THREE. (can i help you?)

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"There are some secrets which do not permit themselves to be told."

― Edgar Allan Poe

     I sat in the chair outside my mother's office with my arms crossed, glaring daggers at the boy across from me

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     I sat in the chair outside my mother's office with my arms crossed, glaring daggers at the boy across from me. "Xavier, come in" My mother called the boy and as he got up and walked by me I couldn't pass up the opportunity to stick my foot out and in his way.

He stumbled a bit and shoved my shoulder before walking through the door. I looked over, my mother staring back with an angry look and I caught a glimpse of the glass of water on the desk.

I had yet to do anything like this so I wasn't sure it would work, but as the door closed and I heard the chair scrape against the floor I put more concentration than I ever had into manipulating elements

I closed my eyes, I could faintly hear what was going on in the room and I pushed it away. I pictured the glass there and tried to get a clear picture. I imagined that I was using my power to move the water.

I shut my eyes and was concentrating all of my energy on it but someone clearing their throat caught my attention. I opened my eyes and looked up, meeting a girl with long black braids dressed in all black. She was pale and was practically staring into my soul with her dead eyes.

"can I help you?"

"I'm waiting for Weems" She announced and I nodded.

"well that is what this hallway is for, hence the chairs," I said and she raised her brow before sitting.

I tried to focus back on moving the glass and shut my eyes I could hear the girl ask what I was doing but I ignored it, focusing harder. It was then that everything felt simple and when I heard the gasp from inside the office I smirked.

I opened my eyes slowly and smoothed out the skirt I was wearing as the girl across from me looked at me with a questioning look. When I heard the door open, I turned being met with a soaked Xavier and I found it hard not to laugh as I admired my work.

"Adelaide!" My mother let out in a scolding voice and I waved to Xavier tauntingly. He gave me the finger as he walked by, seemingly oblivious to there being another person in the hallway.

"Addy," My mom said with clenched teeth and I stood, following her into the office and shutting the door.

"do you want to explain why you're here?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Xavier tripped me so I tripped him back. Big deal" my mother's unimpressed look staring me in the eyes.

"and the water? Don't act like that glass sliding off my desk and into that boy's lap was not you, or accidental." She paused and sighed when she saw I was grinning lightly.

"When did you start displaying powers like that? You've never been able to do it without looking at the element" My mom leaned across the table slightly and it was then that I realized she was a bit proud.

"I just concentrated really hard, I dunno" I shrugged and sat back in the seat, trying to get comfortable. "well, to do all of that just to annoy a boy seems like there's something there" My mother's comment made me cringe and I scoffed.

"hate, that's what there. anyways what's the damage, what punishment do I have to endure?"

It looked as if my mother was thinking for a moment and she looked under the file on her desk, the woman smiling to herself. I raised a brow and watched as she shut two files.

"you can clean up the classrooms tonight, enjoy" She stated and I rolled my eyes. "fine" I huffed, standing and moving to the door.

"keep practicing by the way, just not on people please" I smiled at my mom and twisted the doorknob, finding the pale girl still sitting.

"uh, there's a student out here" When I looked back there were now two adults accompanying the girl and I scoffed lightly at the dark clothing the three were wearing.

I got what Ajax was saying now.

Bianca was waiting for me outside of the office hallway as I walked out. "nice move" She laughed and I smirked.

"should've seen what I did when he was in the office"

"wait, that was you? Oh my god. I love you" Bianca wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked down the corridor.

"What did Weems give you?"

"cleaning classes, the worst. I'll never get the chalk out of my clothing" I groaned and she grimaced. "what the fuck was that look for?" I asked, a worried feeling falling over me.

"That's what Xavier has," She said and I wanted nothing more than to go storming back into my mother's office because I knew she had done it on purpose.

The rest of the day when by gruellingly slow. All of my classes were with Xavier and I wanted to throw myself off of the balcony attached to my dorm room.

That of course wasn't a good idea because with my luck I would live and Xavier would be assigned to take care of me.

Xavier was sitting across the room from me and I could feel the stare he was sending me. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to ignore how uncomfortable it was making me.

Bianca was sitting to my right and she was trying to show me her notes.

you want me to help you sneak out detention again?

I bit back my laugh as I looked down at her notebook. I grabbed a pencil and pulled the book towards myself.

my mother would literally kill me, like actually murder me.

you're so sure?

I'm one thousand percent positive. She could cover it up good too, could literally shapeshift into me any time she needed to ward off suspicion.

Bianca shook her head before pulling the book back to her side of the table. I leaned forward, watching as our teacher pointed to a few things on the board. Jumping back into the lesson.

It was my last class of the day and I couldn't be more grateful except for the fact that I had to serve detention tonight, not to mention the fact that it was with Xavier.

When I made it to the classroom that night, Xavier was nowhere in sight. I groaned as I began to collect the supplies we would need to clean each of the classrooms we were assigned.

"finally" I let out as I heard footsteps come into the classroom. I turned but as soon as I saw him I froze. "Xavier?"


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my work schedule is insane
the next few days so, please
bare with me

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