ONE. (lucky)

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"I felt that I breathed an atmosphere of sorrow."

― Edgar Allan Poe

 "Cmon, it's a new semester

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"Cmon, it's a new semester. I'm sure he'll have different classes than you, at least a few" Yoko, one of my best friends, assured me as we walked to the administration office to collect our timetables.

    "Yeah, I somehow doubt it. It's like our lives are planned, some sick twisted bitch eating popcorn while their favorite movie plays. I am never lucky" I huffed, reaching forward and opening the door as Yoko and I got to the front.

    As if his ears were burning, Xavier Thorpe walked into me as I entered the office. I scoffed and took a step back, glaring at the tall boy. "didn't see ya there" He joked and I rolled my eyes.

    "You should run off and join the circus, as funny as a clown" I shoved past him, my shoulder hitting him and got to the desk. "Adelaide Weems" I announced, watching as the lady moved to a stack of schedules and pulled mine out.

    I stood and waited for Yoko to get hers and for some reason, Xavier still hadn't left the office. "Let me see yours," Xavier let out, his grabby hands reaching over to me. I moved back and gave him a deepened glare. "oh my god, give it" He reached around me and grabbed the paper I was trying to hold away from him.

    "This is gold, literal gold" I raised a brow and leaned forward, trying to see why he was saying that. He chuckled and pull the paper closer to him and further from me.

    "what? What is it?" I asked, curiosity growing. There was a deep seeded prayer shooting from my body that he was laughing because we had no classes together. Though, again, I was never lucky.

    Xavier lifted his hands, and subsequently my paper into the air as I tried to reach for it. After a few seconds, I was over the thing entirely and I shoved him. "Give me my schedule" I scolded and he laughed.

    "fine, see you in our classes Adelaide" He winked as he walked off and I frowned. A cold rush of knowing he was gonna be in every single one of my classes yet again sent angry shivers down my spine.

    "If it makes you feel any better, I'll be in your fencing class" I shot her a look and then grabbed the paper from her hands, my face dropping as I realized I had nothing but that with the girl and everything with the boy.

    I shook my head and handed the girl back her paper, moving towards the desk again. The lady was looking at her computer and I cleared my throat. She continued staring forward and I huffed. "Excuse me?" I said and she finally looked up, an impatient scowl painted on her face.

    "Is there anyone here I could talk to about changing my schedule?" I asked with the most polite sounding voice I could. "like the sign says" She paused pointing over to the sign which indicated that the cut-off for schedule change was this morning and schedules were now final. "you have what you have"

    "The deadline was literally less than an hour ago" I let out.

    "so, you're late and your schedule is final"

    I scoffed and rolled my eyes before turning and walking out. The door shut loudly behind me and I could hear fast footsteps trying to catch up to me. "Addy" Yoko called out and I slowed, allowing her to meet my pace.

    "can't you talk to your mom?" She said and I sighed.

    "no, she made it clear last year that she couldn't just change my schedule when I didn't like it," I told the girl and she nodded. "Well, let's enjoy the last day before classes, huh? Wanna go into Jericho?" Yoko suggested.

    "Okay, yeah" I agreed, walking with her up to our dorm. When I first got there my dorm was my own but not even half a year later Yoko came and I reluctantly agreed to let the girl room with me. It didn't take long for us to become friends.

  _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

"Do you want coffee?" Yoko asked as we stepped out of the shuttle. A few other students scattered as they did. "Sure," I shrugged, pulling out my phone and checking it quickly.

    "there you are!" I heard a voice call out and I felt my blood boil.

    "Adelaide!" They called out again and I tipped my head back in frustration. "I called your name, you didn't answer" They pointed out as they ran to catch up.

    "That is because I don't care," I said pointedly to Xavier as his long legs kept up my quick pace.

    "Oh come on, I was thinking we could get a head start on the botany reading. Figured I could help you out, maybe then you'll get as good of grades as mine. It could be like charity" He let out and I glared at him.

    "I'm gonna pass, have fun with yourself though" I waved as I walked into the coffee shop and I couldn't ignore the way he looked through the window and then turned around.

    "Hey Adelaide," Lucas, the mayor's son, greeted as I walked past him. "oh, hey Lucas," I answered. Yoko nudged my arm and said she'd grab our drinks so I slowed at the table.

    "How's your mom?" He asked and I shrugged. "She's okay, how's your dad?"

    The conversation dragged on with the small talk and I excused myself when Yoko slid into a booth. "he want anything?" Yoko asked, looking over at the normie boy.

    "Nothing, just asking about my mom. The most boring small talk, yuck" I told her, leaning on the table slightly as we talked. "Here are your drinks" The barista said as he rounded to the table, the name tag reading Tyler.

    It was then that I realized this was Tyler Galpin, the sheriff's son and one of the kids who assaulted Xavier the year before. No fucking wonder he didn't come into the coffee shop.

    That outreach day was the only day Xavier and I didn't bite each other's heads off. When I found him, it was bad. It didn't change anything between us but seeing him in pain, helping clean him up, it made me feel something I hadn't before.

    It didn't matter how much I hated him, It just didn't, not then.

    It didn't matter how much I hated him, It just didn't, not then

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first chapter!! i really hope
you enjoy the book, looking
forward to hearing everyone's
thoughts on it.

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