TWENTY FOUR. (nothing could fix this)

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"I remember your saying once that there is a fatality about good resolutions—that they are always made too late. Mine certainly were."

― Oscar Wilde

    Red-lipped, blonde-haired Adelaide Weems paced in her mother's office as she waited for her to get back

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    Red-lipped, blonde-haired Adelaide Weems paced in her mother's office as she waited for her to get back. She picked at her nails and would go from sitting and bouncing her leg to letting her shoes drag marks into the carpeted office floor.

    I stood in front of my mother's desk, a cold numb feeling overtaking my body. I looked at the empty chair in the empty-feeling office. I swear I could hear the door open and I looked behind my shoulder.

    "Addy?" Her voice made her daughter turn and the older woman let out a sigh. "what's wrong?" She asked Adelaide as she crossed the room and rested her purse at the side of the desk.

    "I hate him" Adelaide let out, leaning onto the wooden desk in frustration.

    "hold on, back up, explain it all to me" Larissa Weems pulled her chair out and took a seat, waiting for her overdramatic teenage daughter to spill.

    My hand rested on the desk as if I was scared it would vanish. I could hear the rustling in the hallway, the students clearing out of the school for the semester.

    I leaned forward, the feeling of the wooden desk making my heart hurt a bit. I kept staring at the empty seat, waiting for the woman to appear to me. I was wishing at this moment that I had the power to make that happen.

    "he's insufferable, he ruining everything!" Adelaide dramatically let out, the fourteen-year-old girl acting like her life was over.

    "who's ruining everything?" The fourteen-year-old girl did not see her mother reach down into her desk and certainly did not see her pour something into her drink.

    I remembered the drawer before I could think of anything else. I rounded the desk and leaned down, picking at the lock on the drawer. When I finally got it open I moved her papers and books to find the false bottom.

    I opened it and I smiled lightly at the bottle of scotch sitting there. I grabbed the bottle and one of the small glasses before pouring myself a drink and sitting in her chair, letting the feeling wash over me.

    "Xavier Thorpe. He stole my spot in the" The girl stumbled over her words and shut her mouth quickly when her mother raised a brow at her. She wasn't about to just out the secret society. "anyways he's just the worst. He got two percent higher than me in one class and he's bragging to everyone. He's stealing my friends too" She went on and Larissa shook her head lightly at the young girl.

    "Addy, don't you think you're being just a bit much?" Adelaide scoffed at her mother's words like they had sliced her open and Larissa leaned back in her chair, nursing her now heavier coffee cup.

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