FOUR. (detention)

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"Everything we love is well arranged dust."

― Atticus Poetry

   "Xavier?" I asked, a shock washing over my face as I saw the boy was drenched in water and his head was hanging low

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   "Xavier?" I asked, a shock washing over my face as I saw the boy was drenched in water and his head was hanging low. I was thankful he wasn't looking up at me because I don't think I'd outlive the way he'd use the reaction I had against me.

"I'm fine, don't get excited," He said and I took a deep breath in, ignoring the way a fire lit in my stomach.

"What happened?" I asked, soaking a rag in the bucket of water I brought into the classroom. I didn't move though. I stood in my spot watching the boy walk to the other side of the small room

"it's not really your business is it?" He let out and I scoffed.

"Just curious considering you are like super late and I've been doing everything and now you're making a mess" I turned, moving towards the board and beginning to wipe it down.

The two of us stood in silence as we cleaned, neither of us taking the first chance to break the quiet that filled the room we were in. It was surrounding me like a cloud of smoke and I had no idea why it bothered me that much.

"if I tell you what happened are you going to stop sulking like that?" Xavier spoke up and I raised a brow.

"Trust me, I don't care about you that much. I just would rather not speak to you. It's not sulking, it's embracing the very welcomed silence. Thank you" I announced and he turned back to the board he was cleaning.

I was hitting the chalk brushes together to try to clean them and as I was walking to the bucket of water Xavier decided to move backwards and I bumped into him.

"what the fuck" I let out, stepping back as the boy sent me a nasty look.

"watch where you're going" He shook his head and scoffed when he saw there was chalk all over his shirt. "Look what you did" He groaned, pushing past me and towards the bucket of water.

"as if, you backed into me, Xavier. Trust me I'd be far more creative than to bump into you"

"oh yeah, as creative as tripping me?"

I raised a brow and looked at the bucket of water, I smirked as I made it overflow, splashing directly up and onto him.

"no, not as creative as tripping you" I shrugged, moving to the board and wiping the one he supposedly had finished, even though it was nowhere near clean.

"Are you blind or something?" I asked, pointing at the board with a questioning look. He let out an audible scoff and pushed me with his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the last board in the room, trying to ignore the way I still for some reason, wanted to ask him why he was soaking wet and in a mood.

"Are you seriously drawing right now? We're supposed to be cleaning" I stared at him as he shrugged, continuing to draw the large bird on the chalkboard.

"haven't you ever heard of fun? Or is all you do study to try to get the same grade as me?"

"Okay, this is getting really fucking old Xavier. First of all, your grades aren't better than mine. Just because you managed to get a whole two percent higher than me in two classes doesn't make you a god." I could hear his smirk even though he was turned to the board.

"And second, if you find being stuck cleaning up all night because you want to draw right now fun, I sincerely hope to never find out what you think boring is."

"Why don't you just go clean the other classroom," I said, shoving my shoulder against his as I moved to wipe his stupid drawing off. I started at the edge of the board and I hadn't seen the boy hover his hand over the chalk drawing.

I heard his hands clap and I turned, immediately blinded by a powder and coughing as it choked me slightly. I clenched my jaw and glared at the now-laughing boy. And he wasn't just laughing, it was a bent over, hands on knees, hysterically, tears in his eyes, pain in the rib type of laughter.

"see isn't this fun" He was cockily smirking and I rolled my eyes. I wiped some of the chalk from my face and shoved his shoulder as I moved past him.

I stood at the clean bucket of water, using some of it to wipe my face and shirt. "you are cleaning that up" I pointed to the chalk dust that was now resting on the floor.

"I can't believe I'm stuck in detention with you"

"don't complain, you're the reason we're even in here" I shot back and his jaw dropped in shock.

"excuse me? you started the whole thing"

"Yeah" I scoffed "right"

"I'd love to hear the explanation for how this is my fault," He said, staring impatiently at me. I was ignoring for a moment the fact that I was still covered in chalk.

"you were the one to trip me first," I said, focusing my attention back on removing the chalk from my shirt.

"I didn't even trip you, you tripped yourself over my foot"

"oh yeah that was just so conveniently shoved in my way in perfect timing for me to trip myself"

"Hey, you're the one saying that, not me" He shrugged innocently and I, for what felt like the millionth time today, rolled my eyes.

"Can you please just shut the hell up and finish cleaning in here? I'll do the next class by myself" I grabbed a new bucket and walked out of the classroom.

I stopped at the water fountain in the hallway and used my foot to release the water. I was thankful for my powers in a moment like this because it took mere seconds to fill the bucket with water and I was in the class in less than a minute.

I couldn't help the way my mind went to the boy in the other room. I shook my head and tried to push the odd thoughts away.

I was still finding new spots of chalk dust on my clothing and in my hair which was enough to remind me how insufferable the boy was.

I finished as quickly as possible, more than eager to return to my dorm and shower. Not to mention falling into bed and letting the day wash away.

I wasn't excited for tomorrow but today was more than ready to be over, I had enough of the torture of the day.

"hey," Yoko tiredly greeted me as I got back to our dorm. I hadn't checked to see if Xavier was done with the other class but I didn't care, if he wanted to spend his night drawing with chalk instead of cleaning, so be it.

It didn't bother me.

    It didn't bother me

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First, it's like 10 days till
christmas so holy shit
second, because of the
holiday season officially
being upon us, my job is
crazy. so crazy that i'm working
nine hour shifts nine days
in a row. I promise i'll be
working on this book
but please, please be patient.

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