FIFTEEN. (cry about it)

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"Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it."

― Candace Bushnell

"are you going to that stupid thing in the square?" I asked Tyler as I wiped down the counter

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"are you going to that stupid thing in the square?" I asked Tyler as I wiped down the counter. Xavier was stocking in the back and Tyler and I were stuck with a very empty cafe.

    "no, at least I have an excuse though" He shrugged, leaning on the side of a table. "I am not going to that, excuse or not." I voiced, pouring myself a cup of coffee and taking a sip.

    "need a hiding spot?" He asked and I laughed. "if you're supplying free coffee with that hiding spot I might take you up on that" I answered, the cup warming my hands.

    I looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. I could hear Xavier walking out from the back and I moved so he couldn't see me from the door.

    He tossed the apron onto the counter and walked out after scanning the coffee shop quickly. I moved from my spot once he left and returned to leaning on the counter.

    The door opened only a second later and I looked over, Bianca walking towards me. "I know you said we would after the Rave'N but I already know you're not going to sit through the town thing. Come, uh, come practice with me" Bianca started and then stumbled over her choice of words slightly, looking over to Tyler.

    "Practice for what?" Tyler asked, moving behind the counter to put some mugs away. Bianca huffed and looked between Tyler and me. I shrugged.

    "element manipulation" Bianca let out and Tyler raised a brow. "it's my ability or whatever. Half as strong because it's only from my dad. We're trying to, or I'm trying to have more control" I told him, rinsing my cup in the sink before slipping the apron off.

    "that sounds kind of cool," He said and I shrugged again. "Have a good day Tyler" I waved to the boy as I left and Bianca gave me a look when we got onto the street.

    "he's okay," I said and she rolled her eyes, following behind me as we set off to the woods. We needed privacy as well as to not be caught skipping the rest of outreach day.

    "We did pretty good with water," Bianca said and I tipped my head back. "should we try fire?" She asked.

    "Okay," I said, watching as she took out some matches and a mason jar. She pulled a match from the box and lit it, throwing it into the glass and then setting it on the ground.

    We had found a clearing so I wasn't nervous about burning down anything but as I looked at the flame I had to take a breath. I shut my eyes and pictured large, wild flames burning.

    I steadied on the image, squeezing my eyes and my hands, focusing on the small flicking flame. Thoughts of Xavier invaded my mind like a plague and I furrowed my brows, trying to make them go away.

CHERRY FLAVOURED | xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now