Chapter 7 - Ki

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A few days after their first connection training, Ki and the others were all sat together eating lunch in the tent. Ki, the only one of the three who was still eating, had almost finished with her serving of bread and sliced ham when the whinny of horses outside could be heard above the chatter of soldiers from inside the tent. After disposing of their dishes, the four of them walked out of the tent and were met with several horses bearing saddles marked with the royal crest.

Ki's insides fluttered, as the first thing on her mind was whether or not Prince Rylan was in the party of arrivals. They hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms, but after everything that had happened since then, she'd very much liked to talk to him, to restore their friendship as it had once been before too many feelings and obligations became involved. And so she tried not to appear too obvious as she scanned the people milling about, but the dark haired future king was nowhere to be seen.

"There they are," a familiar voice sounded and Ki turned to see their training master, Sarko, stalk towards them, a man in a long dark-green traveling cloak trailing behind him. If Ki wasn't mistaken, she'd say that was one of the royal scholars. She could just see a hint of blue underneath the cloak.

"You four," Sarko said as he came upon them, "let's go someplace quieter to talk."

Sarko led them away from the commotion of the food tent and headed into a low-roofed building that was used by the soldiers, where they learned battle strategy and other military subjects. They entered one of the smaller rooms and Ki was instantly drawn to the maps covering every inch of the walls. Maps of, not only Aethorin, but also their neighbours to the East and the South.

"Have a seat," Sarko said and they all filled into the chairs that stood in three rows, each with a small desk in front of them, just like in Ki's old classroom back home.

"This is man is Jovair Aebond; he is one of the finest royal Scholars in Aebor. You may address him Scholar or Master Aebond."

None of them said anything in reply to this, and, as expected, Sarko continued, "Master Aebond is here to teach you about our neighbouring countries, but I shall let him explain it further." And with that, the training master left them in the classroom.

Ki finally took the time to study the scholar; he was old, but not so much so that his age had crippled him. He was perhaps in his seventies, with a rotund middle obscured by his dark blue robes, with the crimson rope that marked the highest of educations. His face was gentle, lines running from his spectacle-covered eyes to his temples and wrinkles around his mouth whenever it moved. His greying hair was cut right above his ears.

"It is a distinct pleasure to meet all of you, the hope of Aethorin," Master Aebond said, his voice still strong and Ki could almost sense the wisdom emanating from this man.

His eyes turned to Thatch, seated two rows away from Ki.

"Fire." His gaze then travelled to Ori and Jovair Aebond nodded, "Water." He then smiled at Emmie before saying, "Earth" and then his pale blue eyes finally landed on Ki. "And Air. Good good, very good."

With delicate steps, he walked up to one of the maps hanging in front of them.

"I am here to teach you about the countries beyond Aethorin's borders. As you know, our country is an island, surrounded by the Aederlas sea. But across the sea lies several other countries and beyond those, even more so. But I will be teaching you about three countries in particular; Breidal," he tapped a finger on the top right corner on the old map, "Eslea," his finger travelled south and landed on the middle section, "and Ospyria," he tapped on the bottom part of the map. "These countries are each different and unique in their own way. So, I will be teaching you how to distinguish the languages from each other and give you more in-depth knowledge about some of their history and their dealings with Aethorin."

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