Chapter 26 - Ki

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The next day they were sitting in the shade of a giant ash tree on the west side of the castle. It had rained the whole evening and night, leaving the air crisp and fresh, and in the early hours of the morning the skies cleared as the sun rose above the horizon bringing with it another hot day. Ki and Emmie had chosen the lightest garments of clothing they could find and Ki made sure that a constant gentle breeze helped cool them down. Ori and Thatch had gone further exploring with Victorine, so the three girls had gotten comfortable by the tree with chilled fruit juice and different snacks such as various nuts and berries and small rolls of grainy bread filled with cheese and herbs.

The princess picked up a handful of dark grapes and started popping them into her mouth one at the time. Stopping, she looked over at Ki. "So, Kianna and Emmie. What can you tell me about Rylan Dukant of Aethorin?"

Ki and Emmie shared a look that they didn't need a mind link to decipher.

"I will let Ki answer this one," Emmie said with a polite smile as Ki's eyes narrowed at her friend.

"The prince is...very kind," Ki began, being very careful of what she said. "He is a generous heir and gentle with his people." She cringed inwardly, knowing how polite and polished she sounded and clearly Isadaya felt the same.

"No one is listening, Kianna. Please, if I am to leave my home and marry this man, I would like to know how he is privately." Ki understood the princess and tried again, though still minding her words.

"We spent time with him at the training camp where we have lived since we were chosen. I have trained with Rylan and he truly is a great person. I think you will like his humour and he doesn't act like the heir to a kingdom when he's not at the castle. Away from there he is just like any other man and that is one of the things about him I like the most."

"Does he flirt a lot with women at court?" Emmie suddenly busied herself with picking through the bowl of nuts.

"He can be flirtatious, sure, but I haven't seen him enough at court to know for sure. But I do know that he respects women and he is a good listener."

Isadaya smiled. "It sounds like you know him quite well."

"Oh, no I really don't," Ki replied quickly, too quickly. Isadaya raised an eyebrow and Ki felt her cheeks flush. Embarrassed, she lowered her head and drank half of her cup of fruit juice.

"He's very handsome too," Emmie stated as a matter of fact causing Isadaya to giggle and Ki to almost choke on her juice.

"He sure sounds wonderful and almost too good to be true," Isadaya said, hiding a smile.

Isadaya wanted to know as much as possible about Rylan and Ki did what she could to recite his best qualities. Emmie chimed in from time to time with little anecdotes about the prince at camp. Ki stayed clear of topics such as how he was as a kisser - Isadaya didn't need to know that Ki could answer that, even if it had only been that one time. Instead, she talked about his sense of humour, his love of riding and competing. How good of a swordsman he was. That he hadn't minded helping out with the dirty work at the training camp because there he was just like all the others. There he was treated like just another soldier.

The more Ki talked about Rylan the better she felt. From what she had learned about the princess, they seemed like a good fit. A better fit than Ki had ever been or could ever be. Isadaya was kind, thoughtful and cared greatly about her family, but Ki had also seen other sides of the young girl. She was opinionated and stubborn and Ki knew Rylan would have a hard time running corners with her. She would put up a fight and he needed that. He didn't need a pushover to be his queen.
He needed someone who could stand up for herself and voice her opinions. Someone who could make changes when needed to for the better of the kingdom. An equal. Ki had never been his equal. She would always be a soldier and subject to her king and his family.

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