Chapter 8 - Ori

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The next morning, after a solid breakfast of eggs and bread with ham and cheese, the Four gathered in the classroom, awaiting Scholar Aebond and the start of their new lessons. Ori was amused by Thatch's clear distaste for the new addition to their daily schedule and listened as he complained to Ki, who seemed to be only listened partially to what he was saying. A shuffling of feet had them all straighten in their seats and Ori watched as Scholar Aebond appeared in the doorway, several heavy-looking books under his arms. Ori jumped up immediately, manners kicking in and with a few steps he was next to the scholar, taking the burden of the thick, old books off of him.

"Thank you, boy," Scholar Aebond said as Ori set the books down on the large wooden table at the front of the room, reserved for the teacher. As Ori turned to sit back down again he caught Emmie smiling at him and his stomach fluttered and he ducked his head as he took his seat, not wanting her to see the heat rising uncontrollably in his cheeks. His parents had raised him to always respect your elders, and therefore helping whenever possible, even if he hadn't been asked to do so. Kindness, from his experience, always paid off.

Scholar Aebond cleared his throat and Ori's full attention snapped back to the old man standing in front of him, his whole being oozing of wisdom.

"We shall start off with naming the three kinds of gifts that Breidal, Eslea and Ospyria have. Does any one of you know these?" Ori's mind whirled as he shifted through his memories to find the correct answer. Meanwhile, Ki's hand shot up almost immediately.

"Master Aebond," she started and the scholar nodded for her to continue.

"Breidal's gifted are named Vanishers, Eslea's are Whisperers and Ospyria's are Conjurors."

"That is correct, yes," Scholar Aebond replied, smiling. "The gifted people of Breidal can vanish into thin air, only to appear somewhere else. The stronger the gift, the further away they can reappear. Ospyrians can conjure up all sorts of things and Esleans can communicate with animals, and some can even transform themselves into one."

Thatch shifted in his seat. "What I don't get is why our people haven't gotten together more? Think of the powers it could lead to."

Ori had to admit he agreed with Thatch in questioning why there weren't more of the gifted people from those countries living here in Aethorin.

"My boy, that was certainly the case many years ago. People sailed across the seas to start new lives, but exactly what you said hit a delicate spot with the rulers at the time. Think of the powers it could lead to. Indeed, but what could happen if one country, let's say Aethorin, started developing even more powerful gifts. To have the ability to control fire as well as vanish into thin air."

Ori began to understand and he could tell by Emmie sitting next to him, the way she looked down at her hands, that she understood as well.

"The rulers were afraid that if one country were able to breed such powerful gifts, then what refrained them from building an army and declaring war? So, everyone closed off their borders, until about thirty years ago, when King Roald the Second, the year before he died, and the foreign rulers managed to come up with an agreement to open the borders for trading. Since then they have taken it step by step and people can, if they so choose, move across the seas, but not many have done so, and can any of you tell me why that is?"

This time, Emmie raised her hand as the only one.

"Perhaps because they'd feel alone and almost unwanted in a foreign place with foreign magic. I suppose the ungifted would feel more inclined to move in some way, not weighed down the by the gift and the responsibility it brings."

Scholar Aebond nodded. "Yes, the feeling of alienation most definitely plays a big factor in this, but also the fear of the unknown. Because the borders have been shut for so long, most don't know that much about our neighbours, especially those that did not attend school. Some may not even know that any places outside of Aethorin exist."

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