FOURTEEN. (the weathervane)

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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."

― Oscar Wilde

"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at ten am sharp, followed by a community lunch at one

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"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at ten am sharp, followed by a community lunch at one. As you know, this year Outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by nevermore students." My mother spoke and kids around me were squealing with excitement, whispers about where they wanted to go filling my ears.

"As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward" She continued and Thornhill was passing out our assignments. She stopped at me and handed me a blue envelope.

I opened it and pulled out a paper saying I had the Weathervane. All things considered, this wasn't the worst thing ever. I was in no way best friends with Tyler, barely friends at that but he wasn't all bad.

I could hear Bianca complaining about hers and I looked over, the dress shop in Jericho being her assignment. "great" She sighed and I nudged her arm.

The night before she had come to my dorm with a bucket of water and walked straight past me into the bathroom. "Show me this," She said, putting the bucket down and looking over at me.

"uh, okay" I let out, focusing on the water and then shutting my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, it just would not work.

"I don't understand, you did it perfectly in the race" Bianca pointed out and I shrugged. "maybe it's because you aren't being pushed. I mean, what you did to Xavier was obviously out of anger and frustration and in the race it was a competition" She let out and I shrugged.

"Yoko! We need to make her angry about something" Bianca called out to my roommate. We had spent most of the night trying to get it right and by the time the sun was rising, I had managed to get only a small amount.

I was exhausted having no sleep and when Bianca asked me to do it with fire I shook my head. "I can't" I let out, tipping my head back in frustration.

"We are figuring this out, I swear we will," Bianca told me as we made our way to breakfast. "Okay, but can we please just eat before having to head into Jericho"

"Do you want to practice tonight?" Bianca asked and I shook my head, looking over at Divina's assignment, the same as Bianca.

"I can't, maybe after the Rave'N," I told her and she shrugged as we began to walk to the bus. Bianca slid into the seat next to me and Yoko was sitting with Divina behind us.

"What did you get Addy" Yoko let up, leaning over our seat to see my assignment. "The Weathervane" I shrugged. In my opinion, it was the better of any options presented.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now