Chapter 22 - Ori

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With a single glance the throne room had taken Ori's breath away. The windows on the right side were tall and let in plenty of natural light. Looking up he saw glass on parts of the ceiling as well. It felt welcoming. The gold and green worked well together and was everywhere - deep green curtains hung on both sides of the golden windows.
It seemed much grander than the palace back in Aebor, but Eslea was also a bigger kingdom so it made sense for the castle to reflect that in size and grandeur. Not that he'd let it show on his face; he kept his composure as they stood in front of the royal family, waiting to be introduced, but his eyes kept straying to the architecture and sculptures around the room. There were several representing animals; horses and deer statues in various sizes, some even portrayed in their actual sizes, but there were also predators in form of big cats native to the jungle, a bear and wolves. 

They knew that some Esleans were gifted with an affinity for animals, like the street performer Emmie and Ki had met at Princess Amberlee's birthday celebrations, but Scholar Aebond had not mentioned that the Belisar family had any gifts. Ori hoped this would be explained to them further as it was hard to know what to expect from this family. 

"His Majesty, King Edmond Belisar the first of Eslea," a voice announced and Ori bowed at the waist with the rest of the room. The King stepped forward and nodded his head towards them in recognition of their arrival. He was tall and lean, with dark hair streaked grey that was cut sharply just above his shoulders and neatly groomed. His facial features were strong and serious, but his brown eyes felt warm and welcoming. Though the brilliant green and gold robes hid his body, Ori could tell the King was muscular and in good shape. Colorful rings in various shapes adorned most of his fingers and finally a single earring with an emerald drop in his left ear. The man was such a far cry from King Raegar that Ori could hardly believe it. His presence demanded attention, but Ori's eyes kept straying to the young woman next to the queen.

Princess Isadaya of Eslea was one of the most beautiful women Ori had ever been fortunate enough to lay his eyes on. The small crown on her head glistened in the sunlight streaming in from the windows. The more he looked at her the more he realised that the sturdy look on her face seemed to hide something else entirely. Fear. She was being shipped off to an unknown country to be married to a man she had never met. Of course she would be scared. 

King Edmond commanded the room's attention once again as he spoke. "My friends from Aethorin. I am so pleased you are here. May I present my wife, Her Majesty, Queen Arina and our beloved children whom you will meet with soon." His hand waved back at the princes and princesses standing behind him. "I know you must be tired. Your journey has been long. We shall be acquainted later when you have had time to rest." He nodded at them once then stepped backwards and sat down on his carved throne.

Ori knew they were being dismissed. They bowed once again and guards came up to guide their delegation through a door to the left. 

"Wow," Emmie whispered at his side as they were led down a brightly-lit hallway. "Such an incredible room and atmosphere. I could just feel the hum of nature seeping in through every crack of that place." Her face looked awestruck and Ori had to restrain himself from caressing it with his hand. 

None of them voiced their initial opinions of the royal family, which would be unwise when still in the presence of Eslean guards. They would have to find a place to talk alone and freely. But also to discuss what had happened down in the city. Ori worried about the King's reaction, but he had shown no signs of having been told that his guests had been worshipped by his own people. 

In silence, the guards led them down another hallway with several doors on either side. They stopped about midway.

"Your rooms are here. Someone will come and get you at the noon bell." 

Ki and Emmie shared a room as did Ori and Thatch, whom Ori had been surprised to not have heard anything snarky from. 

Inside was a comfortable sized room with two beds, two chairs and off to the side was an open door that led into the wash room. A window on the right side of the room let in light and gave them a view of what looked to be a courtyard surrounded by tall trees. Their bags had already been delivered.

Ori glanced at Thatch, who was in the midst of getting out of the heavy robes he wore. "The princess is very pretty," Ori said casually. "Rylan is very lucky."

At first it seemed that Thatch hadn't heard him, but then he shrugged, folding his robes on the chair by his bed. "That he doesn't have a say in who he marries? Sure, let's call that lucky."

"What's up with you? Usually by now you'd have started plotting how to charm your way into her bedchambers just to piss off Rylan."

"I have other things on my mind and also I'd like to keep my head for the return trip, thank you." 

Ori studied him and could have sworn he saw a flush of colour in Thatch's cheeks. But Thatch blushing? Surely that was a figment of Ori's imagination. 

"Good to hear," he simply replied, busying himself to getting out of his own robes. When he looked again Thatch's face was normal colour and the Fire Howler cocked a brow at him.


"Nothing." Ori sat down on his bed and tried to look anywhere else but at Thatch. 

"For the record I consider myself lucky that I get to pick the woman I want to marry," Thatch said lying down on his own bed.

"Anyone I know?" 

"Shut up. Mind your own business."

"Oh I will, don't worry." Ori couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. He had not been oblivious to how Thatch and Ki had grown closer over time. Not that he minded one bit as long as they could keep doing their duty as Howlers to their country. Ori also knew that he needed to lecture himself on that very same thing whenever his thoughts strayed to Emmie, which they tended to do more often than not, even if he tried to fight it. It was like his whole being was drawn to hers and had only intensified since the first time he had laid eyes on her at the camp.

"But the princess is definitely a beauty," Thatch said after a moment of silence.

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