Chapter 21 - Ki

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It took another hour to reach the castle and the mood inside the carriage had lifted to a more curious one. They'd all been taking turns at staring out the two small windows on either side and Ki marvelled at the beauty of the nature surroundings these lands. It was so vastly different from her home, even the smells and building structures were different that it had been hard trying not to look like an owl as her head kept turning in all directions, so she didn't miss anything.

None of them had brought up the 'saviour' thing, coming to a silent agreement that it was best not to talk about, especially if no one else brought it up, but Ki's mind had been churning constantly, trying to figure out what was going on.


Prophecies were few and far between back in Aethorin and if anything, they were just old wives' tales told to children as a bedtime story. But perhaps it was different here in Eslea, but prophecies in old Eslean was not something they'd been taught before coming here, so they had nothing to go on.

Ki was brought out of her stream of thought when Emmie, head almost pressed up against a window, suddenly exclaimed, "My Gods!"

They all rushed to the side windows and Ki saw that they were approaching a hillside and nestled on top, like it was growing out of the trees beneath it, was castle so grand that it made the palace in Aebor look small. What immediately drew Ki's gaze were the four tall spires that seemed to disappear into the sky. The outer walls were too tall for anyone to climb with sentries patrolling the perimeter, though from this distance they looked like ants.

The castle itself was built in sandy-coloured bricks and boulders and the grey-polished roof and spire tops glistened in the sunlight. The main building looked to be shaped like a square horseshoe with several floors and bridges connecting different parts.

The road began to incline as the carriage started to climb the hill. They passed through wealthy-looking houses built firmly into the hillside. No doubt nobles lived here Ki noted to herself as she took in as much of the surroundings as possible.

Ki almost felt disappointed that it wasn't just a big hut made of mud and animal droppings, like her and Ori had discussed. As if he'd read her mind, Ori turned to her with a smile.

"No mud," he said with a bemused expression and Ki grinned in return.

Traffic increased and wagons, carriages and people on horses passed them in a steady stream on their way up to the castle.

They were approaching the first gate where several guards in royal uniforms of green and gold inspected the incoming travellers and their goods.

When no one stopped their carriage, Ki assumed Jakar, who was in the carriage in front of them, had been granted immediate access and they continued past the guard post and up the hill. The incline slowly flattened out as they approached the foot of the castle. Here was another guard post who seemed to be directing the travellers in different dictions. Their carriage stopped for a moment and Ki fought the urge to step out, but then they were on the move again and just past the guards they went under an archway and as they continued straight ahead, Ki noticed more were headed left along the outer wall.

"It seems that we are being taken to the entrance reserved for other royals and nobles," Master Aebond said. "We may even be greeted by members of the royal family. That is a great honour."

"Lucky for us," Thatch remarked dryly.

"You better watch your tongue inside these walls, young master Fieran," Aebond said with a stern expression. "This is a delicate situation enough as it is, and we needn't complicate it further with your wise remarks."

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