting she's in great hands. I walk into A "You made it! " Gianna says "Yeah" i say "Hows she doing " g asks "She's good in ballet right now " i tell her "James's Ballet? " she says suprised "yeah " i say "Thats an advanced class no?" she says confused "Yeah but she takes direction very well so i threw her in " i say she nods"Alright let's see how this pyramid is gonna go "
-2 hours later-
I hear a knocking on the door as im teaching and the camera man holding it shut "Who is that? " i asked concerned "Just some little girl " the producer says "Which little girl? " i ask "It doesn't matter abby we need to film " the producer says with an attitude back "Um yes it does! Im responsible for a child out there! " i get mad I go over to open the door and see alison run in "Hi baby girl" i say as she runs into my arms smiling "Did you enjoy your class " she nods her head "Alright well auntie is filming so your gonna have to go " i tell her her face drops "if you wanna do tap with james just have gianna give you tap shoes and you can join the class" i suggest she nods "GG can you help me? " she says going over to gia whose standing next to me "Of course Alibear " she says taking her hand and getting out the room leaving me to yell at chloe about turning out her feet for the hundredth time.
-2 hours later-
i get up and finally get to leave the room after a long night of teaching the routines. Maddies mad at me because the producers made me put her at the bottom of the period for her mishap back stage and the moms have started with me because maddie and chloes solos are too similar this week. But overall I just wanna see alibear and take her home. "Where's al? " i ask gianna coming out of the room "She was really exhausted after tap so I got her dinner as you asked she pick mcdonalds and went into your office with her ipad" she tells me i nod I go into my office to ali staring at her ipad looking exhausted. She immediately turns her head and smiles coming up to me "MOMMY! " she says hugging me tight "How was class baby? " i ask she smiles big "Are you ready to go home?" i ask she nods grabbing her uggs and putting them on her feet. I help her with her coat and get ready to go. We get to the car and ali sits in her seat. I drive all the way home when I smell something. "Ali did you step in dog poop?" i ask looking back checking the bottom of her shoes she shakes her head. I look around but don't see anything that could be making that smell. I get out and open the door and the smell hits me in the face. "Ali is there something youd like to tell me" i ask patiently. She gives me a look. Oh boy it is her I think to myself. she stands up and walks out of the car. She stands at the door and waits. "It's time to shower ali " i say opening up the door and pushing it open. she nods heading towards the bathroom with me. She begins to set down her bag and take off everything but her pants. I sigh. "I pooped" shes in the smallest voice possible "how come " i ask concerned "Do you feel okay? " i ask she nods "Im sorry " she says with tears now streaming down her face "It's okay baby" i assure i help her getting her pants off and clean up the huge mess. "Let's get in the shower alison " i say I dont even ask her why she did it because I know shell just break down again and id rather have her calm. I help her into the shower and allow her to wash her own self. I help with her hair and ask her if it is okay to rub powder on her she seems comfortable with me which makes things a lot easier. I help powder and lotion her body and she seems to like all the pampering. I cut her nails and file them down. I then bring her up stairs to get clean pjs and brush her hair. She asks for a braid and I braid her hair. She seems to be content and calm and im happy to see her this way as we talk about dance class. "Okay Baby where would you like to sleep?" i ask nonchalantly her face freezes and she looks scared she gets silent. "I-I dont wanna sleep " she says extremely hesitantly "But baby tomorrow is school and we have dance class " i tell her she nods slightly understanding but not happy "Look you can go to your bed room and lay in bed and watch tv or you can come in my room and we can watch a movie and cuddle? " i ask her she doesnt say anything but points i carry her to my bed and undo the bed helping her in. I see the fear in her face as she stares at the door and it hits me. I go over to the door and lock it. I look at her "Look Alibear now its locked and no one can get in. Your Safe " i tell her she seems to relax alittle she sighs in relief as i get in bed. She lays against me as I watch her fall asleep quickly with some head scratches. She looks content and calm and thats all I can ask for right now.
-The Next Morning-
Ali's body moves from beside mine and I immediately wake up. Lately Ive been so worried if she moves Ive been awake. She looks up at me with her big blue eyes and I smile. "Morning Princess" i say as she begins to breathe I hear the muscus in her chest and set up a breathing treatment. "Here Princess " i hand her the mask as she puts it on and go to pick out clothes I pick out a pair of sweats because it's her gym day. I grab her new sneakers and look at her "Is this good? " i ask she nods as she takes in the treatment I begin to help her change and again take off a sopping wet pull up. "Baby you have got to start trying alittle harder to go potty before bed" i say gently she nods softly. I get her dressed while she continues her treatment and I brush her hair. I give her to pigtails and bows "Do you like it? " i ask she nods her treatment ends and she begins to cough I hear it still in her chest and she comes over and wraps her arm tightly around me. She hugs me a minute and looks at me "My Lwungs Hurt" she says softly "Im sorry baby but itll get better lets do some medicine " i say walking over grabbing her steroid. she takes it with no problem "Good girl and whose gonna be my big six year old on friday?" i ask enthusiastically but her face stays the same she coughs hard again "Are you not excited for your birthday princess?" i ask confused she shakes her head "How come? " i ask but she just wraps her arms around me once again i rub her head. I finally get her to school and realize that today is also the day for therapy. They want me to come in first to do an intake and provide background information on her before she goes to the appointment. I drive to the therapy office and meet with a women of my size wearing glasses and a pant suit its blue. "Good morning abby she says with her nasally voice it sounds like she might have a cold but i fear she doesn't "Hi Dr. Mackin " i say shaking her hand she asks me alot of questions about alison some good and some weird and then i have questions of my own. "Dr Alison has been odd about where shes been going to the bathroom lately" i say in a low uncomfortable tone "Well what do you mean? " she asks confused "Like she's been going on herself" i say even more uncomfortable "Like both or just peeing?" she asks "Both " i say hoping this conversation is almost over "Considering Alisons report says she was sexually abused it's not uncommon for her to be doing that " she says "huh " i say being this is the first time i am hearing these words and my heart is now in my stomach "When Alison was given a medical exam after she left kristen she had dna on her that was not hers it was in her underwear " she says nonchalantly "Alison then went ahead and confirmed there were men atleast two different-"she says "I DONT WANNA HEAR THIS " i yell "What does that have to do with her bowel movements and urinating on herself " i say jumping back "Well when a child is sexually abused or assaulted they normally will try and make them self extremely dirty so no one will touch them again " she says this and I feel like i got punched in the stomach and the air knocked out of me. My five year old little princess. "It's important that we can talk to her about all of this. Especially if its causing her regression in development " she tells me "What about school? " i ask "What about school? shes five she has to go. I would love to put her in a partial program considering her behaviors but the school is not gonna like that " she admits "Id really like to do an intake with her and an evaluation because she obviously is going to need a new one " she adds "Whats a partial program? " i ask alittle confused "Well she would come here part of the day for therapy and part of the day she would go to school" she explains "Considering she has been crying so hard it makes her sick, shes regressing in potty training, her anger and panic attacks she is the perfect candidate for a partial program. But she is five and we want her to pass kindergarten and if the school doesn't agree with us she can get held back " she explains i nod "So she would come here for therapy half the day? " i clarify "Yes it would be with other little kids I have a group of three right now " she adds i nod "Let's see how her behaviors are while she's here maybe it's something we don't even have to consider " shes says "would you like to go and get her? " she suggests "Yep ill go pick her up and see you at 12" i tell her picking up my keys putting on my coat and leaving the office
Ali's Pov:
I feel all shakey when I get to school. Im really scared that mom may come back and try and take me. I wish I could stay home. Today I see maddie running up to me after I put my coat away. I grin from ear to ear she gives me the biggest hug. "I Missed You! " she tells me with excitement "I missed you too" i tell her me and maddie play for alittle before maddie leaves the room with a tecaher. "Everyone take out your math books and go to page 78 " my teacher instructs math still looks so difficult to me and it makes me feel so bad. "Ali Im gonna help you in just a minute honey " the teacher says "Class tomorrow we are going to have Ms. Sasha come in she is gonna be working in our classroom for a little while shes really cool" my teacher explains i nod she teaches the lesson and i sit there a minute and then my teacher comes over and as she tries to explain this to me I start to cry. Its so fustrating that I get angry and I start to feel hot and as i feel hotter and hotter I get angier "Okay now do the next one by yourself" she says like i just did the first one so well i get angry and start to rip up the page and cry "Alison! That is not okay! " she reprimands me "Since you wanna do that! Go Sit on the rug! " she says angrily I sit on the rug and cry so frustrated and now sad that she is mad at me. I feel the urge to go to the bathroom but now im scared to ask so it happens again this time all over me and the carpet. I sit there wet and sobbing.
All of a sudden the classroom phone rings and my teacher comes across the carpet and sees me. "Alison... did you " she says now feeling sorry i nod "Im sorry I ripped the page " i tell her "It's okay but when you get fustrated you have to-" shes interrupted by the phone ringing again "hold on hun and let me get you a pass to get you changed. "she says running over to the phone "Hi Yes. Okay. Ill send her just give me a few mins " she says before coming over to me "Honey your going home. So ill pack you up. You gotta go to the nurse though and get changed " she says writing a pass quick. She helps me pack my stuff up and hands it to me "there's some math practice in there for you. Maybe mommy can help you" she says my heart sinks oh no there sending me home with.... mom i start to cry I bolt under the table and drop all my stuff "Alison!" my teacher says i cry and my body begins to shake i dont wanna go home with mom no no this can't happen. "Alison Come on someone is waiting for you and your soaked " she says but i dont care i sit under the table in hysterics inconsolably. "Alison Im gonna have to call the principal " she says i dont care though i continue to feel scared and cry.
Abby's Pov:
Ive been here for twenty minutes waiting in the office when I see the principal come out of her office. "Good Morning " the principal says "She wont come out from underneath the desk shes sobbing " the principal tells me "How come?" i ask surprised "She's having a panic attack that's been happening. yesterday too." she admits "Can i come with you? and help you? " i offer "since there are other children in the room I can't have you do that" she says i nod "ill be right back " she says taking the walkie-talkie "This is Principal Anderson and I am on my way"
Alison's Pov:
I lay there my body shaking like a leaf and sobbing so hard my guts hurt. I sit there in a ball hoping if i sit here long enough I will avoid having to go home because I don't want mom to take me away from auntie again. "Hi Im here " i hear Dr. Anderson say my body tenses up "Yes she's underneath her desk in a puddle of tears " my teacher says "What happened? " she asks "Well she was perfectly fine and then she wasn't " my teacher says"Okay walk me down the events " Dr.anderson instructs " Well I told her she was leaving she was full of pee so i packed her up myself and put her math in her folder and then said she could go get changed and maybe mommy could help her with her math" she goes down the chain of events " Kaley we have to be more specific with alison she probably thought you meant her blood mom " i over hear just then Dr. Anderson taps my back and i stop crying and sniffle "Alison sit up for me honey " she instructs I sit up underneath my desk holding onto my knee "Alison why are you so upset Auntie is here for you she wants to see you " she says i take a deep breath "Auntie?" i say looking for reassurance "Yes ali she's in the office waiting for you " she says my body calms down "Can you stand for me and get your stuff so we can go get changed and go see her? " she asks nicely i nod taking her hand and wiping my tears i grab my stuff and wave bye to my teacher. Dr. Anderson takes me to the nurses office to change to pants from the lost and found then she walks me to the office. "Alibear! " auntie says with her arms out I drop my stuff and hug her "Why did it take you so long ?" she says looking down at my pants "baby again? " she says i nod "Its okay " she tells me i hold her tight. She picks up my stuff and holds me as we go to the car. "Where are we going? " i say nervously once she straps me in "We have an appointment with Dr. Mackin " she says i sigh and look out the window. We drive to the office I get out holding aunties hand tight "Abby I wasn't even sure you were coming back " she says "well she took alittle longer than expected " auntie explains "Ali do you wanna come to the back with me? " she says i squeeze aunties hand and shake my head "She can come to can we go together? " Dr.Mackin asks again i nod holding onto aunties hand We sit in her office and I sit on aunties lap. "Alison how have you been I missed you " Dr. Mackin says and its like something snaps inside me tears pour down my face. "Not good! Im a bad girl! " i say suddenly like i can't hold in anything anymore "Why do you think that Alison " Dr Mackin asks "Because I am " i continue to sob "Ali no one thinks your a bad girl " dr. Mackin says "My teacher does! Auntie does! " i yell through my tears "Why? " she asks again "I ripped my paper" i say quickly and quiet as a mouse "You ripped your paper? how come " she asks "Because I can't do it " i say loudly auntie rubs my back as i cry "Why does auntie think your a bad girl?" Dr mackin asks inquisitively "Because I peed myself and Im mean to her and I cry alot " i say "And mom thinks im a really bad girl" i add "And why is that" she says like shes shocked "Because I didn't listen so she tied me to a wall for a long time and wouldn't let me go potty and i was mean to the-" as my saying this its like it all gets stuck inside of me again i can't say anything else as hard as i try. Im silent. "You were mean to who al? " dr.mackin says i shrug "Okay well Alison your not a bad girl you just made some bad choices and thats okay" dr.Mackin tells me "Do you know why you haven't been making good choices all of a sudden?" she asks "Because.... Ive been scared and sad" i say quietly again "Okay how come? " Dr. Mackin says i see something pink and i get off aunties lap "Is this slime? " i ask "Yes " Dr. Mackin says "Can I pway with it Pwease? " i ask politely she nods i open the big container and take out the slime and sit on the floor. I play for a while and I don't wanna answer anymore questions. "Alison! " auntie finally says sternly "NO MORE " i yell feeling fustrated flinging the slime across the room in fustration and feeling extremely bad for doing it "Im sorry im sorry im sorry " i immediately say running over to the other side of the room to it pick up and look over at auntie and Dr. Mackin but they don't look angry "Was that an accident? " Dr. Mackin says in a calm tone i nod quickly "It's okay hun thank you so much for cleaning it up for me thats a better choice " Dr. Mackin says "When were angry we can not just allow ourselves to start getting that angry. We need to learn to calm down before we get to that point " she says as i look up at her i nod "Can You and I start practicing some of those things? " she asks i nod "Very Good " she says "Ill see you in a few days alison okay? " she adds i nod "You can grab a sticker from the box if you would like you did a very good job today " she says "just wait a few minutes in the hallway im gonna talk to auntie okay? " she tells me i nod but don't grab a sticker leaving the room sitting in the hall
Abby's Pov:
Im shocked at what just happened I can't believe she got that angry again. I also can't believe how bad she feels about it all and it's like she can't control it. "Abby She might need partial care I think it's whats best for her right now because if she gets that angry in school it's going to start causing alot of trouble " Dr. Mackin suggests i nod she hands me a pamphlet of information. "Id like to set up an assessment to make sure she qualifies but from what I saw she does " she says " Hows friday morning? " she asks "Friday is her birthday" i say "Okay how about thursday? " she asks i nod "Okay. Other then that Dont take all this to heart she is extremely sweet and she just has alot of trauma and is showing alot of signs of fear of abandonment and ptsd" she says "What do you reccomend " i ask "Just give her as much love as possible and reassure her she's safe and your not leaving of course when its necessary correct her but try and reassure her as much as possible " i nod i walk out of the office holding the pamphlet "am I in trouble " alison says with fright in her big blue eyes i shake my head "no baby" i say with a calm tone "But ive been really bad "she says i kinda ignore it "Do you wanna go get lunch? " i ask her she nods "friendly's?" i ask gently her eyes brighten alittle i know its her favorite i take her hand helping her up from the floor and we say goodbye before heading out.
-A couple of hours later-
We get to the studio after spending a couple of hours spending time together out and around pittsburgh "Alright let's see your backpack " i say sitting her down in the school room with a pencil. She hands me her backpack and i grab out a sheet of paper with math on it that is visibly crinkled up and another with some letter practice "okay let's get started " i tell her she nods i put the paper down in front of her. She tries hard with her letters and it takes her less then ten minutes to do. i pull out the next paper and she looks at me worried just then jeff a producer comes through the door "Abby we need you a minute " he says interrupting "Ali start this and ill be back to check on you " i instruct she nods calmly and i walk out of the room
Ali's Pov
i look at the first problem and get anger 4 -2. I don't know how to do it and it makes me feel dumb i try to remember what the teacher said but i cant i begin to feel hot and slam my hand down and then i write a guess with my pencil pressing down on my paper really hard i go to write the number four and then i look at it and immediately go to erase it when i erase too hard and accidentally put a giant gaping hole in the paper i immediately feel really bad and start to panick auntie isnt gonna like this shes gonna be mad at me for this i think to myself. I think quickly as i hear her foot steps i grab the paper begin to find a hidding place. I put it behind the cabinet and sit down quick. "sorry babydoll now where were we " she says as she looks at me "where is it? " she asks "its done " i lie "okay then can i see it darling?" she asks nicely I begin to sweat and get nervous as i try and think of something to say "Alison?" she says alittle sterner my head goes blank and tears begin streaming down my face. "Alison if you wanna start dance class on time i need to see your homework. " she says stern "i-I " i hesitate i go over and grab my work and hand it to her my cheeks wet with tears "Alison! What did you do! " she says starting to get angry i begin to cry harder "Alison you said to dr mackin you weren't going to get angry like this again " she says in her stern voice she puts the paper down and fixes it with tape and then erases my mess. " Alison let's try again " she says gentler this time she sits down in the desk next to me and points to the first problem but i get really mad quickly. "Alison look " she says "What is four minus two alison?" she says very nicely but i cry really hard i begin to make my body extremely upset. "Alison come on deep breath " she prompts i feel sick i cry and cry until i almost puke "Alison calm down. Why cant you try" she asks "I CANT DO IT " i yell once asked this question i stand up and run over to the corner and cry. "Ali " she comes over to grab my hands but i don't. I can tell she's frustrated she gets up and walks out of the room and i feel even sadder. i get so worked up that i gag. I get extremely scared and try to calm my body down as i really don't wanna throw up. i begin to clinch my knees and take a breath. just then auntie comes back holding a red box with bubble white letters on it. she drops the box when she sees me gagging and immediately comes over to try and help me calm down. she holds on my one hand and rubs my back with the other "baby i have an idea please calm down " she says her hand against my back begins to calm me down as i stop crying and gag really hard one last time. i feel the fear in my body as this happens not wanting to get sick. "see calm down " she says frantically holding me down against her and rubbing my back. i stop crying and breathe once more. "Now" she says "I have a box of skittles and if you try really hard to do this math i will give you a skittle for every problem you can complete even if the answer isnt correct. " she tells me i love candy so i automatically nod "Okay? " she says picking up the box to shake it i nod i go over and sit at the desk with help of her hands pulling me up. "good girl better choice " she says i sit down and try to do the math but get frustrated "NO SKITTLES " i yell "babe if you tell me how to help you i will try" she says sweet as my blood begins to boil again i stop for a sec "Whats wrong ali" she asks adamantly "ITS HARD " i finally yell "Okay so let me help you " she says "would you like that? " she asks i nod "thats all you have to say " she prompts she shows me how to do two problems explaining it better then miss lorrie and teaching me how to count with my fingers. "Very good " she tells me when she checks it once i finish "i believe these are yours " she says handing me 6 skittles for my 6 math problems "good girl " she says kissing my head "see we can get things done when we ask for help" i nod
Abby's pov:
Thank goodness i came up with that idea for ali. It has to be fustrating being so far behind everyone else and it not being her fault. I kiss her head and help her change for dance class. Im happy to see her dry and me not having to change her out of pee even though she had a tantrum. "Good job staying dry babe " i say as i change her she goes off to grab her ballet shoes "which door? " she asks confused i take her hand and take her to studio b. "here" i say as i take her in to james "You can start stretching" he says i begin to leave as he looks at me "abby come here please " he says i go over to him "Yes james?" i asked "Who is that little girl?" he inquires "her name is alison you met her at nutcracker rehearsals " i tell him " oh.. I dont remember " he says "Well shes really good. She always pays attention and constantly is asking for corrections and she keeps up with the difficulty of this class well" he adds i nod proudly " I think you should give her an audition for the elite team " he suggests " do you think her parent would be okay with it?" he asks i think its pretty funny he has no idea who she is "Um yeah maybe i will" i say "Have a good class" i tell her she nods  I go down to A and then teach the elites their new solos and then i go upstairs to talk to the moms but sometimes catches my eye i watch alison in ballet class for a few minutes. she is really good at this. I smile as i see no anxiety or worry or anger on her face she is just simply being a child. "Abby! " john corella says "Yes John" i say snapping out of it. " We have to talk about travel for the weekend " he says "What about it?" i ask "well i need you help booking the hotel " he says and suddenly im paying attention "where are we going again john? " i ask "flordia abby remember west coast " he adds and then i realize something i turn to him and point to the hotel to book. I cant take alison out of state without court permission. i start to get very worried.

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