Chapter 36 - Ori

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Ori woke the next morning with a heavy head and a dull pounding behind his left eye. They hadn't gone to bed until well into the night, after the royal guards removed the body of the young boy from Isadaya's room, the Four and Ansira had been asked to recount the events over and over until Ori's eyes were ready to fall out of his head. The king and queen had heard their explanation once and had left to be with their family in their personal quarters, but the Eslean emissaries, Jakar Belí and Hammas Ghadar as well as the Aethorin Royal advisors, Sir Harrod and Sir Gregory, had insisted on each of them telling their side of the story multiple times. It was well past the midnight bell before they had been allowed to leave and neither of them had had the energy to talk so they had simply gone straight to their rooms and to bed.

At the breakfast table, the other three were already seated and had filled their plates with freshly cut fruit and warm bread rolls. Ori sat down with a heavy thump next to Thatch, who shot him a sideway glance, but didn't comment, much to Ori's surprise. They were all quiet and after the initial excitement of coming to Eslea and see a new country, all Ori wanted was to jump on the next ship back to Aethorin. But they still had a few days left before The Phoenix would set sail across the Aederlas Sea again.

A gentle cough alerted Ori of Scholar Aebond's presence as the old man walked up to take a seat across the table, next to Emmie. Aebond seemed to look much older than when they had arrived, as if the few days here had aged him considerably. It hadn't skipped Ori's attention that the old Scholar had not been with them very much. Ori tried to recall if Aebond had mentioned what he was up to when he wasn't around, but nothing came to mind. There hadn't been any lessons in the past few days, but what else was there possibly to learn before they sailed home?

Aebond cleared his throat, and everyone turned to listen. "May I remind you all, that despite these horrid attempts on the royal children, the farewell party for Princess Isadaya is still to take place tomorrow night and then we will leave at first light the following morning."

Two more days before they could leave this place, Ori thought. He yearned for familiar surroundings, whether that be within the walls of Warrior City or even the palace in Aebor. He was excited to be back out on the ocean aboard The Phoenix and to breathe in the salty air that he had been brought up with.

"Why do I suddenly have the feeling that Luka will try something tomorrow night?" Thatch pondered out loud and Ori nodded in solemn agreement. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to make his move, but also maybe the wrong time. Who knew what lengths the king would take to protect his family?

"But King Edmond must have the place even more tightly locked up after all these attempts on his children," Emmie said, voicing Ori's concerns. "I'll be surprised if we are allowed outside the palace walls before we leave." Ori's gaze raked over Emmie's face. Her usually warm brown skin looked pale and her cheeks a little hollow. He was worried about her, ever since what happened up North, but Emmie hadn't wanted to talk much about it. On the ship she'd told him that she barely slept anymore and was afraid to succumb to whatever darkness the Shadow Walker had put in her after nearly killing her. Ori had no idea what to do to help, if there was a cure to make her feel better. He would move heaven and earth for this girl but didn't know how.

"Luka will find a way in," Ki replied, bringing Ori back from his thoughts her lips forming a thin line on her face. "He won't let Isadaya leave Eslea unless she renounces her claim to the throne."

"But he can only do that if he in fact takes on the crown," Thatch responded.

"Which I'm sure he will. He probably already knows that we told King Edmond about him. His eyes and ears are everywhere."

A thought entered Ori's mind. "Has anyone thought of the possibility that he's a shapeshifter and could be overhearing everything as a mouse running around these halls?" It wasn't meant to be completely serious, but Ki's eyes widened, and Thatch threw up his hands as if in defeat.

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