Chapter 13 - Ki

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Walking along the deck, Ki inhaled the fresh ocean air. It filled her lungs and her head felt clearer than it had been for a while. She approached Thatch with soft steps. The Fire Howler was leaning against the railing, his chest pushed up against the polished edges. His complexion was pale and he looked like he had been sweating for a while. Even his warm amber eyes looked possibly defeated.

"You look like you've been dragged from Aebor to Warrior City and back," Ki said when she found herself next to her poorly looking friend. Thatch groaned and put his head between his arms as he clung to the railing.

"Please tell me we're there."

"We're not there."

"Please lie to me then."

"We'll be there tomorrow."'

Thatch looked up, a hopeful glean in his eyes. "Really?"


Ki knew she was being unnecessarily mean to Thatch, but if this was the only opportunity she got for getting him back for all his crap, then she would gladly take it.

"We left Aethorin this morning, Thatch. It's a ten day journey."

Thatch groaned louder and shook his head gently, looking greener by the second.

"I'll be staying in Eslea. There's no way I'm sailing back." He pinched his lips shut with determination.

"Doesn't Captain Fawke have a potion or some herbs to help your stomach?" Ki asked, feeling suddenly a little guilty of her earlier gleefulness. He was really not well.

"He better have." Thatch sounded a bit more of himself just then, bringing a smile to Ki's lips. She rubbed his shoulder and felt some of the tension in Thatch's body disappear. Even a small sigh escaped his lips and continued to rub his shoulder and upper back in soft circles. She felt him relax more and more. As she pulled her hand away, his own shot out and grabbed it. It was warm and clammy, but she let him hold it.

"Please don't stop." His eyes pleaded with hers and Ki felt a stab deep within her that she couldn't quite figure out what meant.

"I'm going to find something that can help you." Her voice was soft and full of care.

"Please hurry back."

"I will. I promise."

Ki left Thatch by the railing and went towards the back of the ship where she'd seen Captain Fawke earlier. She walked up the wooden steps that took her to the raised deck where the big, carved rudder was. At the top, the wind gripped her and she welcomed her gift and let it course through her. But as she gazed across the deck, Captain Fawke was nowhere in sight. There was a young man with long blonde hair tied back with a string, who stood at the rudder, controlling this giant of a ship.

"Excuse me," Ki said as she approached and the young man turned his head a fraction, not taking his eyes fully off the horizon.

"Can I help you miss?"

"I'm looking for Captain Fawke." Ki studied the man. He couldn't have been older than his early or mid-twenties. He wore sandy-colored breeches stuffed into knee-high brown leather boots, with a white shirt and a buttoned vest that matched his breeches.

"The Captain would be in his cabin, miss," the man replied, still not fully looking at Ki. Very dedicated to his job, Ki thought, casting a glance out at the empty sea before thanking him. She left the deck and continued downstairs, following the path that led her to the Captain's quarters, which took up the entire back of the ship. The ornamented wooden door made her pause for a moment, admiring the intricate details carved into the dark wood. Waves lined the edges and a great Phoenix adorned the middle of the frame. The mythical creature had flaming wings and tail and it looked like it could come alive at any moment. Very fitting. 

Her hand reached out to trace the outline of the bird's head, feeling the smooth edges beneath her fingers before curling her hand into a fist, knocking three times. 


Ki grabbed the doorhandle and twisted, pushing the door open to reveal a spacious room.

"Miss Arynn, please, come in." Captain Fawke's voice sounded uplifting and happy. He was seated behind a large oak desk on the left side of the room, but Ki's eyes were immediately drawn to the back, to what was right in front of her. Row upon row of windows gave her a panoramic view of the ocean and the great sky spread out before them. The sea beneath them was foamy and white, caused by the ship as it tore through the surface. Had she not already seen this from the deck above, she could have stood there all day, fascinated by the stunning view. 

"What can I do for you, Kianna?" Captain Fawke's gentle voice brought her back and she turned to face him. Hearing her full name being used sent her thoughts back to her uncle. He'd always preferred to use her full name rather than the shortened version and for a moment she just stood there, her physical form on the ship, but her mind was at home. Blinking, she found herself back in front of Captain Fawke, who was eyeing her with interest, yet looked completely patient.

"I'm sorry," she said, remembering why she was there. " I wanted to know if you had an antidote against seasickness." 

"You do not look sick to me? A little abscent, perhaps?"

"It's for Thatch."

"That would be the Fire Howler if I'm not mistaken."

Ki nodded in reply and a smile broke out on Captain Fawke's face. "That does not surprise me one bit," he said, chuckling to himself. "I believe it's quite natural for Fire Howlers to feel unease at sea, surrounded by something that could so easily extinguish their gift."

This seemed perfectly plausible in Ki's ears. "So, do you have something that could help him?"

"There's a tonic he could take that would help relax his body and hopefully quell most of the sickness. I believe you are to start your lessons in the morning, so he should take it now and then every morning until we arrive at port in Eslea." Captain Fawke rose from his desk and moved across the room, passing a large table with carved legs surrounded by chairs, to the opposite side where the whole wall was covered in shelves and pull-out drawers, all made from the same dark brown wood as his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small, slender vial. It was full of dark liquid sealed with cork. 

"Tell him to take three drops in some water. If he runs out, go to the kitchens. They should be able to make more. We always have a few people on board who gets unwell. Especially in bad weather, so let's hope we don't get any of that on our journey." He smiled at Ki and she could do nothing but smile in return. She somehow felt lighter and less worrysome around the captain. His positive attitude was infectious. At least it was better than a grumpy captain. 

"Thank you, Captain."

"It's my pleasure, miss Kianna. I look forward to seeing you all later for supper in here. You are my personal dinner guests on this trip."

Ki nodded and thanked him again. She turned to leave, but hesitated, her hand hovering over the door handle. 

"Something the matter?" Captain Fawke asked. 

"Captain, I was wondering," Ki began, hoping she wasn't being impersonal or intrusive in any way. "Are you a Fire Howler?"

Tristan Fawke looked at her for a moment without saying a word. Ki began to worry she had stepped over the line, when he cocked his head and smiled. "I am merely the Captain of a ship, Kianna. Nothing more, nothing less. I will see you at supper."

She had been dismissed and Ki quickly left his quarters, clutching the vial for Thatch in her hand. It wasn't until she was halfway up the stairs towards the top deck that she realized the captain hadn't really answered her question. 

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