Chapter 33 - Ki

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The next morning after breakfast, Kianna and the others met up with Scholar Aebond in the royal library for a follow-up lesson and a status update of their trip. For Kianna, it hadn't gone by unnoticed that the scholar had been absent for much of their stay, but when asked, Scholar Aebond smiled and simply replied, "There is so much to see here for such a short visit and me not walking as fast as I used to, I take longer to get around." And that was the end of that conversation, though Ki felt like he was hiding something, but it was not in her place to be inquisitorial about her teacher. 

Scholar Aebond smiled at them and extended his hands upwards. "Today, we've been granted admission to this beautiful library, housing over ten thousand books and scrolls that tells the story of Eslea, its kingdom and of the whole continent."

Thatch, leaning against the back of a chair, cleared his throat before saying, "are we doing more studying? I thought we were through with all of this?"

"One is never done teaching the mind, mister Fieran," Aebond replied, tapping a finger to his template, and Ki struggled to keep the smirk off her face. She looked anywhere but at Thatch, afraid she'd start to snicker or worse, full out laugh. Instead, she studied the many rows of bookcases, towering up trice her height. The books didn't look as dusty or worn out like the ones at the palace in Aebor.  

"How do you four think the trip has been going so far?" Aebond asked the group and Thatch was quick to reply.

"Well, so far we've created a mob-like scene upon our arrival and then witnessed an attempted murder on the princess we're here to get so I'll say it's going swell."

"Thank you, mister Fieran for your sarcasm, but I agree that this has not been the smoothest of sailings." 

"Do you think there's a connection between us being here and everything that's happened?" Emmie asked the scholar. Kianna was curious too, whether he would voice his concerns or keep quiet.

"Your presence here seems to have upset several people and the attempt on Princess Isadaya's life may have been to show that not everyone is thrilled about the union of Eslea and Aethorin."

"Do you think that's all it was?" Thatch asked and Ki wanted to kick him for probing for more information. If they weren't careful someone would know that they knew more of what was going on. 

"What else could there be?" Aebond replied softly, eyeing Thatch before his gaze travelled to Ki and the others. Kianna held his gaze, but let nothing show on her face and thankfully, the scholar did not dwell on the subject, but moved on to talk to them about treaties and their importance. 

At dinner that evening, Kianna was once again seated next to Princess Isadaya, but now she had Thatch on her other side. Emmie and Ori were seated opposite them and Scholar Aebond had taken the seat to the king's right hand side. The advisors were all close to the king and queen, which left the lesser princesses and princes with the Howlers. Ki did not mind this one bit as conversation flowed more easily without the stiff ears of the advisors hovering nearby. Tonight's meal started out with a rich and flavourful soup made from lobster and other shellfish. Ori definitely looked to be enjoying himself, pointing out various meats in the bowl and identifying its origin. It tasted delicious and Kianna tried not to eat too fast. 

A server dressed in Eslean green and gold filled up Kianna and Thatch's cups of watered down wine and another younger-looking server did the same with the princesses and princes. 

"You must be new," Isadaya said as she glanced at the server. Kianna looked up and saw the server bow low, her face hidden by her dark brown hair. She hadn't seen any servants outright speak to the royals so it was no surprise that Isadaya's comment didn't warrant a reply. Isadaya noticed Ki's expression and smiled.

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