SEVEN. (split second, stupid decision)

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"And I fell violently on my face."

― Edgar Allan Poe

 I stood next to the ticket booth at the carnival as I waited for Bianca

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I stood next to the ticket booth at the carnival as I waited for Bianca. My eyes scanned the crowd of people and I slowed at Tyler and his dad arguing.

    Both boys stole glances over past my shoulder and I turned my head, finding both Wednesday and Enid talking.

    "ready?" Bianca asked and I met her eyes. "yes ma'am" I saluted, grinning slightly when the girl looped her arm slightly with mine.

    We walked into the crowd of people and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander to the lights from the few rides. "what do you wanna do?" Bianca asked, her slow steps in line with mine.

    "I know you want to go on the ferris wheel" I let out and she shrugged. "you don't like heights" She reasoned and I shrugged too.

    "we can go on it if you really want to," I told her and she smiled. "you sure?"

    "yes, let's go before I change my mind"

    "There you two are, I've been looking for you. I thought you might have dipped out" Yoko was moving over to us.

    "coming on with us?" Bianca asked, making room next to us in the line. "yeah" Yoko answered, still looking at me.

    "if you haven't noticed, my mother is playing babysitter tonight and she keeps checking in on me"

    "yeah but isn't she here because of Wednesday Addams?" Bianca asked and I shook my head slightly. "yes and no. Mostly yes. She got caught trying to escape after therapy and trying to book it from Jericho" I answered.

    "she escaped therapy? Don't you do that every session?" Yoko asked, shifting her glasses slightly.

    "I will neither confirm nor deny that preposterous rumour." I turned from both girls and could hear their light laughs. Yoko moved closer to my side and I could hear Bianca let out a low scoff.

    I turned with furrowed brows to the girl and found she wasn't even looking at Yoko or me. I followed her gaze to the dart tent and rolled my eyes slightly.

    "Can you believe that idiot?" She let out and I nudged her to get her to stop looking over at Wednesday Addams and Xavier Thorpe.

    "he's like in love with her now or something" Yoko pointedly said and I scoffed. "obsessed more like it" My comment had the three of us turning back to the line and moving up slightly.

    "I do not understand how you use to date him B, I just don't" I let out and the girl sighed. "you always say that"

    "And I always mean it"

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