maddie, ali and baby kenz

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Abby's pov:
i rack my brain trying to figure out how to get ma ken with maddie and alison being here sick before the snow comes and the daycare closes. i decided to call gianna and see if she could scoop her up. "G have you locked up yet?" i ask her "yeah im about to leave do you need something?" g says "well as a matter a fact i do. can you get kenzie from daycare? melissa is stuck in the snow at work with the car. " i ask "well i would but im not on her pick up list. cant you take the kids? " she asks "no i cant they are both asleep and their both pretty sick. " i explain "how sick? " she says "well maddie has literally just wanted to sleep she has a fever, a cough and headache and ali has been throwing up on and off all day and is super weak to the point where i had to pick her up and bring her to bed because she couldnt handle her body weight. " i tell her "oh shit. well i got an idea. how about i come there and watch madison and alison and you can go grab kenz. " she says "okay that will work just hurry because the snow is coming super soon and i dont want you to get stuck in it. " i tell her "okay ill see you in ten minutes " she says and then hangs up in the meantime i go upstairs to my bedroom to check on alibear. Her cheeks are still bright red and her face is super pale as im looking at her i decided a pull up might be best practice since she cant hold her body weight up. I carefully change her from her underwear to a pull up hoping it wont wake her. but i feel her wake up and groan and then turn back over into the pillows so i put her pants on tuck her back in and leave her when i hear the door bell and see the ring notification on my phone Gianna is here. I go down the stairs and open the door "hey. " i say seeing the snow falling hard behind her "oh shit maddie is in the spare bedroom and alison is in my bed both are asleep. if ali wakes up just be mindful because youll probably have to take her to the bathroom. i would go hang out in that room if i were you just because if she wakes up and has difficulty. theres gonna be a mess. " i tell her rambling "okay i got it just go its getting slippery" she says with urgency "okay" i say jumping in the car to go to the daycare which is about fifteen minutes away. i park in the front and get out to the ring the doorbell to the old daycare maddie used to attend before she started school this year. "hi abby. are you here for kenzie girl " rachel the owner says "yeah im gonna take her melissa is stuck so im helping her " i tell her "okay lets make sure your on her list" she says "im not gonna id you i know who you are " she continues as she goes behind the counter and gets the big book and looks "yep you are here " i feel my phone vibrating in my pocket "hold on ms rachel i gotta take this " i tell her looking at my phone and seeing its gianna. "g whats up i literally just got here " i say " im pretty sure alisons a mess. " she says "how much of a mess ?" i ask "um i think its pretty bad. " she says i sigh" can you change her please. pull ups are in the bottom of the night stand with wipes " i say "got it thanks" gianna says i hang up i see ms tina ms rachels sister come out holding mackenzie "shes been tired today. we checked her for fever and kept an eye on her but she hasn't shown any signs of any kind of sickness. she ate fine, she played with her friends and then after nap she woke up for snack and then went back down about 45 minutes ago. " tina says handing me her daily report and her "okay so nothing out of the ordinary then? " i ask "nope she was a good girl too. " i nod "alright you guys be safe have a good night " i say signing her out while shes in my arms feeling her groan. "oh and abby shes gonna need pull ups " rachel says "okay thank you!" i say thinking shit now i gotta go to the store with a sleeping baby. i leave the center and get her in the car and the snow is coming down hard. i start driving and get another call from gianna. i pick up "ali sorta awake and shes really sick " she says " whats wrong ? " i say "shes been having diarrhea" she says "okay did you help her to the bathroom " i ask "no shes been going in pull ups shes gone through three so far. she cant lift her body and shes not really awake. " she says "ill be there soon kenzie doesnt have diapers so im running to the corner store to grab some before i come home " i tell her i hang up and park at the corner store and get out and run quickly holding kenz in my arms. i find one pack of pull ups in her size and one in ali's size. and when i get out the snow is even worse. i set kenzie down and proceed to drive home. and i get yet another call "g! ill be there in about a minute! whats up" i say angry now "well alisons awake and vomiting again " she says i sigh "in the toliet? " i ask "yeah. i got her there with minimal issues " she says "minimal issues?" i ask "yeah she did throw up on the floor once in the bathroom before i got her to toliet" she explains "okay im turning into the driveway see you soon" i say " okay" she says and i hang up. i park and grabs kenzie and put her coat over her and bring her inside. i look at her man she looks so cute when shes asleep sweet girl. i bring her to the couch and then change my mind and bring her upstairs to the other guest bedroom. I take her shoes off check her diaper and put her down in bed tucking her in. and then i leave the door open incase she needs me and run to my bathroom to check on ali "im here g" i see her in my room. "wheres kenz ?" she asks "shes sleeping in the guest room " i tell her "you can go its getting pretty serious. thank you for everything g. " i tell her "no problem abs " she says going out the room and down the stairs and eventually out the door. i go toward my bathroom and see ali once again sitting at the toliet "aw my baby are you okay." she nods her head i kneel down next to here she lays her head on me "are you done? " she shrugs i rub her back as she lays on my lap i play with her hair for about five minutes before she bolts up to throw up again and this goes on for alittle while finally she seems ready " are you ready? " i ask she nods i dont like that she doesnt seem to have enough energy to even talk. "alibear can you say something " but she doesnt she just lays her head back on me and reaches up her arms i pick her up and once again carry her to my bed she pats my side and i lay with her for a while as we watch some Icarly on paramount, she seems to enjoy this show when shes sick. when all of a sudden i hear crying from one of the rooms i know the cry well and i bolt up to see what i can do. i go to the guest room to see little kenzie laying in bed confused crying. " hey princess mommy got stuck at work so i had to bring you here angel. " i explain but she cries untill im able to rub her back and get her back to sleep. i set her back down. and go back to alison who is starting to worry me losing all function. i decide to call melissa "hey whats going on i got mack" i tell her "well triple a is working on getting me out but its really bad so you might have to keep the kids. " melissa says "well i might have to take alison to the hospital. " i tell her "oh shit whats going on?" she asks " she keeps throwing up, she cant lift her own weight and she wont even talk to me now. "i tell her "if i cant get this kid to keep anything down in the next hour or so im gonna have to take her " i explain " what about the snow? " she says "i dont know but i know its really bad melissa shes totally not herself in anyway. and im getting pretty worried."
i tell her "alright let me know what happens " she says all of a sudden i see a small person coming in the room "hi baby how are you? " i smile "can i lay with you? " maddie asks "i dont feel good " she says " yeah you can come lay on one side as long as you stay away from ali " i tell her she nods "i just wanna snuggle you" she says sweetly i move toward the middle of the bed so i have ali on my left and an empty right side. i lift mads up and she goes right for her head on my chest "i gotta go melissa i got maddie and ali laying with me now " i tell her "okay" she says and i hang up i begin to rub maddies head " whats the matter with my princess " i say i know she hasnt gotten my attention in alittle while with alison being around so i choose to take the sweet moment i can have. "my throat hurts and my head hurts " she says i continue to rub her head slow " can i help you? " i ask her "not uh but you can snuggle me " she says i nod putting my arm around her while i continue to rub her head with the other. not noticing alison getting incredibly jealous. " i miss this " she admits "i miss it to princess " i say kissing the top of her head. i rub her head till she falls asleep all snuggled up on me and i feel like im sleeping with two portable heaters on top of me. i look over to alison looking really bad. "babe we need to try and drink" i tell her i hold a water bottle to her lips but she refuses. "you gonna end up back in the hospital " i try and tell her finally she takes a couple of sips . just to start crying and gagging and then i scoop her and get her bathroom and unfortunately i know its time. i go down stairs to look outside and see the roads are covered. i got poor little maddie and mackenzie upstairs sleeping ali extremely sick and i dont even know what to do. i call gianna " what are you doing? " i ask

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