Chapter 41 - Ki

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"You said we could leave if Isadaya renounce her claim to the throne," Ki said through clenched teeth, her jaws grinding together. They were all huddled together inside the hidden passageway. Because of course, why did Ki think it could have been that easy to get home.

Luka merely shrugged. "I changed my mind. Also, as far as I know, she hasn't yet. So, when were you planning on doing that exactly? In the carriage? On the ship to Aethorin? A letter by carrier pigeon?"

Ki stepped in front of Isadaya, physically shielding her.

"Cute," Luka said in response to that. " But we'll let that slide for now. I had a long think about this, even consulted my mother and your dear old Scholar." Ki and Ori exchanged glances. "And I came to the conclusion that instead of flipping the country upside down and killing so many potentially useful people, it would be much more beneficial if we simply...merged." He put his hands together, his fingers intertwining.

Merged? Surely, he couldn't be talking about...

A beat of silence. Two. Then Isadaya stepped around Ki before she could stop her.

"I will not marry you even if it meant my life." She all but spat at Luka's feet.

"She is to be the next queen of Aethorin. King Raegar will see this as an act of the most severe disrespect." Thatch's voice was calm, almost too calm for Ki's liking, but he had a solid point.

"It would do you no good to take Isadaya as your bride," Ki chimed in, agreeing with Thatch. "There must be another way for this to end peacefully."

Luka's gaze bore into Ki's, but she held her ground, keeping her chin up, matching his gaze with hers. His mouth pulled up into a smirk.

"As beautiful as Princess Isadaya is," he shifted his gaze to Isadaya, "you are a little young for me. Besides, you are not the only unwed princess in your family."

Isadaya kept her outburst low. "Victorine is betrothed to Lord Tomas and he-"

"Has been away on business for a long time. In Ospyria, if I'm not mistaken."

How Luka knew where Victorine's betrothed was sent shivers down Ki's spine. Had this been his plan all along?

"Victorine will never agree to marry you," Isadaya said, her voice low and venomous. Luka's response was to tilt his head slightly, the smirk still playing on his lips.

"No? Not even to save the lives of her entire family and all those closest to them?"

Isadaya's face blanched. "You wouldn't?"

"Oh, sweet girl, I absolutely would, but like I said, it would seem wasteful to end the lives of so many people so instead I offer a better solution. Victorine weds me tonight. Your father, Crown Prince Edmond and your sister, Anemone, all renounce their claims to the throne. I am crowned King, the Victari royal line is reinstated, and you and young Eamer can keep your titles. Your mother can even help find a suitable match for him somewhere. I know there's a Breidal princess around his age running around the castle in Baird."

"He is three!"

"Betrothals have been made before a child's birth so this shouldn't be an issue."

Ki didn't know what to say. Her mind was running wild with trying to find a solution for this, but all she could come up with was...

"This may wor-"

"What if we just killed you now?" Thatch interrupted with a shrug, producing a small flame that danced on his palm. "Kianna could choke you by removing the air from your lungs and a flick of her wrist and that would end all of our problems just like that." Ki eyed him and could tell that beneath the seemingly calm exterior, Thatch was also worried. She reached out to him with her mind but found herself blocked from connecting with him.

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