Chapter 10 - Ki

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Ki's eyes immediately went to Rylan; his head was lowered, and no immediate reaction came from him. This was not news to him, and Ki wondered how long he'd known about it. Had he known since they last saw each other? There had been Esleans here during Princess Amberlee's birthday celebrations. Ki remembered the street performer her and Emmie had met. Was this when they had decided upon this arrangement? But then Rylan must have known lest they'd purposely kept it from him in case he refused, if that was even an option?

With no response from Rylan, Ki's eyes travelled to Emmie seated directly in front of her who was looking at her, gawking Ki's reaction. A comforting smile rested upon the Earth Howler's lips and Ki returned it. She'd needed closure with the prince and that was what she'd gotten, albeit not in the way she'd imagined.

"I guess congratulations are in order," Thatch said dryly from his seat besides Ki. At this Rylan finally looked up, staring straight past Ki to Thatch and nodded with a thin smile. Failing at getting the prince to look at her, she stared past him at the king who was smiling without a worry.

"There is a ship waiting for you at the harbour," the king said, looking around at them all. "You are to go straight there after this meeting. Your belongings have been taken care of as well as proper attire as you are now on an official royal assignment as emissaries of the crown. You will return before winter sets in."

"As some of my most trusted advisors, Sir Harrod Fellan and Sir Gregory Ember will accompany you on this journey." The king nodded to the two stiff-looking men, who nodded in return as their names were announced. Neither of them looked like they would make this journey more enjoyable, Ki thought. On the contrary, they looked like they could suck the fun right out of a jester's laughing face.

"You will also have scholars to educate you on the Eslean royals and the current state of the country as we know it," the king continued. "Now, I wish you all farewell and may the gods grant you a swift return home with the princess."

And with that they were dismissed.

In a single file they exited the chamber, but not until the king had left through a door on the opposite end, the one Prince Rylan had come through. Ki was on the end and before she got through the door, a hand touched her shoulder and she turned to find Rylan.

"Can we speak for a moment?"

She knew nothing good could come of staying here alone with the prince. She had fought hard to put whatever feelings that may have been harbouring inside of her to rest the last time they had seen each other. She hoped this wouldn't stir them up again.

"The ship is waiting for us," she responded.

"Then it will wait a little longer."

Alone in the chamber, Prince Rylan ran a hand through his dark hair and Ki thought he looked exasperated. She noticed dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and his otherwise golden complexion looked paler. From their time apart, something had definitely troubled him, but she didn't want to think of the possibility that she could have been the cause of it.

"I was worried sick about you. When I heard what happened up there, I wanted to leave immediately, but my father forced me to stay, to not abandon my duties." The distaste in his voice through those last words was very clear to Ki, but she chose not to comment on it. He tried to catch her eyes, but she lowered them, not fully trusting herself.

"Please believe me, Ki." Her eyes fluttered up for a second to watch him as he prowled the chamber. His hand was in his hair again, twisting it as if in agony. He was clearly battling himself and how much to tell her. It pained her to see him like this, but what else could she do? There'd only ever be friendship between them, he'd told her as much. That his parents would never agree for him to be with her, a warrior. He needed a proper lady, someone who could be his princess, and Ki knew that was not her. She could not see herself wearing those big dresses with corsets snared so tight you could barely breathe. No, she was not made for the court that so many young ladies dreamed of. She had been chosen to fight for and protect her country.

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