Chapter 17 - Rylan

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A servant stopped and bowed as he passed me in the wide hallway. I nodded my head in acknowledgement, a mixture of habit and sincere politeness. It made me wish I was still at the camp, amongst soldiers who couldn't care less who I was as long as I did my share of the chores and not whine like a spoilt royal baby. And I never once did. The first time my father sent me to the camp, I was sixteen and more than eager enough to get away from this suffocating place. I'd never felt more at home than when I was among fellow fighters. Being at the palace was a stark contrast. There's a rule for everything, everyone is watching you and expecting something from you and not to mention, my father was here.
The latest surprise he sprung on me was that I was marrying some Eslean princess I'd never heard of. But before that, rumours had already spread of my possible engagement to Lady Raewyn, whom my father had seemed eager enough to pair me with, but one day he'd summoned me and told me what he had decided instead.

"We need alliances across the sea, son. Lady Raewyn cannot provide that. You must understand." That was his main argument every time I had tried to talk him out of it. As if I had any say in the matter. I was to nod and say thank you and be perfectly understanding in whatever my father decided to do to prepare me as I would one day rule this kingdom. Not that I had really wanted to marry Raewyn. No, I couldn't be with the girl I wanted to be with, and she didn't want to be with me. A single kiss was all I had gotten from her, an incredible kiss that had set my whole body aflame, and I still wanted to chase her across the Aederlas sea.

It had pained me tremendously to enter my father's chambers that morning, to see Kianna and the others, to be so close to her when my father broke the news that they were to travel to Eslea and bring home my future wife, the future queen of Aethorin. I had purposely refrained from looking at Ki, because I knew that if I did, I would have protested against my father right there and that would have been worse than not saying anything at all.

Lately, my father had become unpredictable in his actions, lashing out at his advisors more than usual. I had no idea what was bothering him so much, but he wasn't talking about it, at least not to anyone I knew of. Had he been talking to my mother about it, she would have told me, trying to get me to help in some way.

I turned down a deserted corridor but halted in my steps upon hearing voices from inside a room on my left. The door was ajar, and I was about to carry on when my name was mentioned, and I recognised one of the voices. Lady Raewyn. Curiosity got the better of me and I moved silently towards the door.

"...doesn't want me," the voice of Raewyn drifted out. She sounded defeated and I knew immediately of whom she was speaking. I had done my best to avoid her and her all too obvious flirtations ever since learning of the new arrangement. Clearly, Lady Raewyn had not taken the news well.

"You have not shown that your intentions are strong enough." The reply was undoubtedly from her mother, Lady Ramona.

"You just told me the king wants him to marry some foreign harlot," Lady Raewyn spat the words out. How quickly she had gone from defeated to furious.

"We will figure something out. You mustn't stop your advances. The prince is bound to have a weak spot."

"I have tried everything, but nothing has worked. You said I would be queen."

"And you will become queen! Raegar promised me so."

Had my father promised Lady Ramona that her daughter would marry me? Uneasiness swirled in my stomach, but I needed to hear what they had to say. Why would my father break his promise to Lady Ramona What was he up to?

"But why would he send them to Eslea if he intended to keep his promise to you?"

"Don't you worry about that, my sweet daughter," Lady Ramona cooed, lowering her voice so that I couldn't hear what she said next.

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