Chapter 30 - Ki

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The powerful fragrance mixed of spices and livestock filled Ki's nose as she looked out over the sprawling and colourful market in front of her. The stand closest to her overflowed with vegetables, some she knew from back home like potatoes, carrots and tomatoes, but there were also some she had never seen before. There were small, round red and green peppers that were apparently very spicy and green cucumber-looking things called zucchini. But what filled most of the booths were the spices. Yellow, red, green and brown with such strong scents that Ki's nose felt overwhelmed. Both owners called out their goods to passers-bys looking to buy or trade. Next to the first spice booth was an elderly man selling handmade jewellery and Ki and Emmie studied the beautiful necklaces and rings. Ki decided to buy a golden bracelet with a small perl. It fitted nicely on her wrist.

It was fortunate that they were even here. For the past two days, Isadaya had been confined within the castle walls. The King and Queen did not want to risk their daughter's life so wherever she went a host of guards followed in her footsteps. Finally, after many heated arguments and discussions back and forth, the princess was allowed to go to the nearby market, accompanied by Ki and the other Howlers as well as Ansira and Akita. Isadaya had not wanted to bring any of the palace guards to not draw too much attention to herself. 

Ki looked around at the bustling market and spotted Thatch and Ori by a stall that sold satchels and travel gear. Emmie moved up ahead to be close to Isadaya, leaving Ki to make up the rear of the group.

Studying a hand-carved wooden statue of a panther, Ki felt an unfamiliar presence hovering close by. She kept her head down and from the corner of her eye she could make out the shape of a man. She waited for him to make a move, not yet aware if he meant her any harm, though why risk it out in the open in the middle of a crowded marketplace. The man moved closer and Ki's body tensed, her gift tingling in her fingertips and she reached for the dagger she kept hidden in the waistband of her trousers. 

Then the man whispered and Ki stalled in her movement. 

"We should probably talk."

Ki turned her head the opposite way and glanced to where her friends were. None of them were watching her.

"Whatever would you need to talk to me for?"

"Trust me, you want to know."

"Do you expect me to trust a stranger?" Ki kept her focus on the many statues in front of her, picking up a random one and pretended to study it. 

"If you want to leave Eslea alive, then yes."

Ki stilled, but before she could put the statue down the man moved right up against her. 

"There is a tavern up ahead, The Dirty Owl. Meet me there in ten minutes. Alone. Ask for Heredis."

Ki swivelled around, but the man had disappeared. No one seemed to have noticed their brief conversation.

Heredis? She mulled over the name and whether or not she should go meet this man as she caught up with the rest of the group. She knew that it would be best if she told the others, but something kept her from sharing what had happened. 

They walked on, Isadaya looking happy and smiling at finally being outside again. Her and Emmie chatted animatedly about the goods and whether they should buy something. They had gotten some Eslean coin for their stay by the Aethorin advisor, Harrod Fellan. 

Ki weighed the pros and cons of going alone to meet this Heredis man. Would he attempt to seek her out again should she not show up? He clearly knew who she was. 

Across the street she spotted a small building. A sign hung from the gable, swinging in the gentle breeze. The Dirty Owl. Ki tried to think of a reasonable excuse to break away from the group without raising suspicion. Falling back a few steps she slowly took off the bracelet she had bought earlier and hid it in her pocket. Then she called to the others. 

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