Chapter 25 - Ki

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Isadaya had not noticed Ki and Emmie's expressions. She had not noticed how quiet they had become, how what she had just said had affected them. Clearly, word from the city had not reached the princess' ears, but it was surely only a matter of time before it happened. Would she have wanted to hear it from them and not through gossip? Ki pondered this as the girls kept walking alongside the tree line.

"Have these rumours stirred since then?" Ki asked, trying not to sound like she knew something.

"My brother told me than when he was a child he overheard my father and his advisor talking about how the Victari line lives on." Isadaya shrugged. "My brother was very young so it is possible that he misheard whatever it was they were talking about. It may be that they were discussing something else entirely."

Ki didn't believe that. decided to poke a little deeper. "If someone from the Victari bloodline still lived on, would they be this Hadari that man talked about?"

Isadaya sighed. "It is possible, but I suppose it could mean literally anyone."

Ki nodded and glanced at Emmie who remained quiet and more focused on their surroundings.

"Listen," Isadaya began, "I know that my family history is bloody and not perfect in your eyes, but I should not be held accountable for those actions."

"I did not accuse you of anything, Princess," Ki replied with sympathy in her voice.

"I know the people judge us still. I know that the country is heading down a dark path if it continues like this. It is why my father wants this alliance with Aethorin. To strengthen his forces and terrify the people into submission. He keeps saying that soon people will not care so much what happened in the past. That the Victari supporters will disappear and Eslea will prosper again." Her eyes met Ki's and Ki felt a strong urge to protect this girl. "But the past is there to be remembered."

"But you will be in Aethorin," Ki said, finding herself reaching out to rest her hand on Isadaya's arm.

"I am leaving my family to fend for themselves. My brothers and sisters. Their children. What if I leave and a revolution starts? What if the Victari heir is real and comes back to kill my family like theirs had been? Will they stop at that or come to find me too?" Ki's fingers closed around Isadaya's arm in comfort.

"Listen to me. You will be safe in Aethorin. We will be there to protect you. Prince Rylan will protect you." She tightened her grip to get her point across. "And until we get back to Aethorin we will protect you here." Emmie nodded in agreement, her face serious, dark eyes stern.

Isadaya smiled at her. "This is the first time you've mentioned him." Ki's hand released its grip on the princess and fell to her side.

"What do you wish to know?"

"There you are." Thatch's voice had them all look up to see him and Ori coming towards them. Princess Victorine trailed behind; clearly annoyed that she could no longer keep them to herself.

Ki touched Isadaya's arm again, but this time keeping it light. They exchanged looks and Ki whispered with a smile, "We'll talk tomorrow." Isadaya returned the smile before turning it to the others.

"I do hope my sister treated you well on your tour?" Isadaya smiled brightly, stepping forward to greet them. Both Ori and Thatch grinned, as if sharing a private joke.

"Princess Victorine treated us perfectly well, thank you, Your Highness," Ori replied, "and may I say what a beautiful home you have here."

Victorine appeared at Thatch's side with a smile. "They were such charmers. I don't know how you girls can spend every day with them and not want to kiss their perfect faces all the time."

Thatch smirked, winking at Ki. "Who says they don't?"

"I think my breakfast is coming back up." Ki made a face at him and Victorine laughed.

"You two are funny." Then she abruptly turned to her sister. "Father wants us back in time to get ready for dinner and tomorrow is the formal welcoming banquet so he expects us to be there early to greet guests."

"Did you talk to him?"

Victorine shook her head, causing her hair to cascade down her chest. "Jakar stopped us outside the library."

"Ugh. I can't stand the constant smugness on his face," Isadaya said. "Like he is better than us because he sits in on fathers councils and knows more than us, the king's children."

"I think he's handsome," Victorine said with a smile. "I know that he asked father permission to court me, but arrangements with house Gammont had already taken place." 

Isadaya rolled her eyes at her sister. "He's too old for you. Tomas Gammont is at least only five years older, not fifteen. And I know father would never let one of his advisers marry you. You deserve much more than that."

Victorine sighed, busying herself with adjusting her skirt. "At least he's here so that I can admire him and not days away like some others." Despite trying to seem indifferent that her betrothed were away, Ki could tell the princess felt otherwise. She clearly cared for him and missed him. So why not just say that? Why pretend otherwise and flirt with Thatch and others? Ki couldn't wrap her head around such frivolous behaviour.

"Tomas will be back the day after tomorrow. You will be fine. I'm the one with the betrothed in a faraway country whom I've never met." Isadaya smiled politely at them and Ki suddenly felt like she should be anywhere but here, and by the looks of it her three friends felt the same way. They had unknowingly inched backwards very slowly. It felt almost comedic.

"We should head back like our father wishes." A fresh breeze blew past them, rustling the trees around them and Ki inhaled deeply, feeling her gift stir with the surrounding wind. It smelt of forest and of forthcoming rain.

"We should," Ori said, looking up at the still clear blue sky and Ki knew he felt it too. "It will rain shortly." 

"Nonsense," Victorine frowned, also looking up. "The skies are blue."

"Believe me, Princess," Ki responded with a polite smile. "The weather can change quite suddenly." Just then the distant rumble of thunder could be heard as if to prove her point.

Victorine's eyes widened slightly with surprise and admiration. "Nifty." She then switched to Eslean and said something to Isadaya that Ki and the others couldn't understand. Ki exchanged looks with her friends, who all just stood there rather awkwardly, waiting for the two princesses to finish their private conversation.

"I apologise for that," Isadaya finally said in common tongue. "That was very rude of us." She gave her sister a pointed look who just shrugged it off and started walking. 

Whatever she had talked to her sister about it had annoyed Isadaya and Ki wished she knew more Eslean and on the way back to the castle she wondered what it could be.

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