Chapter 24 - Ki

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To her pleasant surprise, Ki found Princess Isadaya great conversationalist. She was attentive to whatever Ki said about Aethorin and talked with much love and adoration about Eslea. Duke Hamish was not a talker, so Ki turned to Isadaya to help her with identifying all the food. The Princess' favourite dish was a stew made with tender deer and vegetables served with white grains. It was delicious and reminded Ki of Chi's stew back home. She sometimes wondered if she would ever get to taste it again but tried not to dwell on that depressing thought. One plate Ki steered clear from was a dish of cold-smoked horse liver, cut in thin slices, despite Isadaya's reassurance that it was quite a delicacy.

Ki was slightly surprised of seeing so many dishes with meat when Eslea was known for having people with affinity for animals. She voiced her question quietly to Isadaya who lowered her fork and knife, checking that Hamish was occupied with his food before leaning closer to Ki.

"Many consider it a sin to eat our animals, but our family," she stopped, clearly torn by what she wanted to say. "Our family have not been gifted so my father thinks nothing of eating meat. It has caused anger with some people. But if we didn't eat some of them, animals would overpopulate the land, giving themselves less food and territory. We do not eat endangered species, however much a delicacy their meat can be. That is a strict rule in our country, but the most endangered animals are carnivores and they do not taste as good as herbivores."

Ki wanted to ask about the royal family's lack of affinities, but she worried it was a touchy subject so instead she asked about Isadaya's hobbies. The princess told Ki of her love for riding on her horse Chestnut and taking long walks in the surrounding jungle. How she would climb a tree and sit for hours drawing the scenery around her.

A shrill of laughter erupted from further up the table and both Ki and Isadaya looked up where Thatch and Princess Victorine were trying to control their laughter.

"She's easy to love, my sister," Isadaya said and speared a carrot with her fork. "She has been betrothed to Tomas of house Gammont for six months, but still manages to flirt with every handsome man in her vicinity."

"Thatch is definitely a flirt himself," Ki said trying not to sound too affected by what she was seeing. Her thoughts immediately went back to last night on the ship, remembering the soft touch of his lips against hers, how it had ignited her entire body within moments.

"I've noticed you keeping an eye on him. Are you two romantically involved?" The princess asked so straight forward that Ki nearly choked on her mouthful of fruit juice. She swallowed with some difficulty, giving herself time to think of a proper answer. A kiss or two did not constitute as being involved and she had to first and foremost think of the image she presented as a delegate of Aethorin. She shouldn't be talking about intimacy or any such a thing with a princess. Emmie was one thing, because they were friends and equals. Princess Isadaya was royal and Ki had to do her job.

"Of course we are not, Your Highness. It wouldn't be professional of us and would distract us from our tasks. Thatch and I are friends and I try and look out for him as my fellow Howler." This didn't seem to satisfy the princess who pressed on. "But you are of age. Surely you must have thought about love and the warmth of a man in bed."

Ki almost gasped out loud. The only one she had discussed such things with were Emmie, when they were alone. Definitely not with a princess at a banquet lunch with her entire family at the table. Ki's cheeks burned at the thought of someone else overhearing.

"Your Highness, I beg you. I wish not to talk about...about such things here." Her entire face felt ablaze and she glanced to her right where Duke Hamish seemed occupied with his plate, but he wasn't eating anything. Over her dead body would she talk about such private matters with strangers listening in.

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