Chapter 14 - Ki

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Back above deck, Ki clutched the small vial in her hand as she made her way back to where she had left Thatch. The smell of tangy salt cluttered her nostrils and overwhelmed her senses. There was a pleasant breeze and the wind was coming from the west, helping the ship in the right direction, which meant that Ki didn't have to use her gift to help The Phoenix along.

She watched as three crewmembers pulled at the main sail. They heaved to adjust the large white fabric before one of the men tied the thick robe securely to a pole. Suddenly the air was filled with high-squeaking sounds, but as Ki looked around to find the source it didn't seem to be bothering any of the crew.

"That would be the dolphins, miss," a man said, clearly noticing Ki's confusion. He rubbed his face and left a smudge across his lined brow. "They love to play around the ship." He pointed a finger towards the left side of the ship and Ki rushed to the railing. Sure enough, below her in the frothing blue water, several long grey shapes swam around, fins flipping and Ki nearly gasped when one jumped high into the air. It was almost like it was smiling at her, she thought as she watched it dive back under the surface of the water. She watched the dolphins play as they raced alongside the ship, effortlessly gliding through the water.

They looked so free and full of life. How much different would her life not have been if she hadn't been chosen on Revelation Day. If she had just gone through the test, like all the others, then moved on, and found a job. Maybe she would still be living with her uncle. Or maybe she would have moved to Aebor to start a different life? She would never know now that her future had been chosen for her, but the biggest part of her was grateful for the path she had been given. She had a purpose now, a purpose to protect her country and its people to the best of her ability. Ki would make sure that her job that the Gods had chosen for her would come first.
It wasn't uncommon that the chosen four Howlers went through life unmarried and without children. Especially the women. What place did an infant have on a battlefield, or roaming the country?

From stories, her uncle had told her, Ki knew that, despite having fathered two children, her great great grandfather, Kamphar, had been a rare presence in his children's lives. Yet, despite all that, her great grandmother, Kianna, from whom Ki was named after, had grown up to be a strong woman without a notable father figure in her life. At least Ki had had both her parents, even for a short time and after that her uncle. But being so young, Ki couldn't ever imagine raising children. Maybe one day, when the next generation was chosen, if Ki hadn't perished in battle, maybe then she'd settle down with someone and spend the rest of her days as a mother. But that felt so far into the future that Ki couldn't afford to think of such things.

Leaving the dolphins, Ki made her way back to where she'd left Thatch and she found him right where she had left him. The sweat on his brow made the pale complexion of his skin almost glisten. Despite all his antics and comments, Ki knew what a caring and thoughtful man Thatch could be...when he tried.

"You're back," Thatch said and Ki could hear the strain in his voice.

"Good news," she replied, revealing the vial in her hand. Thatch's amber eyes immediately brightened and a smile lit up his face. He looked almost like himself.

"You're my savior," Thatch grinned as Ki plopped down next to him.

"Where's your water?"

Thatch handed her the carved wooden cup that was still half-full. She uncorked the vial and carefully added three drops of the dark liquid that slowly dissolved itself in the water.

"What is it?" He asked as Ki handed him back the cup.

"A tonic. Don't ask me what's in it, because I don't know, but Captain Fawke said it should help you. They can make more in the kitchen if you need it."

Thatch sniffed the cup and winched, but he put it to his lips and drank the content in one go. His body gave a slight shudder, but then stilled and Ki looked expectantly at Thatch to gawk at any reaction.

"Smells worse than it tastes," he finally said, setting the cup down on the deck next to him. Then to Ki's surprise, he grabbed her hand in both of his and squeezed gently. No words were spoken, but no words were needed, so instead they just sat like that, waiting for the tonic to settle in Thatch's system.

"It really is beautiful out here," Thatch muttered, breaking the silence after a little while. He gazed out at the sea and Ki squeezed his hand in return.

"It's incredible," she replied.

"It's so massive, almost endless and that is just the surface. Just think about what is below. A completely different world unlike anything else."

Ki turned to stare at Thatch. "I didn't realize the cure for seasickness made you so thoughtful."

"Well, I've had some time to think about it as I hurled my guts up."

"That's more like it," Ki grinned, nudging Thatch with her shoulder.


Ki turned her head and saw Emmie approaching, but didn't get up from her place next to Thatch. It somehow felt too comfortable there.

"It's time for Aebond's lesson."

"Does that mean we have to go below deck again?" Thatch asked, and Ki felt a pang of sympathy.

"I'm afraid so."


With a little help, Ki got Thatch up on his feet where he wobbled for a second.

"I actually feel a lot better," he said and Ki thought his skin looked warmer than before. Not that she would touch his face to check.

"You look like less of drowned cat," Emmie simply stated. "You coming?" She walked off towards the staircase, leaving Ki and Thatch to follow suit.

Thatch looked at Ki and smiled that crooked Thatch smile. "Let's test this tonic then, shall we?"

Down below deck they joined Emmie and Ori in a small study with walls covered in maps of different oceans and with various nautical equipment.

"Small confined space. What a joy," Thatch muttered and Ki immediately began to locate the nearest item resembling a bucket. There was what appeared to be a wastebasket next to the small desk on their right. She didn't want to embarrass Thatch by putting the basket at his feet, but given some warning they could probably prevent any messy incidents.

"You look better," Ori said to Thatch as they all took a seat in front of the desk. Emmie sat down next to Ki and Thatch claimed the chair on her other side.

"Yeah, about that," Thatch started, not acknowledging Ori, and grabbed Ki's hand as he had done up above.

"I didn't say this earlier, but I will say it now. Thank you, Ki. It means a lot to me that you helped me return to a better health. That you were there when I needed it. Not like Ori who just abandoned his fellow comrade when we're supposed to be like brothers."

Ori started to splutter an objection, but Thatch kept going.

"When you're supposed to be a family of soldiers, fully dependent on each other for guidance and help, but only one of them pulled through and now I feel a lot better." He hit his chest with a closed fist and Ki had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"Yes, thanks a lot, Kianna," Ori said, disgruntled.

"Don't make me regret helping you," Ki said to Thatch, who simply shrugged. It was then that Ki realized that he was still holding her hand. Encased in his warm touch, she suddenly didn't want him to let go.

Master Trebond then entered the room, arms full of schrolls and, unless Ki was imagining things, Thatch sighed almost mournfully as he let go of her hand.

"Hello you four, are you all ready for your lesson?" Master Trebond said and for once Ki wished to be alone with Thatch again. 


A/N: I'm so sorry for the late upload. Full-time work and moving has really not left with me a lot of time for writing and for that I am sorry because I'm so excited to get on with this book, knowing what lies ahead. Please have patience with me, dear Howlers. And don't forget to vote and let me know of any thoughts or questions you might have. 

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