Chapter 15 - Ori

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The days at sea began to melt together. Ori knew that they would arrive in Eslea in two days' time and it was beginning to show. They were all paying close attention to Scholar Aebond's lessons about the Eslean people; even Thatch seemed to want to make a good impression to the Eslean royal family and asked important questions that not even Ori had thought to ask.

"Wait, let's go back for a moment," Thatch interrupted Scholar Aebond's lesson one afternoon. They all sat in a cabin below deck where the old scholar was trying to drill Eslean royal history into their heads. "So some sixty-five years ago, the whole Victari royal family was slaughtered by King Edgar Belisar, for no apparent reason?" Thatch looked about as confused as Ori felt himself. This country had gone through a lot of bloodshed and murders for the crown. He couldn't fathom the unsteadiness and imbalance that would put a country in.

"Edgar Belisar was shunned from court due to private matters and then returned and murdered the royal family. He started a new reign, which is why the Eslean royal line is now the Belisar family while it used to be the Victari. It was a dark time in Eslea's history, one which the older and more powerful Eslean families still remember and are not happy with and with the new talks of treaties with both Aethorin and Breidal, their dissatisfactory for the crown grows. Breidal and Eslea have a bloody history because of their close proximity, which thankfully, Aethorin doesn't have as much due to the distance. Those neighbouring countries have been in a state of warfare since before my time. They are unable to agree on where certain borders runs."

"So is this engagement even a good idea? I mean if the people are that unhappy with the royal family not prioritising its people and its problems, and then to surprise them with an engagement to another country. I mean, would they allow it? What exactly are we sailing into?" Thatch asked and Ori's own mind tried to figure out an answer. An alliance was usually a good move, but if the people of Eslea wanted to overthrow the crown, the whole country would be too vulnerable, and with the threat from Breidal in the north, Eslea would look to Aethorin for help with soldiers and weapons. Was that why they were suddenly so keen on marrying off one of their princesses? Because they knew, they would need the help and back-up.

"Some argue both for and against it," Scholar Aebond replied with a heavy sigh, "but I am afraid both kings have made up their minds and want this joining of families and countries to happen, even though King Raegar at first was furious to only be offered one of the lesser princesses for his son and heir."

"But she was the only princess not already married or betrothed, right?" Ki asked, raising an eyebrow in bewilderment.

"It is of my understanding that Raegar felt that his son, the future King of Aethorin, outranked some of the dukes and lords of Eslea to whom the two elder princesses were betrothed. But nevertheless, he agreed to the engagement between Crown Prince Rylan and Princess Isadaya, which we hope will be the beginning of a blossoming relationship between our two nations."

"Unless everyone kills each other first," Thatch muttered under his breath, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Surely, King Raegar wouldn't have sent us here if it was too dangerous," Emmie snapped back at Thatch, but was met with a mere shrug from the Fire Howler.

Clearing his throat, Scholar Aebond then proceeded to quiz the four of them on the official titles of the Eslean court. They hadn't been allowed to leave the cabin until each one of them knew the difference between an Eslean Duke, Earl and Lord and who to greet first and how low to bow. Ori was surprised at how it differed from what they had learnt at home in school.

"We haven't even arrived yet and already I cannot wait to be back home," Thatch sighed from his seat next to Ori. "This country has got some serious issues, which will probably explode before we can get the hell out of there, but hopefully the princess will be easy on the eyes. Maybe we can spend some time with her ladies in waiting? Create our own alliances." With a wink, he nudged Ori with his elbow and Ori had to remind himself repeatedly to not hit back. Calm as a lake on a windless day, he chanted in his head. He couldn't make himself look over at Emmie, but hoped she hadn't heard Thatch's comment.

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