Chapter 18 - Ki

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Ki inhaled the chilled night air as she stepped out onto the deck. Only a few of the ship's crew-members were spread out around the ship, one seemingly asleep sitting up against the railing. She walked across the deck to the bow where a familiar figure stood. He was leaning on his forearms on the railing, gazing out onto the dark sea.

"Enjoying the quiet?" she asked as she came up next to him.

"I was," Thatch replied, but did so with a smile. It was probably the wine in her system that made her think such things, but she'd come to like his smile. It lit up his face and made the spark in his eyes more prominent.

"Sorry to disrupt the peace," she said, grabbing the railing with her hands and leaning over slightly to watch the waves break against the hull of the ship.

"You're not disrupting anything," Thatch replied softly. She looked down at her hands and saw his arm was just inches from hers. She could feel the heat radiating from his skin.

"So..." she began, unsure what to say next.

"So..." he echoed. Without even looking at him she could tell he was still smiling.

Neither of them said anything for a moment and Ki enjoyed this silence between them. It wasn't unpleasant or uncomfortable. It was nice.

"Do you wish you were with him right now?" Thatch asked, finally breaking the silence. He didn't have to explain who he was. Ki knew who he meant.

"No," she answered in completely honesty. "There was never a future there and I couldn't imagine myself living at that place. I mean just look at his family." Ki couldn't help but laugh at her own words, but warmth rushed through her as Thatch joined in. For some reason, hearing him laugh like that made her stomach tighten in a good way.

"No amount of gold coins in this world would be enough for me to live there either," Thatch replied, still chuckling. He looked over at her and the look in his eyes made her heartbeat quicken. This was definitely not the time and place for such girly emotions to take over and once again, Ki blamed the amount of wine she'd had during dinner. That was a mistake she would not be making again, she promised herself.

"Where's your head at, Air Howler?"

"Nowhere special," she replied fighting off a smile.

"I doubt that."

She looked at him, but it was a mistake for as soon as her eyes met his, she couldn't fight it and the smile broke across her face. The lanterns hanging across the deck illuminated his face with their flaming flicker, dancing across his face and casting shadows on one side. His eyes reminded her of liquid fire, the kind that erupted from ancient mountains and was almost impossible to stop.

Thatch leaned towards her, eyes not leaving hers as she watched him come closer. She was rooted in place, heart hammering against her chest. His hand closed around hers and the warmth from it filled her entire body despite the chilly wind.

"Thatch," she whispered, her mouth suddenly dry.

"Shh, I need to know," he replied in a hushed voice and she felt his breath on her lips. Her eyelids fluttered close and darkness surrounded her until his lips pressed against hers. In that moment fire erupted in her mind, consuming her thoughts and being. The kiss was gentle at first, his soft lips moving slowly, but she felt the longing, the need and she needed more. Her hand fisted his shirt and pulled him closer and his response was instant. The hand not resting on hers came up and cupped the side of her face, his thumb caressing her skin in soft motions. Her whole body felt aflame. He groaned, deep and guttural against her lips. His hand left hers on the railing and encased her at the waist, pulling her to him.

It was as if she was floating. She felt lighter than air and yet heavy at the same time. Her mind unable to form a coherent thought. She only knew that she wanted more of him. Their lips moved in unison and she opened her mouth as a clear invitation, which he accepted.

It was the yell of one crew-member to another that finally made them pull apart, panting and chests heaving as they came up for air. Thatch moved his head back a little but kept the rest of her close as he stared at her, expression unreadable. She didn't know what to do or say. With a smile Thatch leaned back in, but instead of finding her lips again, he rested his forehead against hers, sighing deeply.

"I thought I was about to float away for a second there," he finally said, his voice low and husky. She smiled.

"Me too," she replied. "Floating away on a cloud of flames."

"Yeah that about sums it up." He gave a throaty chuckle and she became away that she was still fisting his shirt in her hand. Letting go she tried to flatten the crumbled fabric with her hand and the frantic beating of his heart did not go by unnoticed. He grabbed her hand and held it against his chest, and they stood like that, letting the world continue on around them as they stayed frozen, if only for a moment.

It was Ki who brought them back to reality.

"We should go and get some sleep," she whispered, freeing her hand from his warm grasp. Thatch simply sighed.

"I hate it when you're reasonable."

Ki grinned and took a step back. "I know."

They walked back across the deck and Thatch walked so close that his hand kept brushing against her side. Not that she minded.

Back below deck they stopped outside their cabins and Ki couldn't make up her mind whether or not she wished for them to share a bed or if she was relieved that nothing further could happen. She'd learnt about babies and how they came about years ago. It was required teaching at school to prepare them so that they were aware of the consequences for laying with someone. That a woman getting pregnant out of wedlock was frowned upon in some parts of the country, especially in the small villages like where she'd grown up, where most people knew each other. It was probably different in Aebor where so many different kinds of people lived. She knew some men preferred other men and some women preferred being with women.

"Your head is off somewhere again," Thatch said and smiled, reaching up to caress the side of her face. His fingers left a chilling sensation running through her body. He leaned towards her again, though this time Ki was prepared, and she met him halfway, their lips finding each other with ease. Their second kiss felt just as explosive as their first one and Ki's body moulded into Thatch's, chest against chest, hips against hips, like they were trying to touch in as many places as possible.

"We really should get some sleep," Thatch muttered against her lips, but neither of them made any effort to move away. It wasn't until Ki thought she heard shuffling coming from her and Emmie's cabin that she reluctantly broke the kiss.

"I think Emmie is up," she whispered, and Thatch looked over her shoulder at the closed door, seemingly calculating the risks of staying put or doing the sensible thing and stop.

"I can't wait to get off this cramped ship," Thatch complained, complete with an eyeroll. Ki shook her head and grinned. She turned to grab the door handle, but just then the door opened, and Emmie was there.

"I thought I heard you out here." She glanced from Ki to Thatch, who hadn't made it into his cabin yet and she raised an eyebrow, causing Ki's cheeks to flush.

"I'm coming in now," Ki said, trying to sound casual as she hurried in, practically pushing Emmie out of the way before closing the door behind her.

"Dare I ask?" Emmie said with a smirk on her face as she went back to her cot.

"Please don't," Ki replied, quickly undressing herself and pulling on her nightshirt.

"I'll wait," Emmie chuckled. Ki wasn't sure why she didn't just tell Emmie what had happened. Maybe she just wanted to keep this to herself for a little while.

As she waited for sleep to come and take her, Ki bit her lower lip. She could still taste Thatch on her lips, a mixture of the wine they'd been drinking earlier, but also a unique taste that was just Thatch. 

She quite liked that taste. 

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