Chapter 32 - Ori

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Ori ran his hands across his face, trying to clear his head. He stared at Kianna who was leaning against a tree. She kept her gaze on the ground as she fiddled with her braid after just telling them what she had been up to earlier at the marketplace.
Meeting with secret royal heirs who wanted to overthrow the current king? And here Ori thought this trip could have gone smooth and trouble free. Fat chance of that ever happening now. There was no way they would be gone before things would escalate. Especially since the four of them practically had been used as bait this whole time.

"I still can't believe you went to see this guy alone," Thatch said, pushing off from the large oak tree, which he had been leaning on. To anyone looking at the expression on his face, there was no doubt that he was a Fire Howler. His amber eyes were blazing and Ori could easily picture the flames coursing through his veins.

Even Emmie hadn't been as concerned as Thatch when Ki had told them where she'd really gone after saying she had lost her bracelet. More than anything she had looked worried, but didn't scold her or anything, not like Mr. Hot Head over there.

At the marketplace, Thatch had lasted all but a minute before he'd gone after Kianna, so Ori and Emmie had been left with Princess Isadaya, Ansira and the panther, Akita, in the shade of a large tree to wait for their return. It had taken so long that Ori contemplated on going to look for them when he finally spotted his two friends in the crowd. Kianna had found her bracelet, but the wary look on her face puzzled Ori, especially as Thatch looked strange as well. They didn't say anything, and the group continued their walk through the stalls. Ori kept casting looks at Kianna, but she'd put on an overly bright smile and was chatting with the other girls about jewelry and other dull trinkets.

For lunch, Ansira, with the help of Thatch, went and purchased a variety of local delicacies and they found a patch of grass with enough shade for them to sit under and enjoy the food.
Ori wanted to connect with Kianna and ask her what was going on, but when he reached out with his mind to hers, he was met by a solid wall. As if she felt him, Ki looked at him and with the subtlest of movements she shook her head once. Ori was wise enough to not try again. He was certain that Ki would share with them whatever it was that had occurred in due time.

The Princess seemed unaware of whatever was going on or she simply did not comment on it and went on to purchase a few pieces of jewelry and other bits and bobs from various stalls before finally letting them know they should return to the castle before supper time.
For one, Ori was grateful to get out of the blazing sunlight, but furthermore, he needed to get Ki and the others alone.

At the castle, Princess Isadaya and Ansira left for the Princess' private quarters and the four of them were left on their own.

"Kianna," Ori started as soon as they were alone. "Might I have a word?"
She seemed to think about this entirely too long so he knew she must be fighting with herself whether or not to come clean about something.

Then she finally said. "I think we all need to talk." She headed back for the entrance doors and they followed her. They smiled politely at the guards but got not much as a single glance in return. The men's stony faces revealed nothing, and their eyes did not move from their line of sight.

"Let's check out the jungle over there," Kianna said casually, and they headed towards the solitude of the trees to the left of the castle grounds. Part of Ellesmere jungle if Ori wasn't mistaken.

And so here they were now, having listened to Kianna's story, seen the image of Luka in their minds. Ori ran his hand across his face again. He seemed utterly lost for words. But Thatch certainly wasn't.

"What the hell are we supposed to do? Sit by and do nothing?" Thatch asked, his voice taking on a more frustrated tone by each syllable.

"I don't know, but I don't think we can get around this," Ki replied.

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