Chapter 11 - Ori

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Feeling the waves of the sea rocking the ship gently as it lay anchored in the royal harbour was something Ori had missed a great deal ever since the day he had to leave his home. He had spent most of his childhood and adolescent years at sea, fishing with his father and swimming with his brothers. The urge to jump into the blue water beneath him was great, but he knew that the waters in larger harbours tended to not be as clean like those further from bigger cities. Back home there were shallow stretches of crystal clear water where Ori had spent much time watching the shoals of little fish swimming past.

The Phoenix was a grand merchant ship, and it was clear to Ori that the crew handled the vessel with great care. The deck was spotless and gleamed in the rising sunlight, the masts were polished and the crew-members themselves all bore great smiles on their faces. Clearly, they felt at home aboard The Phoenix and it sent another pang of longing through Ori's chest. His family had owned a boat; the one Ori had spent most of his time on. It only had two small cabins below deck, with beds, but it had been his second home.

Despite being a merchant ship, Ori noticed The Phoenix carried several cannons and was certain that more were stored down below. Having never sailed on this part of the Aederlas Sea, he had never encountered pirates, who seemed only to roam in the eastern seas, closer to Ospyria, Eslea and Breidal. Pirates had never troubled his hometown as they preferred to pillage further out at sea and the smaller fishing boats and vessels were of no interest to them. A ship like The Phoenix would definitely be of interest, which was why Ori was glad to see that Captain Fawke and his vessel were armed and he felt sure that the man could handle himself in a fight.

"This is incredible," Emmie said, standing beside Ori as she gazed up at the towering masts above them. At the top was the crow's nest, a sailor was be positioned to scout for other ships and distant shores of land.

"It sure is something," Thatch nodded in reply. It was the first time Ori had spotted a sense of awe in Thatch's voice and was pleased that something was able to leave him somewhat speechless.

Captain Fawke approached them, this time with a crew-member in tow.

"Everyone. This is my second-in-command, Lieutenant, Eoba Thaw. He will escort you to your cabins and show you what else is down below. I have to oversee the last of the cargo, although that's usually his job, and then we're off." With that, he walked off with determined steps and disappeared down the plank to the pier.

"If you will follow me, please," Lieutenant Thaw said. He was a tall, dark-skinned man, bald and with deep hazel brown eyes that appeared not to miss a thing around him. Through his clothes, bulging muscles stretched the fabric around his upper arms and thighs.

The four of them followed closely behind Lieutenant Thaw as he went through a door by the stern and inside to the right he climbed down a set of stairs that led them below deck. First level consisted of sleeping quarters, with several doors on either side of the hallway. Thaw led them down to where the hallway split into two.

"Down at the end of this hall you'll find Captain Fawke's quarters," he said, pointing down to the right of where they all stood. "My quarters are these ones right here and you'll be over here." He led them across the hallway where two doors faced each other. "You two will be in here," he pointed at Ki and Emmie and then to the door on the left, "and you two gentlemen will be in here." He pointed to the door on the right. "Your belongings are already inside, but please follow me." He led them back to the crossing and turned right.

"Down here you will find the sleeping quarters of the other guests; your tutors."

Then they were back at the stairs and Thaw took them down to the second level, where the smell of food seemed to fill the air. "Down here is the galley and the crew's dining hall. You'll most likely be dining with the captain or you can take your meals in your own rooms if you wish to escape the noise."

The third level was the crew's quarters, with several doors lining both sides of the dimly lit hallway.

"I see no reason for you to spend any time down here though," Lieutenant Thaw said, smiling at them, but Ori saw the wink he gave the girls, who both flushed scarlet. Suddenly, Ori was annoyed and all he wanted was to get back above deck.

Back above deck, they all walked together to the railing and watched as the crew hauled the last few items of cargo onto deck and down the cargo hole, which was in the middle of the deck. Emmie and Ki were chatting about what they had seen below deck, even going as far as giggling about the comment Lieutenant Thaw had made about the crew's quarters. With great difficulty, Ori tuned them out and focused his attention to the men working below them on the pier as they loosened the rope tying the ship to the dock. The rope was large and very thick so that it could withhold being tied up in stormy weather. Now it was hanging down the port side of the ship, ready for the crew to haul it up and fold it in piles.

"Ready to set sail?" Captain Fawke asked as he came up to them, followed by the two stiff-looking royal officials that had been present in the King's chamber this very morning. But also,

"Master Aebond!" Ki exclaimed as the royal scholar waddled up next to the captain. The old man greeted them all with a smile and a nod, which they all returned. He was dressed in the traditional blue scholar robes with the red sash to highlight his high rank. His short grey hair looked tousled from the harbour winds, but his eyes were alight with excitement.

"I am so glad the king allowed me to go with you on this thrilling adventure," he said, still smiling.

"As are we," Emmie replied on behalf of them all.

"I look forward to resume our lessons this afternoon."

This time, Ori noticed, Thatch seemed slightly less pleased, but he said nothing and kept a small smile on his face. Looking closer, Ori thought Thatch's complexion has paled a little.

"Ready to set sail, Captain," a crew-member announced and the flutter in his stomach Ori had felt earlier returned.

"Must be off," Captain Fawke said, tipping his large hat and proceeded to climb the stairs up to the top deck where the large rudder stood, waiting for his guidance. "Raise anchor!" He shouted and immediately men started to push a long metal handle in circles, in the middle of which a thick metal chain was pulled out of the sea.

With the anchor raised, The Phoenix slowly ventured away from the dock and Ori saw several people, many children as well, had come to see the ship off. He thought he spotted a man on a horse at the back of the crowd, who looked familiar, but soon the mainsails billowed out above him to catch the wind and his gaze shifted upwards instead.

"This is such a strange feeling," Ki admitted, gripping the railing with both hands.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how to feel about it yet," Thatch added next to her.

"This is amazing," Ori laughed and inhaled deeply, revelling in the salty ocean air that went into his lungs. His Howler gift flared up inside him, itching to be set free now that he was once again surrounded by his element.

With the royal capital growing increasingly smaller behind them, Ori and the others went below deck to check out their cabins. They were not much, but comfortable; Ori and Thatch's room consisted of two single beds, a small privy with a washbasin and clean towels and a desk with two chairs. In the middle of the room was a square window that opened inwards on hinges. Going across the hall showed that the girl's cabin was the same, but mirrored to theirs.

"I think I'm going to go up on deck again," Thatch said, standing in the doorway to Emmie and Ki's cabin. Ori looked over at him and suddenly saw the Fire Howler's complexion had an added green tint to it and he looked clammy and sweaty.

"You're seasick," he simply stated, knowing that being below deck would make it far worse and fresh air and the horizon was the best cure. Passing on this information, however, did not have the desired effect and Thatch merely glared at Ori with his amber eyes.

"The best cure would be to get off this ship," he growled, before rushing down the hallway towards the stairs.

"Is it wrong that I feel slightly gleeful from seeing him like this?" Ki asked, trying to fight off a smile. Ori could not help but to crack a smile as well. 

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