Chapter 37 - Ki

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Ki and Emmie had left the dining hall and headed towards Isadaya's bedchambers. Ki's mind was churning with thoughts and concerns about how Luka might try something at the princess' farewell celebration. Perhaps it would be wisest to cancel it and just have a quiet family dinner and then they could leave for the ship in the middle of the night and slip out quietly?

Wishful thinking was what it was. Ki knew they wouldn't be able to get away with something like that. All they could do was to be on high alert for even the slightest of warnings that Luka was up to something. Ki knew he didn't want to kill Isadaya or them but getting her to renounce her title publicly was a different matter. If Luka wasn't successful in reclaiming his legacy, then all bets were off, and he might just try and eradicate the whole Belisar family.

"Do you really think Luka would show up in person at the party?" Emmie asked as they turned down a deserted corridor.

Ki shrugged. "I honestly don't know what Luka might do. He may just send in his pawns and hide out until he thinks it's time for him to make his grand entrance."

"But what better occasion for a grand entrance than a big party with all the important people of the country gathered together?"

Emmie was on to something. Their best bet was to expect Luka to show up at the party, which meant they should consider asking the king and queen to let them leave for Aethorin earlier than planned. She'd have to get word to Captain Fawke if The Phoenix would be ready a day earlier and not have Luka intercept it.

Ki voiced her idea to Emmie. "We should go visit The Phoenix today if possible. See if Captain Fawke is there. It's better to talk to him in person than risk Luka finding out by intercepting a message."

"We'll seek out the king after seeing Isadaya," Emmie responded just as they reached the princess' chambers. Two guards flanked each side of the door. One of them held up a hand causing Ki and Emmie to stand still. The guard eyed the girls before turning to knock on the door.

"Yes?" Isadaya's voice was muffled on the other side of the door.

"Princess. Miss Arynn and Miss Eskhana are here."

"Send them in."

The guard nodded at Ki and Emmie before pulling the handle and opened the door for them.

"Thank you," Emmie said politely as they both walked through.

Isadaya was pacing the floor in front of her bed. Ansira was perched on a chair, stroking Takita's shiny black fur as the big cat followed the princess' movements with her yellow eyes.

"Isadaya? What is wrong?" Ki asked. It was obvious something was troubling the young woman and the list of worries were growing steadily longer for each day, so Ki couldn't blame her.

"I want you two to be completely honest with me," Isadaya said, pointing a finger towards Ki and Emmie as she finally came to a stop in the middle of the room. "Is Luka Victari going to kill me and my family?"

Ki exchanged a glance with Emmie. She shouldn't have been surprised at this.

"Not if we can do anything to prevent it," Emmie replied and to that Isadaya sighed.

"We must do whatever we can to keep my family safe even if it means not leaving for Aethorin in two days."

"Princess, if we don't leave with The Phoenix, who knows when we'll be able to. If this situation turns into an outright rebellion, we need to keep you safe and far away from here."

"Miss Arynn, please. I cannot just leave my family to fend for themselves. I have had sword lessons alongside my siblings and-"

"We cannot risk your life, Princess," Ki interrupted. "If Luka Victari is intending on eradicating the whole Belisar bloodline we have to get out of here or we will all be dead. We have no idea how big his following is. It could be a bloodshed, an outright rebellion in the streets."

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