competition day

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ali's pov:
abby's eye glaze over alittle and i know better then continue asking any of the questions that i want to. "baby i dont know when your gonna be going home. id never wanna lie to you but mommy cant be a good mommy for you right now so untill she can be i dont want you going back there " she says trying to be gentle "okay. can i tell you the truth auntie abby? " sensing the fear in my voice her eyes widened "of course baby anything " she says now alittle concerned " i dont rweally wanna go back." i said as my face turns bright red and i get all clammy she looks relieved when i say this "alibear im gonna try and make sure i dont have to send you back " she says grabbing my hand to try and calm me "good " i say somewhat relieved i lay back down on her as the bus pulls to a quick stop " were here baby. you wanna come with me to check us in? " she says gently i nod she gets out and then takes my hand and we walk into this gaint fancy building its bigger then anything ive ever seen its gold on the inside and theres alot of white. the escalators are really big and feel even bigger when we get on one. its so cool to see all of this auntie is holding my hand tightly and firm as we walk through and up to a desk with a little man behind it "Morning, welcome to Sheer Talent competition! Lets get your registration started whats your name and the studio your having compete today?" he says enthusiastically "im Abby Lee Miller and my studio is the Abby Lee Dance Company. i preregistered my kids online i just need to make a change." she tells the man politely " all set " he says after looking down at his clipboard " now what would you like to change abby? " he continues " well i need to cancel a registered number that was going to be preformed by madison ziegler " she says calm "i see before we do this... is the child here and competing in any other numbers? because if the child is she cannot just be scratched from one number she wouldn't be able to dance today at all. thats the policy. " he says auntie abby looks at him with widen eyes "when did that change occur "she says a bit annoyed " that was changed at the meeting that concerned this convention just last month. its in the wavier you sign before completing the paper work for the competition. " he says more annoyed he pulls out his booklet and finds the section highlights it to show her "sorry about that ma'am " he says alittle nicer this time we walk away holding the booklet and back to the bus. all the girls get off and then abby gives my hand to gia who i just met "okay ali i have to deal with some stuff. gianna is gonna take good care of you and ill come see you alittle bit. stay away from maddie. other then that you can do whatever you want." she tells me then gently kisses the top of my head " i love you alibear " she embraces me tight and i grab Gianna's hand alittle scared and shaken as abby walks to the back of the bus
Abbys pov:
i turn and i watch ali leave the bus with Gianna. i walk to the back of the bus to find melissa to tell her the very bad news. i see her her standing in the back by the bathroom with no maddie. "melissa we have a problem " i say grimly "whats wrong abby?" melissa responds now concerned "well i talked to the competition and if i pull maddies solo i have to pull her from the whole thing. which means the producers will be very angry. so with that being said i think she has to dance " i said not thrilled " abby she cant her symptoms havent even slowed down let alone stopped " she says with an attitude " melissa! we dont have a choice! so i want to see that child in the dressing room getting ready for her solo in the next ten minutes!" i yell at her and then walk off the bus to find the dressing room. i go inside the big casino where the competition is being held and see christi and kelly sitting at the solt machines gambling and it makes my blood boil. i walk over to them and see them laughing, drinking and gambling. im pissed "ladies what are we doing? " i say sternly " we're enjoying since our children dont have a number right away." kelly says nonchalantly it makes me so angry " BROOKE'S SOLO IS IN HALF AN HOUR YOU NEED TO GET BACK THERE " i finally scream " DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO PARENT! " kelly says as i walk away watching kelly and christi get up and leave to. I walk over to one of the food places and call Gianna "hey ab whats up?" gianna answers quickly "hey g hows my alibear? " i said trying to calm down " shes good shes just sitting her not doing much shes talking to kenz " she assures "oh okay does baby girl want something to eat? " i can hear her ask ali and ali's little sweet voice say yes "what would she like ?.. just put her on please" i say losing patience "hi auntie. " her little voice comes over the phone "hi baby what would you like for breakfast? waffles, eggs, toast, pancakes? anything you want baby." i try to be enthusiastic " can i just get eggs " she says in a small voice "baby you can get more then that if you want if your hungry" i try to assure "okay then can i have some pancakes and eggs? " she says alittle less fearful "yes baby do you want orange or apple juice to drink? " i say "apple please" "alright honey ill be there soon i love you" i hang up " hi welcome to terrys what can i get for you? " the lady says in a nice customer service voice " can i get rainbow sprinkled chocolate chip kids meal with the eggs scrambled and an apple juice?" i say "sure thing ma'am coming right up" she says in the same voice i quickly receive ali's breakfast and walk right up to the door of the dressing room to give it to her i open the door to see her and maddie talking very closely to each other im ready to lose my temper when i think of ali "maddie shouldn't you be getting ready for your solo? " i ask with alittle annoyance in my voice maddie doesn't answer she walks away to grab her costume and then goes into the changing booth to put it on. i see ali and hand her breakfast. i start opening it up and setting it down on the table cutting it up for her and putting the syrup on the side "is this okay? " i say she nods "thank you! " she smiles i hand her the fork and kiss her head "baby girl i need you to stay away from mads i do not want you to be sick baby understand? " i say as gently as i can without losing patience "understand " she says in a gulity voice "good. now eat your breakfast baby. would you like me to get you something to do? " i say watching her devouring her rainbow chocolate chip pancakes. she nods slightly "okay baby eat and ill see what i can do about grabbing you something to do okay? " she nods "ms abby?" brooke comes running up " yes? " i said " can you come sit backstage with me? some of the other girls today have been saying alot of mean things to the little girls" i instantly get angry but try hard to control because ali is sitting there " yeah ill come are you ready to go for your solo? need me to run it with you? " i act calm "no i just ran it with g. im ready" she says assuring me " okay lets go " i say watching brooke as she leads me out of the dressing room and into the hallway i watch brooke do her solo and give a stern talking to the girl who are making fun of the little ones and tell them i will be talking to their teacher if they dont stop. i walk back with brooke to the dressing room and see ali and maddie sitting together playing candy land. I dont even think before i speak " WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING YOU WERE TOLD TO STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER! " gianna looks at me and i look at her "WHY ARENT YOU WATCHING HER! I TOLD YOU NOT TO ALLOW HER NEAR MADDIE " i scream at gianna "i didnt think it meant they couldnt just play a board game together" she says " GIANNA THERE TOUCHING THE SAME THINGS! " im still so mad " abby im sorry i didnt think of it like that" she says apologetically " IF ALISON GETS SICK YOUR GONNA BE THE ONE TAKING CARE OF HER BECAUSE I CANT HAVE HER SICK I NEED TO WORK " i scream my eyes look away from Gianna and i quickly get a glimpse of ali and know i totally just messed up

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