Chapter 19 - Ki

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They all watched as Eslea came into view in front of them. High, white cliffs stretched along the coastal line with a dense-looking forest on the right side of the half-moon shaped harbour. Behind the harbour, further inland, mountains rose up into the sky, the tips disappearing into the wispy clouds high above. These mountains were not rocky and bare like the ones from Ki's home. These were green and alive, covered in trees. Eslea was already so different from Aethorin and she hadn't even set foot on the ground yet. Ki scratched an itchy spot on her shoulder. They'd been told to wear the same dress robes from Princess Amberlee's birthday performance to represent not only the Aethorin crown, but also their element. They'd all had to fasten their robes in the front to keep them from flapping around in the sea breeze.

Ki reached out with her gift to get a sense of winds were any different here. The air was warm and pleasant against her skin, but the sun was not all the way up yet and she had a feeling that the heat would continue to climb throughout the day. Inhaling, her nose filled with fragrances coming in from all over. She watched the trees to the right as the crowns waved in the wind. Only a few of them actually looked familiar to her.

"That's the jungle of Ellasmere stretching from the harbour all the way to the mountains you see in the back," Master Aebond told them all as he pointed to the thicket of trees to their right. "It is called a jungle because of its exotic wildlife and plants. The humidity in a jungle is high and the air thick. But be wary of its beauty. There are plenty of venomous creatures that can kill you with a single sting or bite."

"One less place to visit then," Thatch noted dryly.

"Where's your sense of adventure?" Emmie asked him, her brown eyes wide trying to take it all in. Torn between the sensible choice of staying far away from that jungle and the excitement of exploring this new and foreign place, Ki remained silent.

"I'm in," Ori said as he scanned the horizon. Ki followed his eyes and a bubbling sensation of excitement in the pit of her stomach made the choice for her.

"Me too," Ki finally joined in.

"Fine whatever," Thatch grumbled, "but if I die in there because of a poisonous frog or something, I'm coming back to kill you all." He eyed Emmie and Ori with a stern gaze, but the second his eyes fell on Ki, they softened. Her throat clenched and her palms felt sweaty. They hadn't had the chance to be alone before breakfast and no chance afterwards as they were ushered up on deck to witness the entry into Ella. They'd get time, Ki thought to herself as Captain Fawke barked orders left and right as the ship prepared to sail through the narrow stretch into the harbour. Once inside, Ki gaped at the vastness of the harbour. Several larger and smaller vessels lay anchored at the many piers. Tiny fishermen boats bobbed on the water and Ki could see plenty of activity on land as well. There were boats and ships everywhere she looked. And here she'd thought that Aebor's harbour was big.

"This is the largest harbour on the Eastern coast," Captain Fawke proclaimed from behind them. He spread his arms out for dramatic effect. "It's twice the size than the biggest up in Breidal and the main port down in Ospyria is a joke compared to this beast." He left them to help guide the ship safely to their assigned spot.

"Do you think anyone here knows who we are?" Ori asked as the ship neared the space where it would dock.

"I doubt they'd want a spectacle," Thatch replied, and Ki nodded in agreement. If things were as bad as they'd been made out to be, then the Eslean king would not want anyone to know who was coming. But if whispers were half as bad as back in Aebor, then it wouldn't take long for word to get out about their presence, though Ki could only hope that no one would take offense and do something stupid, like start a riot.

When 'The Phoenix' finally cast anchor, Captain Fawke followed them off the ship and onto the pier. "This is where we part ways for now," he said, tipping his large captain's hat. "There is much to be done here and we'll sail out again in a week's time. Until then." He turned and flung his cape dramatically behind him as he walked back up the wide plank.

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